What culture says about damages

Written by Phikza from the blog Culture vulture on 02 Jul 2009
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I’m hoping you guys will help me understand this.

Well, we all know that when a guy impregnate a lady he should pay for damages, right (some of us do and some don’t---shockingly)?! I know this other friend of mine back home, her grandmother made the guy to pay R 7000.00 for damage…(I don’t know how much is min and how much is max. Ekhaya (back home), my sister’s husband combined both lobola and damage’s money together.) My friend’s gran was not a good grandmother and she treated her granddaughter bad AND she chowed all the money, never bought the new born nappies, food, never even took the new born to hospital when he was not well (the guy who was charged that much had to do these things as well…it was probably part of his responsibilities). Well this article is not really bout that…it’s another topic for another day.

Now what I would like to know from you guys is; why is it essential for our parents to charge the guys who impregnate us?
Is this something that is still happening…or it only existed in the olden days?
And is it only Xhosa folks who do this tradition or every culture here in Mzantsi does this? Why I’m asking this is because I had an argument with a friend bout this different culture thing…he was saying that “they” (he is not Xhosa) don’t force money out of other people if they don’t have it. Well, the whole argument started when we were discussing this:

A friend of ours fell pregnant last year (I was very disappointed and how she got pregnant irritated me even more), she gave birth November 2008 or earlier than that, I’m not sure. And the boyfriend did not have a job (since he just graduated)…and he got a job January this year. Now what happened was that when he went to her home to talk bout the damage and all, her mother told him that he can pay it on a monthly basis understanding that the dude just started working (I never had the intestine to ask how much they charged him). So, the worst of it all is that, the guy wants a break from this relationship because the heat is becoming too much for him now. My poor friend is now torn in between the two; her family and this man who wanted something that will bond them. She can’t talk bout this to her mother because she knows that her mother struggled a lot to get her where she is today…she can’t even talk bout this to this guy because he says that “umfaka under pressure” (she is putting to much pressure on him) ---a good friend of mine said that he should have thought ‘bout the circumstances before he unzipped his trousers---so true but I loled at it …so the pressure made him want a break. And another thing is that his parents told him that he must sort himself out of the mess, bona they won’t help him out.


02 Jul 2009 13:44

Ok, you guys…I would like to know your views on the payment of damages from our different cultures.

02 Jul 2009 13:50

We Tswana's dont pay damages, dont do inhlaulo and all that. If i fall pregnant then my family writes to the bf's family to tell them about the pregnancy and they just return the letter to acknowledge.
Thereafter its up to you guys as this child's parents to raise him and feed him, no monies get paid to the girl's family.
But if you fall pregnant then when you get married one day the fact that you have a baby gives a discount to the family of the guy that is marrying you if he is not the father of the baby, if he is then lobola becomes more expensive for him

02 Jul 2009 13:58

in zulu the guy must pay inkomo ka mama ne ka baba and a goats for da gals.

02 Jul 2009 14:01

In Zulu ..well im not sure if it differs with places, but the core Zulu culture says

a guy pay 3 cows for damages
1. To apologize to the girl's father/family for undermining them and impregnating their daughter before marriage.
2. For all the girls in the village for underming their peer and not respecting their viginity hence underming the whole village girls
3. To apologize to induna / commmunity for the shame that the guy has put them  through.

and those cows can not be slaughted in anyone's yard, they slaughter them outside the yard the bush so to say and it is called meat of shame.  Girls are not allowed to eat eat (they only wash with certain things to take shame out of them) and that cow that's called girls cow, only mother's do eat it.

02 Jul 2009 14:02

if the boyfriend pregnanted you, and he has no intention of paying lobola he pays damage, which from my knowledge its from two hundred to one thousand, but if he says he intend to marry you the damage will be included in the lobola negotiations, 

the damage is the money given to the mother to apologise for pregnanting her daughter.

02 Jul 2009 14:05

Lul @ Candes exchanged letters.i wanda what the letters usually say.

02 Jul 2009 14:08

and he has no intention of paying lobola he pays damage, which from my knowledge its from two hundred to one thousand, but if he says he intend to marry you the damage will be included in the lobola negotiations, 

this is also what happens with my family! Yo zulu people are difficult maan! 3 cows!?!

02 Jul 2009 14:10

With me my X-boyfriend volunteered to pay for damages and my dad refused. He told him it's either he marries me or he pays nothing. He wanted to marry but the feeling was not mutual.

02 Jul 2009 14:12

He wanted to marry but the feeling was not mutual.

why not Dash, was the baby a mistake?

02 Jul 2009 14:14

Basotho also pay something although i dont know how much or how many cows but what i know is they pay somethin ebile ko Lesotho teng if you are found sleeping with anyone you are forced to marry them or if you impregnated someone all they discuss is you marrying

02 Jul 2009 14:18

@ Cody I was not ready for such a commitment and NO my baby is not a mistake. Actually the day I conceived him I asked my boyfriend (now x-boyfriend) "baby let's make "John" and I became pregnant that day and we called him "John" since then.

02 Jul 2009 14:19

i wanda what the letters usually say. 

funny statements. they dont call a spade a spade

back in the days i read a letter of lobola between two familes....and i must the hand writing!!!my my i wondered why didnt the oldies ask the young ones to write. it was as if the person holding the pen ne a shaya ke ramatiki strong

02 Jul 2009 14:20

okay Dashie!! I see...mmmh!

02 Jul 2009 14:23

If am a boy and impregnant a girl why should i pay the damage? she also damage me for making me a father while im still young. (eish im even afraid to write im not sure about my spelling since someone are jesa ka di pipe)  

02 Jul 2009 14:23

Yo zulu people are difficult maan! 3 cows

Yes Cody but people dont pay tha much anymore and some dont even pay a thing... but there is the guy neh who impregnated my cousin(she is 14yrs) and the guy is a teacher with a first child way older than y cousin ... when my uncle(cousin's dad) find out, he went to this guy and told him "i dont want damages neh, all i want is 11 walking cows" otherwise we will meet in court... it happened in may and he told him by the end of July those cows must be in his yard w are waiting

the guy is very very terried because he is in the edge of loosing his job and going to jail since my cousin is underage nd there is this new no relationship bt teacher and kids rule in th education department.

02 Jul 2009 14:23

LMAO!!!  Blueroze!!!!!!!! ha ha ha!

they dont call a spade a spade

so true, they say when the child is pregnant, they will write something like.....ngwana lona o robile ngwana rona leoto! ha ha ha!

and when they come for lobola negotiations, they say, re batla ho ba baeti ba lona on such and such a date!!! I mean...heloo!

02 Jul 2009 14:24

hey Phikza...thats a good questio u r asking....

...nna i have no idea ya gore dintshang ga Sekhukhune....
All i know is that of my cousins who got pregnant out of wedlock, their main men in the family who cared (most of them dont) pressured the girls to tell the guys to tell their parennts...nobody went to report.
If the girl manages and the guys agree, their parents come...and whether money is paid or not...its a family (kinda bad ne..)
If the boy doesnt want to tell the parents...the family is always more than happy to help the girls.....with everything (which kinda sorta upsets me to some extent.....responsibility????)

02 Jul 2009 14:26

Matha ... a male is regarded as the head of the relationship, that's why if you as head led the relationship to the wrong direction you have to pay ...that's the reason

02 Jul 2009 14:26

all i want is 11 walking cows" shemmet!!! but why are teachers doing this to students mare? nxa!!! nna i wouldn't even request cows, i will take him straight to jail nxa!

02 Jul 2009 14:27

and Matha at theend of the day it is the girl who carries the child for 9 months

02 Jul 2009 14:29

so true, they say when the child is pregnant, they will write something like.....ngwana lona o robile ngwana rona leoto! ha ha ha! ...................or ntja ya lona e jele mahe  a rona

02 Jul 2009 14:30

I'm Xhosa nhe where I live most guys abahlawuli damages, they only support the child financially on a monthly basis bcoz baya complaina bathi they can not afford to pay damages and support the child monthly.

02 Jul 2009 14:31

@ BA: that was back in the day.

Now things have sort of changed. If the guy decided to Lobola. the demage money becomes less for that reason.

But if he only wants to Pay damage (ukuhlawula) then it will be more. I think R5000 for damage. If he decides to lobola all together than the money will be at least R2500 for damage and whatever for Lobola.

But essentially It's sort of making sure that the baby carries the guys surname. If he does not pay damage then the child will use the mother's surname.

02 Jul 2009 14:35

But essentially It's sort of making sure that the baby carries the guys surname. If he does not pay damage then the child will use the mother's surname. Exactly my old man's reason, I think.

02 Jul 2009 14:36

I never had the intestine to ask how much they charged him

Ngamanye amazwi, awuzange ubenalo ithumbu lokumbuza imali abamhlawulisa yona. He he he English.....uzama ukuthini ke kulomgca ungentla ke Phikza.

02 Jul 2009 14:36

OK i can pay the damage and take my not the one who is going to buy 12.5kg for my baby only to find that a bo malome ba busy ka yona.

02 Jul 2009 14:40

re batla ho ba baeti ba lona on such and such a date!!! I mean...heloo!

@Cody: lol

When they wrote a letter for lobola for me, hubby's family wrote that. When I saw the letter I was OK. What the hell is this?

And bare in mind we are Zulu speaking.

lady gaga
02 Jul 2009 14:44

its no longer important for most people to pay damages. nowadays you even see girls ba kipita!!! what good will come out of all this damage paying thing..........

but for me it depends on the family, what you believe in. but i wish my family was dat kind of family which says you pay damages now, because my baby father didn't, but he's there for his baby, he sees her anytime he wants and he comes in my home whenever he wants anytime, and my parents say nothing!!!! 

02 Jul 2009 14:45

lol @ Matha im not the one who is going to buy 12.5kg for my baby only to find that a bo malome ba busy ka yona.

02 Jul 2009 14:45

OK i can pay the damage and take my not the one who is going to buy 12.5kg for my baby only to find that a bo malome ba busy ka yona.......... LOL @ oo-malume abatya ukutya komntana

02 Jul 2009 14:45

But essentially It's sort of making sure that the baby carries the guys surname. If he does not pay damage then the child will use the mother's surname. 

@GML in Zulu ... the damages are for the reason i mentioned above, it has nothing to do with the baby, if the guy wants the baby or a baby to use his surname, a certain number of cows for that, some family say 4, reason being if the guy happen to leave the girl, whoever will marry the girl will not pay full amount for someone with a child.

and damages have nothing to do with whether he will or not marry you. It is for the fact that he impregnated you out of wedlocks.

well yes, people dont do most of those thing now... the girls family is considered lucky f the guy pays them a chicke

02 Jul 2009 14:50

Where I come from it's 2 cows and a for mom and one for dad and a goat to cleanse the home...They ask this because you as a man has brought shame into that home and you need to apologise and cleanse the home...

But ke nowadays abantu babona ilotto.

02 Jul 2009 14:51

I just think that is a good thing to have damages paid as it shows that they guy is essentially interested in the baby.

And it gives him permission to come and see the child. If he doesnt pay then he shouldnt come visit until he does. If he wants to be involved then he would pay.

02 Jul 2009 14:57

my bf had a baby last year and this yr April he was told by the girl's family to pat 5k damages by end June.
last week he went home to pay and his uncles were told by the girl's uncles that some people were never consulted during the first negotiations and they have requested the money to go to 10K.
But his uncles told the girl's family that it is not their fault the miscommunicated, they just had the money they were told about in the beginning and as for the other 5K they not going to pay it.
Now the baby's grandmother called my bf and he told her he will NOT be paying the rests of the money because that is not the amount he never agreed to. He will just continue maintaining the baby monthly like he used to.

02 Jul 2009 14:57

funny because if you have a child with a the guy damage of no damage the lobola will be high because ukuwise i bele, but still if he finds you without a child (bothina laba) he will pay more because ukuthole iqinile,wish i can translate that,
so wether you like it or not uzobhadala bhuit.

sometimes i think this culture and the way our parents bathanda imali ngakhona , they are all the cause of the divorses no kuthi singashadi.

02 Jul 2009 15:02

kwa kwa kwa Maud.... even if ibele lingama..when a guy finds out you aint a virgin he has a right to claim back one cow or money equivalent to that ...because inkomo kamama is to thank the mother for looking after you until you get married and still intact

but nowaday abazali babonga ngisho imbuzi

02 Jul 2009 15:11

lizomiswa yini ibele sikhuluphele kangaka kanti lamafutha ayaphi ngoba aya emabeleni, if that guy is also a virgin then we can talk, if not its take it or leave it,

but i think is better if you get married when you are 30 years and older, at that stage you know exectly what you want,and you have your own life , you dont depend to anyone. naleyo mali nyana yakhe yamalobolo uyazi ukuthi angayithola noma kunini if uyayidinga.

mina i always keep my cheque book on top of the table makadelala ngibuza ukuthi , do you want it as a cash cheque or should i put in in your name.
and no mina iam not a virgin best -Archiver and definately sure he is not.

lady gaga
02 Jul 2009 15:15



Ms. Jay
02 Jul 2009 15:24

tl tl tl tl maud....

02 Jul 2009 15:27

or ntja ya lona e jele mahe a rona 

really? LMAO Zozie!

02 Jul 2009 15:27

Ha Maud.

That is like saying that umyenzela ifavour mos. It's like saying you dont need him

02 Jul 2009 15:31

ngwana lona o robile ngwana rona leoto! ha ha ha!..................LOLOLOL Cody bathong.....eish, i posted the article on rather hectic day...i cant even participate

and those cows can not be slaughted in anyone's yard, they slaughter them outside the yard the bush so to say and it is called meat of shame. Girls are not allowed to eat eat (they only wash with certain things to take shame out of them) and that cow that's called girls cow, only mother's do eat it.......................yoh, BA iningi into eyenzeka kwaZulu

02 Jul 2009 15:37

family will mess up your affair period!

my cousin daughter samething shis 16,after they realise the boy family want to pay  lobola , tjo ooo.

uncles of her , they develop  some tails ,i mean megatlana.they said they want R3000 before they can open their mouth to talk to this family.lord has mercy.

this is business.thats why men sometimes they treat young ladys like prostitute.....who do blame?

me with lobola thing,i said im not for sale, n far from  the object perid!

culture se gat,if you are a cow they will sell you.

02 Jul 2009 15:40

.... even if ibele lingama..when a guy finds out you aint a virgin he has a right to claim back one cow or money equivalent to that ... Lima kanjani siloku silalana BA??

@ maud.. Omunye umzala wethu wasiyina icheque ye R20 000 to the fiance who was sokolising her.

02 Jul 2009 15:41

But essentially It's sort of making sure that the baby carries the guys surname. If he does not pay damage then the child will use the mother's surname. ...................really GML??? first time hearing this and people that i know who's boyfriends have paid damages, their kids dont use their surnames(the fathers surname)

02 Jul 2009 15:44

Ngamanye amazwi, awuzange ubenalo ithumbu lokumbuza imali abamhlawulisa yona. He he he English.....uzama ukuthini ke kulomgca ungentla ke Phikza. ..........hayi, kaloku Sobza bendingafuni ukusebenzisa isibindi sam kuyo yonke le nto....isibindi sikhulwana noko and ithumbo lona lincinci andizuva zintlungu xa ndisebenzisa lona

02 Jul 2009 15:45

Lima kanjani siloku silalana BA??

LMAO! Maud!!! ha ha ha!

R3000 before they can open their mouth to talk to this family.

Pula molomo Mathata? eish! i thought it was a bottle of whiskey kanthe le tjhelete? Jo! there is a lot of ways to kill a cat! "as mathata will say, "that one you cant cut air with knife!" sherr!"

02 Jul 2009 15:48

@GML- do i need him vele, mina naye siyathandana so he thinks he did me a favour ngelobolo lakhe so nami ngimenzela i favour ngokuba umfazi wakhe.

umsila wakhona ,you will be always reminded that phela ngikulobolile wena so , nami ke ngizomane ngikukhumbuza ukuthi imali yakho ungayithola nomakunini.

02 Jul 2009 15:52

hayi man Maud imali yelobola ayibuyli emuva....unjani kanti mgani wami....LOL.....

02 Jul 2009 15:54

LOL maud!! you go girl!!!! lobola is vokkol mman!

02 Jul 2009 16:00

For ivula'mlomo the hubby's uncles put R20 on the table and they kept quiet.

After that they put another R20. My uncles just looked away nje as if there is nothing there. When the money reached R100 and a whisky I looked at my uncle and gave him a funny face.

I was eaves dropping on the day. i couldnt help it.

02 Jul 2009 16:01

do you think ngingamupha vele ,angawa, just to piss him off.  naye uyadelela makathanda,

02 Jul 2009 16:02

But essentially It's sort of making sure that the baby carries the guys surname. If he does not pay damage then the child will use the mother's surname - thats the reason for damages also in our culture I had a child when I was young too young 4 marriage his family paid the damages my daughter uses her father's surname 

one thing that I would like to find out from you guys especially Zulu culture, if a guy has kids with a woman lets say two and pays Like ivulamlomo and other stuff becoz he and the mother of the kids wanted to get married, then it does not work out before he pays lobola does he still has to pay lobola coz they have kids or what

02 Jul 2009 16:02

his is business.thats why men sometimes they treat young ladys like prostitute.....who do blame?

me with lobola thing,i said im not for sale, n far from the object perid!...............LOL mathata!!!!!!!!!!!! so, hubby did not pay i-lobola?

LOL maud!!!

But why is it that parents nowadays don't request for damages like it used to be done years back?

02 Jul 2009 16:04

Do parents make the girl walk around with a label that says "Damaged goods" after the damage money has been paid?

02 Jul 2009 16:08

one thing that I would like to find out from you guys especially Zulu culture, if a guy has kids with a woman lets say two and pays Like ivulamlomo and other stuff becoz he and the mother of the kids wanted to get married, then it does not work out before he pays lobola does he still has to pay lobola coz they have kids or what

@Tracy I dont get you here please explain some more

02 Jul 2009 16:13

No he doesnt Tracy. If he  has paid for demage for the kids tha\en he doesnt have to pay ilobolo if the relationship fails. But if the lobolo negotiations have started and some money was paid(other than ivulamlomo) then the girls family have to pay it back depending on the reason for the break up

02 Jul 2009 16:17

@phikza,yes he paid lobola,but before i said give me the money i will give it to your family  members  ko dikhoneng,...i dont want to wait until jelly smelt..

i dont want to be a talk of the town.this ppl you cant trust them

GML .LMAO with R20

02 Jul 2009 16:21

he didnt pay the damages for the kids they where in a relationship living together and they had 2 kids, but they wanted to get so the process of lobola and had begun then they broke up do you get me now nekzo

02 Jul 2009 16:43

Then if he wants his kids to have his surname he must pay demages. But not lobolo. . If they broke up before the negotiations started then he has nothing to worry about except for ukuhlawula abantwana... Tracy

02 Jul 2009 16:57

@ tracy, nna ke re, tjhelete ha e wetse ko machining e wetse and there's no refund. Plus the guy wavela wazishabisa without proper consultations.

02 Jul 2009 16:59

GML, let him pay man, udlile usuthi manje. Let him pay both umhlawulo for the kids and ukukipita. 

02 Jul 2009 17:26

lol...Mafresh, ho patelwa for kipiting as well....heheheh

02 Jul 2009 17:40

Damages are a reciprocal demanded by the family for placing their child in an "un-marriageable position" (This has no meaning in our times, but men still do shy from women with children), also as an acknowledgement of the father's parentage.

It is the traditionally accepted method of acknowledging paternity

Not paying the damages demanded can open the door to denied access to one's child because not paying the demand is akin to denying one's paternity .... which will definitely lead to complications in any relationship later on.

Ask the brother to pay the damages ... It buys him peace of mind later when he needs to interact with his child.

03 Jul 2009 08:01

Lima kanjani siloku silalana BA??

Mafresh ... there are all sort of types of breast, a big round cupped breast aliwi but you can tell if it is still virgin's breast or not ... my aunt has that typr of breast she has two kids but her breast are still standing, she can even wear something without a bra. So ibele liyama even if abantu belala but you or must i say i know how to differentiate, that's one of the reasons why my mother likes taking bath with us or doing pep talk with us when we are getting dressed.

03 Jul 2009 08:10

@BA: Mina i'm not breastfeeding nje at all. I would rather have my breast fall naturally then to have a child suck them dry. My mom in law does not agree with me and says I will breastfeed for at least 4 months. Whether they will fall or not I am not breastfeeding.

03 Jul 2009 08:15

LOL ... if i was scared of being preggies, i would breast feed, i like it when a child play with their feet while sucking and the look on the side they give to their mothers is silly but i love it ... only if one didnt he to go thru 9mnth to get a child

03 Jul 2009 08:23

LOL BA: If only they really fell from the sky we wouldt have to worry about stretch marks and stuff. But ke I'm not breastfeeding. They will have to force me to.

03 Jul 2009 09:01

BA.. all that I'm saying is abantu bayalalana, how come they expect to marry a virgin?

03 Jul 2009 09:06

BA.. all that I'm saying is abantu bayalalana, how come they expect to marry a virgin?

There are people Mafresh who are in relationships waiting to wed before engaging to sex, even if there are not many but they are there. If people in a relationship agree that they wont engage to sex until marriage, and the guy later find out that the girl wasnt a virgin, then he has a right to claim his money back equivalent to one cow.

03 Jul 2009 09:14

Morning everyone

In this day and time who is still expecting to marry a virgin are they crazy?

03 Jul 2009 09:14

and the guy later find out that the girl wasnt a virgin, then he has a right to claim his money back equivalent to one cow.hayi-ke BA ingathi inzima uma injalo.....

umfana naye he should also be a virgin before we agree that we wont engage in sex before marriage

03 Jul 2009 09:15

now I understand Tracy

03 Jul 2009 09:19

Ya I agree Nekzo if a guy wants to marry a virgin he must also be a virgin, it must be 50/50.

03 Jul 2009 09:21

umfana naye he should also be a virgin before we agree that we wont engage in sex before marriage

Yes nekzo, maybe that should be an agreement between the two of people concered.....

03 Jul 2009 09:26

But guys if a girl can get pregnant at the age of 12 and a 15 year old boy uya rapa how can we expect both partners to be virgins?

03 Jul 2009 09:28

But guys if a girl can get pregnant at the age of 12 and a 15 year old boy uya rapa how can we expect both partners to be virgins?

hazey .... is that everyone in the world? and we all know that the virginity thing is mostly checked/looked from the girl side

03 Jul 2009 09:32

Iza nazo BA, how to prove if a guy/gal is a virgin, especially guys?

03 Jul 2009 09:33

is that everyone in the world? and we all know that the virginity thing is mostly checked/looked from the girl side

Yes back then but dont forget that todays kids have rights, well emakhaya intombi ziya checkiwa but they get pregnant anyway at a very young age.

03 Jul 2009 09:38

Iza nazo BA, how to prove if a guy/gal is a virgin, especially guys?

There are elders who know how to do that Mafresh, they do virginity testing .. maybe you should go with me in September emhlangeni

Yes back then but dont forget that todays kids have rights, well emakhaya intombi ziya checkiwa but they get pregnant anyway at a very young age.

Yes hazey there are girls who go for virginity testing and fall preggies, i know that but there are those who  kee themselves until they get married, that is also the truth ... so we can not say that there are no virgins in the world .... there are there, they will always be there, we might not be them but there are there ...

03 Jul 2009 09:40

In this day and time who is still expecting to marry a virgin are they crazy? ......tjo, hazey!
@nekzoumfana naye he should also be a virgin before we agree that we wont engage in sex before doesnt necessarily  have to be that way, if a guy is willing to respect her partners views on the virginity matter then he will wait for her...he can cheat(because he is human being ke) but make absolutely sure that the girl doesnt find out

03 Jul 2009 09:44

BA yes there are virgins but what I am trying to say is that when you get into a relationship obviously you cant expect the partner to be a virgin, if you find a partner is a virgin well consider yourself very lucky.

03 Jul 2009 09:44

indaba yenhlawulo iyangikwatisa nje mina...ngoba its not rape...if the girl did not want to fall preggies then she should have worn i would sound much better if besihlawulana soyi 2...ngoba simoshene soyi 2......kanti what is 50/50?

03 Jul 2009 09:44

if a guy is willing to respect her partners, meant to say his partners

03 Jul 2009 09:48

Indaba yenhlawulo ikwatisa mina, thanks God rona batswana gare patele didamages.

03 Jul 2009 09:49

yes hazey, but if they claim to be one, that's when the problem starts if they are lying

kanti what is 50/50?

angithi Monchoo, a man is the head of the relationship, so if yena is leading i relationship  to a wrong direction he must pay, enye into a girls will carry the baby for 9 months(no 50/50 there) and her bosy will never be the same again.

03 Jul 2009 10:06

In our culture it is as follow:

Tribe 1. the family of the girl who is expecting will go to the father to be and inform them that ntsa ya lona e jele mae a rona - ngwana wa lona o robile ngwana wa rona leoto. 

Tribe 2 - the father to be family are the ones who go and inform the girl's parents that there son has impregnanted their daughter - i dont support this one because their son may never inform them that he has impregnanted someone.

- its inclusive on the bogadi price. one cow go tlhagela, another go senya ngwana wa rona. 
if  they dont marry, they will have to take care of the baby or pay lobola for the kid and take the kid.

03 Jul 2009 10:11

its inclusive on the bogadi price. one cow go tlhagela, another go senya ngwana wa rona.
if they dont marry, they will have to take care of the baby or pay lobola for the kid and take the kid. ................i like this one odie, but does that mean mme oa ngwana will never get to raise ngwana wa gage?

girls will carry the baby for 9 months(no 50/50 there) and her bosy will never be the same again...........................i agree with you much as this damage thing is not fair on the guys side its also not good for us girls, and if he decides not to marry you, you might find that you will never be comfortable with dating other men again

03 Jul 2009 10:20

.. maybe you should go with me in September emhlangeni ....LOL, tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl!!

BA, my friend -2-b, mina kudala lawa ibele, my little princess is now talking and senga graduata to umshato, unless if kuhlolwa nathi abomama/omakoti ( I hope ngibale kahle).

So how do they hlola abafana?

03 Jul 2009 10:28

lol Mafresh ... i dont know the procedures zabafana and it is not a common prctice on them

03 Jul 2009 10:38

I wonder what happens in cases where you find that the girl has been damaged by a married man...mmm

03 Jul 2009 10:40

Mini ngithi let them both hlolwa, why ubandlululo.

Personally, i planned to have a baby after I was married,with a stable salary and a car. I still cant imagine myself holding beke ya maleiri(diaper), ke pepile ngwana all the way to the clinic in these cold mornings. Be se ke fola that long que, qha ngeke, soze, setsung ke gole. And worse, khombing i local (taxis). 

03 Jul 2009 11:07

@ Phikza it depends on the agreement and arrangements between the parents. if the guys parents are well off and feel it will be ideal for them to raise the child they take the kid. but the baby will visit the parents now and then. i know of one family who have a wonderful arrangement with the baby mum. The baby visits on school holidays and she goes to an english medium school and she is so happy. the set up is wonderful.

03 Jul 2009 11:17

Mini ngithi let them both hlolwa, why ubandlululo. 

It depends on people concerned Mafresh ... if you meat someone, you fall in love with that person ..let me just say you are a girl and you are still a virgin, you tell the guy u dont wanna engage in sex b4 marriage, the guy tell you yena he has already done it in his prev relationship, then what?

if youboth dont have prev relationship or you both say you have never did it b4, maybe then you can both go for testing, but if one person isclear that they have already did it, i dont see the reason why you'd go and humilate urselves there

21 Jul 2009 15:21

30 Jan 2014 14:30

This is really intresting and i have one question.  My friend is dating a married white man.  i dont know if its just friendship or sexual as his HIV +.  they have slept together (god knows if it was before or after the status) but they still together!!!!!  now what i would like to know is why could they possibly still be together?? is he paying for damaged goods that he slept with her or could it be worse? how does is work ?

30 Sep 2019 15:16

Hey apologies for hijacking these comments am struggling to post....please help, my bf decided to take me to court because my family doesn't allow the child to visit his family refuses because they say he must pay the damages first, but they allowed him to see the baby....does the court support culture or damages or I'm going to the any law that support anything to do with "damages"? Please help

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