Semenya has no womb or ovaries

Written by Sobza from the blog SPORTS on 10 Sep 2009
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It ain't gonna be over anytime soon 

TESTS have revealed that South African track star Caster Semenya has no womb or ovaries, according to a report on the Daily Telegraph website.

Athletics’ world governing body, IAAF, is said to be ready to disqualify Semenya from future events and advise her to have immediate surgery because her condition carries grave health risks. They have reported also not ruled out stripping Semenya of the 800m world championships gold medal she won in Berlin last month.

The Daily Telegraph reported that tests showed that Semenya, 18, was a hermaphrodite - someone with both male and female sexual characteristics. She has three times the amount of testosterone compared to a normal female. The newspaper quoted a source saying the test revealed she had internal testes, the male organs which produce testosterone.

According to the report, the IAAF has been hesitant about banning Semenya and revoking her gold medal because of the backlash from South Africa, where a protest has been lodged against the IAAF with the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights, accusing the federation of racism and sexism.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source familiar with the IAAF inquiry into the Semenya affair explained the political as well as personal sensitivities involved.

"There certainly is evidence Semenya is a hermaphrodite. But the trouble is the IAAF now have the whole ANC and the whole of South Africa on their backs," the anonymous source was quoted as saying." Everything is going to have to be done absolutely by the book, no question of a challenge to our findings.’’

"There’s all sorts of scans you do. This is why it’s complicated. In the past you used to do a gynaecological exam, blood test, chromosome test, whatever. That’s why they (the findings) were challenged, because it’s not quite so simple.

"So what they do now is they do everything, and then they can say look, not only has she got this, she’s got that and the other. The problem for us is to avoid it being an issue now which is very personal: of the organs being a hermaphrodite, of not being a ’real’ woman. It’s very dramatic.

"Of course Caster is a totally innocent victim in this whole affair,’’ the source explained. "What could she do about it? And the IAAF accepted her entry. So the two parties at fault are the IAAF and especially Athletics SA. The South Africans have got a massive responsibility, but no one seems to be attacking them.

"Basically they (ASA) have known for months, for years, that she’s not normal. They could have set in process these kind of tests if they had been more responsible.’’


10 Sep 2009 18:32

Iyhoooo....hayi mina angati

10 Sep 2009 18:42


 where there is fire, there's always smoke.

I liked here when greeting the audience " Heita hholla, nna nesike nna mmakalela, kikhule kibloma limajita"  ppl that's what i heard but definately it's not written like this.

I like his voice.

10 Sep 2009 18:46

Au bathung! is this true? somehow i dont believe this. Surely she herself would know if she has both, i mean would she not think something is wrong if she is not getting her period and shes already 18. Someone is not telling the truth here. And if their findings are so conclusive then why are they hesitating to revoke her victory. This isht they are saying about being afraid of ANC is just that isht.

10 Sep 2009 19:15

Tjoe! I wonder...its not her fault mara

11 Sep 2009 08:16

YO guys this thing will never end. Shame poor gal I just cant help but feel for her.
No Onna they are sayin that the testes are internal so no she wouldnt know. And if i were her and at 18 with no period I wud have thought I was a late bloomer such things happen you know 

11 Sep 2009 08:23

So far it is still allegations. until proven otherwise factually they will remain such.

lady gaga
11 Sep 2009 08:25


11 Sep 2009 08:26

Shame poor Caster......i thought they were going to check if she has a kuk or not. shame man, it is devastating even for her to learn that about herself. shame man.but she is mensturating mos...hai!

Kwa kwa kwa kwa Floh!! LMAO!!!!!!huu wiiiiii!!!!! 

11 Sep 2009 08:31

"i thought they were going to check if she has a kuk or not"

i thought so as well....dats wrong hw was she supposed 2 knw dat she is nt female kodwa unekuku.....??????

11 Sep 2009 08:33

it is not raining but pouring Kwa Semenya
she will need all the support he can get

Floh i loved you pedi...LMSAO kuk mara le nna i thought of sungthing along those lines...eish

11 Sep 2009 08:34

hw was she supposed 2 knw dat she is nt female kodwa unekuku.....??????

Exactly Sbu, and she is mensturating as well, how was she suppose to know nxa! this pisses me off!

11 Sep 2009 08:37

it was reported that the results would come out in November. How is it that they have the results now?

They are right, it's not her fault but then what is to happen to her now? that's what I know. the IAAF should have a backup plan for athletes like these. What is she going to do with her life now when they ban her from running?

What's the plan for her? She is too young and still has her life ahead of her...

11 Sep 2009 08:39

hw was she supposed 2 knw dat she is nt female kodwa unekuku.....?????? 

kante the tests means that she is not female?
if she is not female and has no male reproductive organs visible , then how does these people explain her gender?
tjo this blog will confuse me more

11 Sep 2009 08:40

Ow maan! can ppl stop this nonsense about Caster.................andithandi tu!

11 Sep 2009 08:42

at the times like this she only need our support as South Africans.she was trying to make us proud but hey things r turning out defferently.i still believe she is a woman.

11 Sep 2009 08:44

hw was she supposed 2 knw dat she is nt female kodwa unekuku.....??????

the responsibility of making sure she was 100% woman was therefore ASA and IAAF, because they were aware of the questions that would be raised becoz of her strength and appearance. 

But NO, they would rather have her exploited and ridiculed by the whole world. The poor girl is only 18 yrs old. People out there are super mean, now she is founding out that she is part man, part woman with the world, rather than give her the news, councel her through the ordeal, and give her options, THEN let the world know. Athletics South Africa have destroyed the girls life, they were supposed to protect from all of this, instead they let her be embarrassed in front of the whole world. 

Its like grabbing candy out of a little kid and slapping them hard across the face at the same time. 

11 Sep 2009 08:45

haai ,
Lord have mercy

i feel sorry for her

11 Sep 2009 08:45

Blueroze wrote

"she will need all the support he can get "

what do u mean by this??

11 Sep 2009 08:49

Hi all Bloggers 

This Caster saga is getting to my nerve the gets her periods and according to biology when you get your periods its when the ovarie breaks after a 28 day menstraul cycle and i do not believe that she does not have a womb, thats just out of discussion. This is just the IAAF trying to come up with something to cover their tracks after humilating caster in front of the whole world. 

11 Sep 2009 08:51

they are saying she has a v jay jay buy also has internal testis.BUT IF SHE HAS NO OVARIES THERES NO WAY IN THE WORLD SHE COULD HAVE A PERIOD ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE(my own anatomical reasoning)

These reports if tru should have never been leaked cause its rather personal and now she will 4ever be tainted by this and ppl will regard as a freak because human nature says what we dont understand we reject. Its just too sad

11 Sep 2009 08:52

Blueroze wrote

"she will need all the support he (i wanted to type she)can get "

what do u mean by this?? 

ke typing mistake i meant she can get.....i still believe she is a girl

on that note can one have periods if they dont have a womb?

11 Sep 2009 08:54

the sad part is that she did not choose to be like this, I believe she'd give anything to be feminine and look like a typical female, this could easily drive a person to suicide...I hope she is strong and have strong support system to survive the spotlight and public scrutiny of her sexuality...

11 Sep 2009 08:54

Like I said The IAAF said results would be released in November so lets wait.

It funny that BBC, CNN nor Sky News have not reported this. I really wonder how true this is.....

11 Sep 2009 09:00

And this internal gtesticles wee wold they be situated this is just rubbish pure rubbish i feel for the poor girl man she made us proud and this is how she gets treated is it a sin to muscle tone like man, its not like she is the only one that looks like that look at serena the Ethiopean sprinter lady as for ASA I'm very dissapointed with them they should be the ones protecting the girl this not bloddy fair on her and her family its a pure insult  

11 Sep 2009 09:03

Whatever the outcome maybe, we just have to understand that she is one of God's creations, she did not do that, just like some other people who choose to be woman when they actually are man. (Please don't take it the wrong way, l am just making an example)

We have to support her one way or the other, this is so painful especially now that the entire world knows about her. She is proud of herself and so is God, we need to pray for her to have strength to conquer all this and be able to move on with her life.

lady gaga
11 Sep 2009 09:04

to thinks dat i was just laughing at her makeover pictures kwi Drum magazine and now this, how good she looks and  she was even quoted saying "God made me the way i am and i accept myself. i am who i am and im proud of myself."

11 Sep 2009 09:07

@lady gaga.......To tell the honest truth, l don't think she looked good at all in those pics. But l am glad she does accept the way she is and she has nice feets.

11 Sep 2009 09:09

I am wondering, If caster was a young white female,do you think we would have known about her testing in the first place, or this matter would have been dealt with privately.... 

11 Sep 2009 09:11

I will wait till the test results have been realesed by the IAAF in NOVEMBER.

It is useless to entertain tabloid nc nc mara why do people get worked up over unfounded allegations by tabloids.

Her test results will be released in NOVEMBER.

11 Sep 2009 09:16

No wonder Sobza is a Swati man today, i dont blame him coz im also speechless.

11 Sep 2009 09:18

@poshspice......we as black people need to learn that not everything is associated with race. We need to be honest with ourselves, l questioned Caster's gender myself, mostly based on her voice and the way she celebrates victory, l understand that she is an athlete so she is bond to be muscular.
She won the event public, so why must they be issues that are dealt with privately. We want the truth not secrets or lies.

11 Sep 2009 09:19

I need to understand one thing; if she is indeed a hemaphrodite; does this mean she will not be allowed to compete with women in the future? who will she compete against? 
this thing is very heartbreaking bathong; i grew up in rural areas and I believe the parents do not understand a thing about all these things.
And was the woman champion Jarmila Kratochvilova of Chech tested? i didnt know abiout her until I saw her picture and I heard she still hold the record.
I dont think Caster or her family knew that she has no womb.
even if she does not menstruate they may believe that she maybe late as many start late in rural areas.

11 Sep 2009 09:23

Do you all know which Newspaper reported this? The Australian. The newspaper that started this whole thing. I cannot believe this....

11 Sep 2009 09:24

shame poor thing out of all this nyakanyaka i wonder how is she doing, and how is this affecting her & her studies.
And they wanna tell me her talent will be wasted like that just because she has both female & male organs???
And how is her mother feeling, haiye maan i feel for them i hope they find strength from God through all these

11 Sep 2009 09:32

normally this is detected at birth  and the parents have to decide what to do surgery-wise, some parents will let the child grow and see if it displays certain characteristics and then decide on the surgery with the child involved in the decision making.

i don't think that Caster's parents were knowledgeable when it comes to this things or even have the money to do all this complicated surgeries and you cant really blame them because caster has a vagina and the testes are internal so to them she's a girl.

i have a friend who is a guy but very feminine and not so long ago he went to see a doctor who ran some tests on him and find that he has hormonal imbalance, that he has more (eoestrogen(sp)) and the doctor asked him if he wants to him to pump a bit of testosterone (sp) so there can be balance but my friend refused.

which made me wonder: could some of the gay people have this type of imbalance and that if they're helped medically they'll be fine, imagine if they pump some more testosterone into Amstel of 3sum.

11 Sep 2009 09:32

How do u guys know she's been getting her periods???

11 Sep 2009 09:36

like i said. the Australians published this. we shouldn't be entertaining it at all until the IAAF release the results

lady gaga
11 Sep 2009 09:37

hau kodwa BigMama, u can say she looks nice phela to think she has a boy features,mina i liked it!

11 Sep 2009 09:37

How do u guys know she's been getting her periods???

In an interview, her mother mentioned that her child is a girl, she bought her, her first pads.

lady gaga
11 Sep 2009 09:39

im with u on that one GML, this people have issues,nx

11 Sep 2009 09:43

maddie  you dont think that maybe gay people's testosterone is attracted to another testosterone...LOL..if you increase it more they'll be even more attracted to other testosteroned men..and might get aggro...and by the way not all gay guys are feminine...the same goes for lesbians, doesnt mean that a lesbian has more testosterone and therefore feels like a man some lezbos are hot lookin mamas with the softest and sensuous womanly feauture and they are justa ttracted to teh same thing


11 Sep 2009 09:48

No wonder Sobza is a Swati man today, i dont blame him coz im also speechless.

LOL @ myname.....hay'shem ndiyamvela uCaster....ngoku sebesithi yitalase

11 Sep 2009 09:53

(On baby language)

Me feel very sorry for her, me praying for her to put all this behind her and move on with her life. Me thinks that Australia didn’t think that South Africa can win maybe they were expecting other countries that’s why they making so much noise. Me feel very so sorry for the family and friends. 

@ Cande.. Me with u on that!

11 Sep 2009 09:56

spopo that's why ngithe some gay people not all of them, am referring to those men who are feminine and women who are masculine

11 Sep 2009 09:57

eish! this is bad... people need to live and let live... She really is gonna need all the support she can get, and I hope she doesn't get depressed and commits suicide or ish like that...

11 Sep 2009 10:00

This is so sad bathong, can't they leave her alone????  She is not the only person who is a hermaphrodite, Caster you have got my support and am still proud of you.  At the end of the day you know your worth and you know who you are. 

11 Sep 2009 10:01

In an interview, her mother mentioned that her child is a girl, she bought her, her first pads

If she had her period then she must have ovaries and that would mean that them tests are unfounded. I just think She is a gal its just that she has more testosterone expression then normal If im not wrong i think that women also have testosterone just very small amounts thereof.And im choosing not to believe the internal testis theory for now

11 Sep 2009 10:05

I also curious about whether her mama knew if she's having her periods or not..and what did she think of that...e.g if she dont have no ovaries then how would she have menstruated..and secondly when her voice changed  (obviously during puberty)  and it got THAT deep surely as a mother she soulda ben concerned ukuthi why isnt it getting softer and feminine instead it got more deeper..all of this makes me feel her mom should carry some of the blame for not shielding her daughter from possible exposure of her situation if she had paid attention to changes in her daughter....
where I come from even if you have one testicle your mother would know  and she'll talk to someone about it and she'll rest assured ukuthi it wont bother for her mother to be the one weeping instead of comforting Semenya is just annoying to me  and its not like she dont have other kids to compare with...
Caster is the one who's goign thru the worse pain then anyone

11 Sep 2009 10:08

wazi o right  zazacious i mean if she has periods dat means she's ovaries and  a womb, unless there's another explanation.

I think this Caster's saga is blessing in disguise, South Africans are going to be more accepting/understanding of homosexuals than they were before

11 Sep 2009 10:10

Dr Ross Tucker, Health24’s FitnessDoc, examines the biology behind the latest allegations that Caster Semeya is a hermaphrodite and asks some tricky questions.

Media coverage has been dominated by the reports that Semenya is a hermaphrodite who has internal testes, but no uterus or ovaries. Some time has passed and more questions raised, and so following are some more thoughts following my initial post yesterday, and discussion of the complex issue facing the IAAF. The first part is all based on the assumption that the source is accurate, of course. I address the validity of the article at the end.

To me the biggest questions are that if the IAAF asked ASA to do sex testing on Semenya on July 31, as Wilfred Daniels and the IAAF have both stated, then why did they not pick up the lack of a uterus and ovaries, and the presence of internal testes? This is very easy to do - 10 minutes with an ultrasound, any medical student would be able to do it.

So I am left with 3 possibilities:

1. The aussie report is wrong, and Semenya actually does have a uterus, and so there was nothing to pick up;
2. The ASA tests were never done, or they were done very poorly and only involved blood testing;
3. ASA did the tests, and found the same thing that is now being alleged by the Aussies, that she has no uterus, and internal testes. Yet they entered her.
That question really needs to be answered.

Hermaphrodite: What does this mean exactly? The first point is to clarify some terms, which I think have been used rather loosely. The article says that Semenya is a hermaphrodite who possesses internal testes but no ovaries or uterus. Strictly speaking, Semenya is not a hermaphrodite, she is a pseudohermaphrodite (which is itself an inadequately broad term).

Hermaphroditism is a very rare condition in which a person has both ovaries and testes (and thus produces eggs and sperm), and the external genitalia are a usually combination of male and female. Having only testes (internal, in this case) means hermaphrodite is the wrong word to use. Also, Semenya cannot possibly have male reproductive organs externally, because this would be immediately obvious to a doping official during doping controls. Therefore, she must have, at worst, ambiguous genitalia, which would suggest pseudohermaphroditism (a very broad term indeed).

Classifying intersex and some options
The classification of these intersex disorders is actually very complex, but it's important, because the eventual decision that gets made is influenced by it. Some authorities (Ritchie et al., 2008) suggest the following classification:

Conditions resulting in the masculinised female
Conditions resulting in the under-masculinised male
Pure hermaphroditism
As mentioned, I'd rule out the third one, if she has testes only. Option 1 seems unlikely, since she would have no uterus or ovaries, which leaves option 2. The diagram below shows how 'normal' physiology is that an XY combination produces a male with testes, and an XX gives a female with ovaries, but that AIS, and a few other chromosomal abnormalities (XXY, XO, mosaicism) and enzyme deficiencies can lead to the intersex condition, where the genitalia are ambiguous and the genetic sex does not match the physical appearances.

Referring to the figure above, and given that the reports also suggest that she has elevated testosterone levels, and no uterus, a possible scenario is the following:

She is genetically male - that is, she has an X and a Y chromosome
She would have produced testes during development (the gonads differentiate at about seven weeks, directed by genes linked to the Y-chromosome)
She may be insensitive to testosterone, as a result of a condition called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS on the d

11 Sep 2009 10:11

Me saddened about this whole Caster thing :-(

11 Sep 2009 10:16

<<when her voice changed (obviously during puberty) and it got THAT deep>>
regarding the voice. i am a very beautiful African woman with an African body ( even if i  say so myself) I have a very deep voice, if u outside and hear me talking inside the house U could swear its man.

futhi enye into, omama basemakhaya are not like those morden mothers who watchs every step of their children, omama basezilalini they happy when their children are healthy .

11 Sep 2009 10:17

She should have impregnanted herself then by now....

11 Sep 2009 10:18

haibo Sponono, her voice becoming deep has got nothing to do with her being female or male. There are tons of woman with deep voices that still look feminine. example this lady that sings for joyous celebration...her name excapes me. She could give men with buis (sp) a run for their money! my friend was arguing that she has a unbelievably flat chest, common  there are a lot of flat chested woman as well. 

although i must admit she looks tougher and acts boyish.

11 Sep 2009 10:24


11 Sep 2009 10:28

what i hate about this whole thing is how she ilways has to find out on the newspapers, where is confidentiality here?, where is respect? why does she have to find out things about her with the rest of the world. this whole thing is just not professional at all....i must say this girl is very strong..if it were somebody else maybe they woiuld have committed suicide by now

11 Sep 2009 10:29

hi guys

i am so irritated by this Semenya.s saga, i dont know wether i am taking it personal or what, i wish there was something i can do to help her, why some people are so cruel mara, how can they put such an innocent soil through this,

i will be a silent blogger re this, just talking about it iyangidina.

Savanah Dry
11 Sep 2009 10:29

Shame i feel sorry for shim i guess she knew she was different but because she had normal female parts and now the whole world is on her case !!!

11 Sep 2009 10:32

thats dumb GML , how wud she do that if she has no womb or ovarries????

11 Sep 2009 10:35

@Mawiniza- if this girl was me after all this, i was going to sue them to hell, i wish she can come to us and let us help her re this, she will never have to work or run for the rest of her life , she will  the richest person in this world

tha - bang
11 Sep 2009 10:37

whatever the trueth might has to really feel for Caster cos se has now being turned into another sarah baartman, a wikus van der merwe of district 9, a freak show.its not fair for such personal matters to be aired internationally like this

lady gaga
11 Sep 2009 10:38

hey felfel dnt ever put GML and dumb in the same sentence, that's an insult . mina i've learned to look forward to her replies VERY informative, she knows whats she's talking about most of the time

11 Sep 2009 10:40

i'm saying if she has both felfel

Her mother says she bought her her first pad and they say she has testes. So if she has both then maybe.

That's what I'm saying.

11 Sep 2009 10:47

This is another case of "white man using bombastic words to inferiorate black man". When will this end, Makhaya Ntini missed world cup 1998 due to rape allegations, what happened to those???, yesses ek is gatvol, nyani.

11 Sep 2009 10:48

reading silently....................

11 Sep 2009 10:49

Cody. &Tholii've just reminded me of that Joyous Celbration woman..dang thats a deep voice..LOL
but my point is vele yena she had other distinguishing features that woulda made any mother want to keep track...unlike you Tholi  as you say you have feminine african woman features so your mother wouldnt have had a lot of reason to want to pay attention...but uCastor has always played with boys neva worn a skirt/dress, her father wanted a boy initally...just her personal history means as a mother one would have had to be attentive to what her changes would be...the same thing if a guy plays with girls all the time ussually the parents will be more curious when that person reached purbety BUT -KE if YOU SAY THE ZILALINI MOTHERS have other things to focus on as long as kids are healthy they wont look at such issues  welll.....I GUESS THIS WILL BE A LESSON AND AN EYE OPENER to other parents

LOL @GML....  how would she impregnate herself akunama-ovaries  akunapipi

11 Sep 2009 10:53

Question 1
WHAT if lomntana wavele wathi uyamenstruweytha so that her mother would think whats happenign to otehr girls is happening to her and just bought pads..(girls do you mothers come look at your vajayjay  to see for sure vele!  or you just tell them ..LOL)

POSSIBILITY 2-maybe these testing people did not see her womb its somewhere there hideen

11 Sep 2009 10:54


it was just a comment, nothing to be taken seriously because we all know it's not possible. Bloggers over analysing alles

11 Sep 2009 10:57

LG clearly ur a fan, i can't take that away from u, lol

@GML,  i get ur angle ur gal : )

11 Sep 2009 10:59 do have a point labantu bas'shaya ngama"bombastic"  uCastor inkosazana nje qha!...hemarphro  my foot...why bengawa-shoota'nga lama"testecles" abawaficile...bayasdakelwa...- mina ngazi i-outie lakhe-ke lasekasi

lady gaga
11 Sep 2009 11:11

yeah yeah felfel, hahahahahahah.....................

11 Sep 2009 11:11

i must say this girl is very strong..if it were somebody else maybe they woiuld have committed suicide by now

MaWiniza i said the very same thing when we discussed this at the office. 

Caster u are one brave woman!!!
Uyazi mina at first i thought mayb they will check if vjayjay is there or not. Gosh! it went deeper than that!!

11 Sep 2009 11:21

@TerryN- she is a winner, winners dont commit suicide, i always say what does not break me makes me.i envy her, i will be behind her all the way prayers and in thoughts , hard times dont last but tough people do,

baby e
11 Sep 2009 11:21

South African Athletes Association is 85 percent to blame. 
What raised eyebrows
- the fact that Caster completed her run in less than the expected time of a female sprinter.
why do i have a feeling that because we didnt perform well at the previuos olympics, SAA was willing to do anyhtign to get medals 
- Caster is at Tuks - one of the most respected universities and the best in terms of sports development. why didnt they test her?


11 Sep 2009 11:26

baby e. She broke another woman's record that was set by Zola Budd. So it is possible very possible for her or any other woman in fact to break that record. I thin you may have a point. we were expected to do badly in the comps

11 Sep 2009 11:29

this has gone way too far and its too much 
nx why do they have to make this to her? there are so many white and black gals who has structures like hers why did they have to test her  aag maan

11 Sep 2009 11:29

by fire by force she is a woman

11 Sep 2009 11:45

its strange coz i was also a tom-boy until I was 16 years old, no one at home was ever worried, i ony started wearing skirts when I was 21 years old, but ke I had ireverse yomhlaba & i didnt win no medal, I guess dats why no one cared. Yessss like, ihate this, i hate it, i hate it. 

11 Sep 2009 11:58

I hope she survives this....poor girl.

11 Sep 2009 11:59

its just heart breaking...
I hope she is doing well.

I read the times-uk, and the inhumane manner in which it was reported got me to pause and swallow a lump of pain on my throat and continue reading.

Whats done is done, the way this was handled was terrible. The indian lady who also underwent the tes some time ago....apparently attempted suicide.
I hope there are people n place to help her through this. She must get educated about this whole thing. as it ts already an isuse she probably will be plaqued with for a while. i hope she does whatever it takes to come out on top.

18 yrs old..having to be subjected to all this on a global stage......
Am i wrong in beliveing that she is still young,yet to develop and become a woman?
Think tyra 18 she looked skinny and odd...looked like she ddnt have boobs...and now she is all booby and booty....?

11 Sep 2009 12:02

Sponono: Lets just say Caster's mother did notice that she is different and went to look for help. Does this also mean she should have prevented her from doing what she loves (Athletics)? Does this mean Caster was suppose to be robbed of a normal life of doing what she is good at just because she is a 'freak' or most people dont understand what she is? I for one dont think that would have been fair to anyone. I say, even if the IAAF find that she is more male than female (which I doubt very much), Caster would always be my hero and i respect her for standing tall even though some people are triying to distroy her.

11 Sep 2009 12:09

In the name of Jesus I cast the devil in them that made them do that test(that's what a teacher said to a journalist yako cutting edge last night when they were being interrogated for abusing Witkoppen Primary school kids.)

11 Sep 2009 12:17

lol Lela...i heard that teacher...and she said something to the effect of...the devil in the journalist must manifest...i was ROFLOL.....hai......

11 Sep 2009 12:21

LOL- to manifest,  i work ten kilometers from that School, not to be off topic, ba khohlakele abo teacher balesasikolo man.

@Lela- amen my sister in jesus name

11 Sep 2009 12:23

LMAO! Lela i saw that!!! ROTFLMAO

11 Sep 2009 12:25

In the name of Jesus I cast the devil in them that made them do that test(that's what a teacher said to a journalist yako cutting edge last night when they were being interrogated for abusing Witkoppen Primary school kids.)

LMAO, i heard that and LOLed sooo hard

11 Sep 2009 12:29

how can ms Ramoowhat what say that the kids are not her responsibility? If you're a teacher those kids are your responsibility.

Now we see why these kids have sex at schools because teachers couldnt care less what happens to these kids

11 Sep 2009 12:40

LOL Lela, thats was funny man, i was watching too even thought i caught it later.

11 Sep 2009 12:44

that Ms Ramo whatwhat, she claim she was reading, nge weekey ye 100% plastic. i wish a had a student attending to that school, bengizomuvakashela loya teacher , i am sure she only passed std eight and bought the teachers certificate.

11 Sep 2009 12:53

Reply from: maud 9/11/2009 5:21:18 PM

@TerryN- she is a winner, winners dont commit suicide, i always say what does not break me makes me.i envy her, i will be behind her all the way prayers and in thoughts , hard times dont last but tough people do, 

Wow thats powerful maud

11 Sep 2009 12:54

The Aussie newspaper had no valid right to print any "report" they may or may not have. also we need to keep in mind that the media always spices up whatever report they may have for their own benefit, that of selling newspapers. whatever the outcome of those tests, no one had a right to go and publicise them. they are both private and confidential and it it were me i would sue their asses off!

there are alot of (female) athletes out there who look and are built like men. take the williams sisters for instance. they're masculine and have deep voices. what makes them different? it's the image they put out there. they're feminine, they do their hair and nails and wear feminine clothing etc etc. Just cos Caster uyi tomboy ya se maplasini does not make her any different from the rest. it would be sad for anyone to have to experience something like this but to have to do so in front of the whole world...people out there really have no conscience and no basic human feeling. nx!

11 Sep 2009 12:57

@zozoe, Wow thats powerful maud , from a very strong person to another my dear

Tash 1
11 Sep 2009 13:31

Guys lets not dig 2 much in2 this fabricated lie by the Aussies, these pple have had issues with SA 4 a long tym.  They think they can tarnish our image internationally!!

Remember they wanted i WORLD CUP so badly.

They can "GO HANG". Semenya is a gal finish n' klaar.

11 Sep 2009 13:46


11 Sep 2009 13:50

@Lela....point of hard feelings dear...i was just as ammused as all you guys.......she said....."In the name of Jesus you canot do that to me....I command the devil in you to manifest right now!!!!"

11 Sep 2009 14:16

I think we need to look at our back yard, it's OBVIOUS when looking at Caster that you'll tink she's a he, until you hear otheriwise. Why the f didn't ASA do some testing before sending the poor woman on a world stage to be humiliated? ASA is responsible for this mess, what did they expect? She's really fast, built and speak like a man-so who wouldn't have complained? If she came form USA or Jamaica would we have taken their word for it? It's a pity that she has everybody speculating about her gender and some people even having the audacity to call her 'it'. Now, I'm just wondering if ASA isn't blaming themselves na.

11 Sep 2009 14:28

This is soooooo exhausted yho.

I'm more interested in what the IAAF has to say in November qha.

11 Sep 2009 14:33

these ppl IAAF must leave Caster alone she chose to be a woman they should respect that ,and its not that she is the only person God created like that 
wt about those gals that r busty and all to find out down they have full package of a man they  call them shemales 
she is not the first talase if she is

11 Sep 2009 14:36

chose to be a woman suzzy82 realy? how did she choose that?

One and Only
11 Sep 2009 14:38

I didn't know that there are Australian newspapers selling in SA, if there's is one please advice so I can also buy it. None of you live in Australia but you are talking as if you have seen their newspaper or watch their news on tv.

South Africans have nobody but themselves to blame for this nonsense, SA media houses have a choice of not publishing/ reporting bad things said about South African abroad. Had your so called journalist did not entertain this and put it in their papers to increase sales volume it was gonna be a normal Friday.

Racism? Please get over yourselves black people, till when are you gonna play the race card each time something goes wrong? How do you suggest we support her?

11 Sep 2009 14:42

1&O nna i have seen a clip of a headline that an Australia newspaper had. It had made front page and why would South African journalists not report on things said about south african's abroad??

I do feel you with the racism issue, i think some blacks tend to misuse the word.

11 Sep 2009 14:44

i feel shame for her.

m m ,nna i saw it coming,his chest tells you something.

i dont think im d only person saw it coming.....MALEMA  i think he said let me wait for the test before i can open ANC wallet.

i feel shame for her but other side im happy bcs if wasnt this test she/he die without knowing what is going on.

manje this TEST is a big problem,what if his/her heart tells her that im dude inside??????science

11 Sep 2009 14:45

@maud i forgot IF

11 Sep 2009 14:46

you can start by not pointing fingers as each other ,but give her the spiritual support and that will be enough, today it maybe Caster but in 10 years time it ca be your sisters child or any relative, what goes arounfd comes around, this is the world and it is ruled by one person only God knows why and when will this end,

Racism- One and Only - are words that i Maud dont use you know why ?i careless about it. even if she was white, Indian  or Chines going through this to me it was going to be same , a human being will be a human being not even race will change that. whats bad is bad it doesnt matter who is wron or right, so we can blame whoever but the truth is the world was suppose to know about this iam glad they published it.

11 Sep 2009 14:46

That's the most sensible thing I've heard someone say so far about the whole Caster issue One and Only cz nyhani ke if our news papers didn't take this Australian gabberish and sensationalise it Caster would't have to face another day/week of ridicule and shame,nc nc nc.

11 Sep 2009 14:49

@mathata- lets wait and see what our MALEMA will say after todays papers, and remember she or should i say he is a youth and we know you dont mess up with Malema,s youth of South Africa.

11 Sep 2009 14:51

I have such a crush on that Caster Semenya girl ketana. LOL

11 Sep 2009 14:53

The reason that God put Caster testis inside (if thats true), was so that no one can see them, why do people have to go and dig, haysuka. Testicles or no testicles, I love Caster and support her all the way.

11 Sep 2009 14:54

Cande I'm with you there. I'm sick and tired of people slashing the media for reporting on bad news. How would you guys have known that Caster has been tasted if it wasnt for the media? How would you have known that Nelson Mandela has been released in prison, or that the Boks has won the world cup, or that SA worn the bid for the 2010 world cup? How the h*ll would you know what's happening in the world if it isnt for the media. And some people seem to forget that the media is a service provider, media sells what people buy. Its the public that love controversy news and bad news. When the media provides than the public starts slashing the media. Come on people!

11 Sep 2009 14:57

hayi phela unjalo wena  andi01

11 Sep 2009 14:59

lol...@andi01 me too i dig the gal ,Caster u must know one thing gal the car that moves the dogs will always bark on it ,and we as a nation we solidly behind you no shaking
don't mind the ASA i can only dedicate one song for  them umntomnyama akafunukubonu mntomnyameya phambili 

11 Sep 2009 15:01

ohhh phambili rapping with (Zola 7,s voice)

11 Sep 2009 15:02

we dont need australian media to hear news from australia, this thing was all over CNN, BBC and Media24, etc last night already.

Newspapers are not in the business of patriotism, they in the business of making money through news, whether it be about Caster or Tatu' Mandela or the boy next door.

11 Sep 2009 15:08

There are people who look and behave like baboons, no tests have been done on the, bcoz people are scared of them. Infact rumour has it that of of those people doesnt even have testis, (i guess that makes him a female-ape), mnximmm

11 Sep 2009 15:09

NOW THAT i'VE READ Dr Ross Tucker, Health24’s FitnessDoc,'S ANALYSIS I'm beggining to have my dobts about the whole "testicles" test...coz vele kanti why would it take WEEKS to find out if someone has no uterus or wom, what with all these fancy medical gadgets that are used aboma -ultrasounds anamx-ray..surely that woulda shown immediately, so maybe the report is wrong, or they tok the tests LONg LONg time ago and decided to enter her anyways hoping she wont win and when she did they are bringin her down...or the tests didnt really show anything 

well I'll wait and see

11 Sep 2009 15:16

You said it felfel, media is a business. If a piece of news sells than why not run it? Just as long as facts are stated. The damage it cause afterwards is left to the parties, just as long as the truth is out there. I would have broke the Caster story without thinking twice, first it would have brought up a lot of emotions but I would have loved to know what my fallow South Africans would say about it. Media is the watchdog of society so what media writes is what is happening out there.

One and Only
11 Sep 2009 15:17

All I'm saying is that South African media is trying to make us think that they care about Caster whereas they don't and the only thing they care about is making profit. 

Everybody including your politician have taken this issue and turned it into a publicity stunt, we all know Julius Malema's stance when it comes to women issues, he is now trying to redeem himself and gain women support by acting as if he cares about her.

The writer of this article is a South African I guess and instead of choosing a different heading s/he said "Semenya has no womb or ovaries". The way some of you are saying we should support her shows that you have already made up your mind about her sexuality. 

According to reports she's not the first black woman to be tested, still you claim that your media is telling you everything or did you know of these tests before? 
I'm sure in Australia where these allegations are coming from they have long forgotten about it. 

Blacks are now controlling media houses and we have more black journalists than white, but the things that are written by own people against ourselves are shocking and suprising enough we still call it racism.

11 Sep 2009 15:23

I agree, this is not about racism, the girl does look masculine but it is how  this matter is handled. I think our media tend to be careless, insensitive  and less patriotic when dealing with our issues.the girl is 18 years...editors could have just refused to publish the story,...she must just sue them


11 Sep 2009 15:25

Sumting long here spopo

11 Sep 2009 15:28

One & Only: 

I repeat again, how the media is feeling is no one's business. No one cares about what media feels. Journalists write stories without putting their views and emotions into the story. That is not allowed to prevent biased articles and reports. I can report on the story of a rapist that has killed more than 50 woman, but I need to just state the facts and leave the viewer or the reader to make their own judgement. My feelings and opinions do not matter, up until I get home and I sit down with my family and friends that that's the platform to aire my views and opinion on the story.

Blacks are now controlling media houses and we have more black journalists than white, but the things that are written by own people against ourselves are shocking and suprising enough we still call it racism.

I also dont get what you mean by this. Are you saying that if the newsroom were controlled by whites than this story would have been reported in a more sensitive way. Who are you triying to fool? If this happened in the apartheid era I promise you, you wouldnt have heard about it let alone discuss it openly. why? because Caster is black and then blacks were treated like they didnt have brains. Also if media was so set in destroying Caster than why is it running campaign saying "out golden girl is coming home"? Be realistic man, its not media's fault that Caster is going through what she is going through.

11 Sep 2009 15:38

Ey u one& only i missed u with unique response.............

anyway ppl st gv the girl a space it's not her fault  thatshe have internal testes, the male organs which produce testosterone.

11 Sep 2009 15:41

Ishushu i bisto apha..........guys plz do enjoy ur weend & DONT let any1 try 2 test u even if u r drunk. Just joking ok!!!!!!

Bye guys, luv u all!

11 Sep 2009 15:50

one of my friend from JAMAICA called me,their sport commentary they were playing some jokes,.

she put the phone on speaker ,this guy was ..himmo boyoo,shimsoo girloooo mee confusoooo he ehe,i was like(..).... ppl were kwa kwa around

One and Only
11 Sep 2009 15:53

So far in SA it seems like media's main objective is to destroy the life of fellow South Africans instead of building. Are you trying to tell me that Sunday World which is forever issuing apologies after publishing senseless stories has the public best interest at heart?

You make it sound like blacks were mute during the apartheid time and come to think of it I'm starting to think that maybe just maybe a white journalist would have handled the whole matter differently than the black one.

I for one don't think that she needs any support as there is nothing wrong with her, hell even disabled people refused to be treated differently. Biological facts stated here are beyond my understanding and I won't even waste my prayers on this issue.

Why do media sometimes make decision for us in terms of contect of their reporting? I say they should play porn movies during the day and also not warn us that something might be disturbing for sensitive viewers as they are not biased.

11 Sep 2009 16:05

SA media objective is to report and states facts on current events. The media cannot make everyone happy. Every individual has their own opinions on the matter. Media acts just like God (Im sorry to use him as an example) Media gives you choices. You choose whats works for you. Media report on what happened, and due to time contraints and space limitations in print media they report on what is important and that is What, Where, When, Who, Why and How. Also it is vital to get comment on both parties involved. Like I said it is up to you as a reader or a viewer to judge.

11 Sep 2009 16:22

Mhhhhhhhhhh this is really sad, you privacy being displayed in public like this. I wonder how did the report leaked to Australia, some officials in IAAF have no heart.

I pray to God that He may strengthen her and her family as she go through this storm. In spite of all I pray that she may retain her confidence and face the future in boldness.

15 Sep 2009 13:56


16 Sep 2009 07:19

Caster Semenya's Gender Condition
11 September 2009
The Australian media has claimed that Semenya is a hermaphrodite with both male and female sexual organs. However, her medical results have been reported to show no ovaries.Semenya could have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.

What is Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome?
- AIS is a rare genetic condition which can be inherited or caused by spontaneous mutations.
- There is a 1 in 20 000 chance of getting it.
- Complete AIS prevents the body’s cells from responding to androgen - the “male” hormones.
- It is possible for these individuals with karyotype 46 XY to develop testes which produce mullerian inhibiting hormone (MIH) and testosterone.
- In a typical male fetus, MIH causes the fetal mullerian ducts to regress, so the fetus will not develop a uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix or upper part of a vagina.
- Cells fail to respond to testosterone so the male structures can be absent.

The Stigma
“Physicians and parents have been most reluctant to be honest with AIS girls and women about their condition. This secrecy and stigma has unnecessarily increased the emotional burden of being different,” Says the Intersex Society of North America.
What does this mean?
Semenya seems to have normal appearing female genitals, no ovaries and internal testes. This could mean that she has AIS.

Can AIS be Treated?
Surgery can be performed to remove the testes, preventing the risk of testicular cancer.

Is Caster Semanya a Man or Woman?
The Intersex Society of North America says that, “AIS individuals are clearly women. At puberty, the testes are stimulated by the pituitary gland and produce testosterone. Because testosterone is similar to estrogen, some testosterone converts back to estrogen. This produces breast growth. Women with AIS do not menstruate and are not fertile.

The claim by Austrlalian media that Caster Semenya is a hermaphrodite could thus be incorrect.

23 Sep 2009 09:27

Did anyone hear what the President of ASA (Chuene) said?

I think it's disgusting that he lied like that just so SA could get Gold.

23 Sep 2009 09:35

Eish of all these i feel for this girl more, chuene is a liar and instead of admitting & apologising & possible resigning he continues to shift blame.
He was not making sense @ all last night, i wonder what his wife said to him after seeing that, he was speaking like a primary school kid who is confused.

29 Oct 2009 15:02

as long as she got  the royal cake is a girl

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