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Muvhango Teasers - August 2010

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Muvhango Teasers on 27 Jul 2010
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Coming up on Muvhango this August, 2010 ... the aftermath of Lufuno's death:

Monday 2 August 2010
Episode 1193

Everyone is struggling to come to terms with Lufuno's death and Vho-Masindi locks herself away in her grief.

Azwindini chases Mulimisi away, fearing that his madness will disrupt their mourning ...

Thandaza informs MH staff about the death of Lufuno. The police believe that the motive to Lufuno's murder was robbery.

Azwindini welcomes Mulalo. Meme and KK are surprised to walk into a moment of silence dedicated to the memory of Lufuno.

Agnes arrives back in Jozi to find out about Lufuno's death. Vho-Masindi is still in denial about Lufuno's death.

Tuesday 3 August 2010
Episode 1194

Even though she is no longer considered to be a Mukwevho, Agnes still mourns the loss of her sister.

Thandaza is relieved to discover from Miriam that Agnes is not as cold-hearted as she previously thought. KK offers his support to Agnes over her sister's death, while Meme is her usual insensitive self.

Meiki moves in with Miriam and Agnes. Vho-Masindi's anger turns to grief and the whole family mourns with her.

Spha is spooked when Thandaza tries to discuss his broken heart.

Wednesday 4 August 2010
Episode 1195

The funeral is discussed but Azwindini will not discuss Vho-Makhadzi's involvement.

KK and Meme celebrate the delivery of the new trucks but Agnes remains saddened by Lufuno's death. James has also been affected by Lufuno's death and can't bring himself to share his concerns with Juby.

The police interview Mulalo and Ida reveals new information that Mulalo was not at Zwa Etwatwa, the morning that Lufuno was murdered.

James shares his fears about Busi's future with Tshililo should anything happen to him. He advises James to bring Doobsie into the conversation about Busi's future.

Vho-Masindi is furious when Agnes appears at her house prior to the funeral.

Thursday 5 August 2010
Episode 1196

Agnes and Azwindini awkwardly try to put aside the past as Agnes returns to Jo'burg.

The police interview a devastated Vho-Masindi and Tshianeo.

Juby is hurt when it seems that James can share his feelings more easily with Doobsie than with her.

Agnes finds out about Masase's crippling crisis. Spha and Mfungelwa are reconciled and the family celebrates over a meal.

KK is livid when he learns about the possible strike. The police have turned up no leads or witnesses.

Monday 9 August 2010
Episode 1197

Spha asks his father to perform an important birth ritual for him. Miriam and James fail to come up with a plan to deal with the drivers' strike.

Spha is shocked to find that his birth certificate registered him as a Buthelezi.
Kukie asks KK to allow her time to think things through.

There is consternation when Azwindini refuses to endorse the return of Vho-Makhadzi. Spha finds out that his father 'married' him but didn't marry his mother.

Azwindini preaches unity, but will he swallow his own medicine?

Tuesday 10 August 2010
Episode 1198

Phyllis wants nothing more to do with KK and Kukie after Kukie tells her the relationship is back on again.

Meme is incensed when Agnes suggests she might be able to help resolve the strike. Spha asks Thandaza for information about his past.

James is making progress in putting together his will. A melodramatic Vele pays her respects to Vho-Masindi.

The strike looks inevitable, and Miriam worries about the pressure it will put on her customers.

An unwelcome visitor interrupts the funeral with a court interdict.

Wednesday 11 August 2010
Episode 1199

Vho-Masindi is devastated by the fact that she cannot bury her daughter.

Thabisile warns Miriam that Masase may very well take MH down with it.
Spha cannot understand why Mfungelwa chose to "marry" Spha but not his mother.

Mankosi won't tell Spha what happened between his parents. The police have a lead in the murder case.

Thursday 12 August 2010
Episode 1200

Thandaza does not have the heart to see Masase go under, she also fears it may pulls MH down with it.

Vho-Masindi is listless and has completely lost her appetite as Susan realizes the importance of Lufuno's burial. Vho-Masindi's sanity is at stake.

Susan and Azwindini learn that the police have arrested a suspect, now things can proceed.

KK lashes out at Meme for not doing enough to save the company. Spha isn't as enthusiastic about changing his names as he was before.

Mushasha foresees a grim future, if Vho-Makhadzi is not brought back to over-see the funeral.

Mfungelwa considers telling Spha the truth about the past but Mankosi is terrified it will drive Spha away forever.

Albert and Nnditsheni nearly come to blows in a furious confrontation.

Monday 16 August 2010
Episode 1201

Mfungelwa feels guilty that he's withholding information from Spha and fears that it might cause them apart again.

The police have discovered stolen goods in the suspect's house and Vho-Masindi begs her son to bring back Lufuno's body.

KK has failed to prevent the strike. Thandaza takes steps to draw up her own will but isn't sure who to nominate as executor and guardian.

Agnes takes action against the strike: will she win or fail again?

Tuesday 17 August 2010
Episode 1202

KK wants to stay away from strike issues. Spha calls his mother.

Mushasha warns Azwindini again about Vho-Makhadzi returning but the Chief again refuses to take heed.

A desperate KK is forced to beg Thandaza not to kill Masase. Spha is torn between his parents.

KK is relieved when his plan on Thandaza works like a charm. Muzi Cele cuts Agnes down to size.

Mushasha has disappeared.

Wednesday 18 August 2010
Episode 1203

There is still no sign of Mushasha.

Vho-masindi turns down Tshililo's deal with the devil as their case seems to be collapsing like a house of cards.

Mr Tshisevhe impresses with his closing argument. Agnes stands up against KK and KK wants Meme to be proactive.

The Buthelezi family comes together as Thandaza finalizes her will. Mushasha returns with Vho-makhadzi who makes a dramatic appearance at the eleventh hour.

Thursday 19 August 2010
Episode 1204

Spha overhears Mankosi and Thandaza talking about his parents.

KK and Meme battle to keep Masase afloat as the strike starts affecting their business.

Vho-Masindi wants to bury Lufuno with the dress she made for her. Mulalo and Mulimisi grieve together.

Lufuno's body arrives at her mother's house. Lufuno's body is taken to Tshiendeulu. The burial rites begin.

Monday 23 August 2010
Episode 1205

The police arrive with news for Azwindini. Mankosi is concerned that Spha is distancing himself but at the same time she shuts him off, for fear that she may let the truth about his name slip.

A short-tempered Azwindini has a secret he's not telling. Spha gets frustrated when he can't speak to his mother about his birth rituals because she's drunk.

Kukie offers KK much needed support through trying times, these two are drawing closer again.

Vho-Makhadzi and Azwindini say strained farewells.

Tuesday 24 August 2010
Episode 1206

Azwindini announces his shocking news at last: the murderer knew Lufuno.

The police start asking difficult questions.

KK is furious with Agnes for hijacking his meeting, but Agnes stands her ground.

Azwindini warns Agnes about the angle the cops are investigating. A mortified Agnes is interrogated.

Wednesday 25 August 2010
Episode 1207

The news of the investigation has gotten out.

KK battles to accept that Agnes put a better offer on the table for the unions.
Mulimisi wants to form an alliance with Mulalo, but Mulalo turns him down.

Spha doesn't send his mother money, in the hope that she'll sober up.

Nnditsheni is furious that the papers got hold of the news and wants to hire a PI.

Vho-Masindi's accusations drive Agnes to tears. Mulalo is shocked when the Police start questioning him as a suspect.

Thursday 26 August 2010
Episode 1208

The union finally delivers its verdict. Meiki is forced to close shop when there are no deliveries.

The Mukwevho family is thrown into chaos. When accusations fly over Lufuno's murder Spha decides to distance himself from his parents.

Masase announces: Agnes has brought the strike to an end. Mulimisi is taken in for questioning about Lufuno's murder.

Monday 30 August 2010
Episode 1209

Agnes receives a hero's welcome for ending the strike. KK showers Agnes with praise and gives her carte blanche to be her own boss, much to Meme's dismay.

Pfuluwani doesn't tell Susan about Vhangani's confession about Vho-Masindi wanting him to stop her writing.

A scuffle breaks out between the uncles when Mulimisi arrives at the Royal house to clear his name.

Thandaza and Ranthumeng head off to a romantic dinner and SPHA uses this opportunity to go through Ranthumeng's briefcase.

Tuesday 31 August 2010
Episode 1210

Azwindini is furious for his elders' lapse of judgment and the police set up a meeting.

Masase does not have money to pay Thandaza and KK does not intend to pay MH.

Spha does some checking up on Ranthumeng. Mulalo and Mulimisi have a falling out when Mulalo questions Mulimisi's innocence.

Vho-Masindi finds an important clue in Lufuno's clothes.

Muvhango is on SABC2 Mondays to Thursdays at 21h00.


27 Jul 2010 22:36

I 1nda wat clue mite that b...

27 Jul 2010 23:18

WoW, ufile uLufuno, so Mulumisi akapengi mos.

28 Jul 2010 07:49

Mhmm i suspect mulalo had evrythg to do with lufuno's demise

28 Jul 2010 08:11

wow!!! am fourth, let me read

28 Jul 2010 08:12

Poor Agnes wil be questioned, but the gal is tough.

28 Jul 2010 08:25

number 6 


now let me read

28 Jul 2010 08:40

Mulalo is evil a snake, his is the one who killed Lufuno. Muvhango will be exciting this month..

sexy d
28 Jul 2010 09:39

wow made it to top 10 let me go and read

28 Jul 2010 10:00

The devil is dead lets see hore poor Masindi o tla qhoma ka mang!!!!!!!!!

28 Jul 2010 10:05

It's quiet exciting but i don't see the reason why it should take the whole Month not to reveal the name of the murderer

28 Jul 2010 10:31

interesting this month lets just watch and see.

28 Jul 2010 10:40

28 Jul 2010 11:40

It's better this month.

Mash 2010
28 Jul 2010 11:48

Im happy dat Lufuno is dead. I hate her with a passion

28 Jul 2010 11:53

top twenty k yipie yeah

Mash 2010
28 Jul 2010 12:04

Mash 2010
28 Jul 2010 12:05

I dont understand why its taking more than a month to reveal the murder

sexy d
28 Jul 2010 13:55

exactly Mash 2010 its too long ..

28 Jul 2010 15:42

mmm kuyashisa lana kade kubaanda iskhthi sonke.....ulufuno z dead yooo!and hw abt thandaza no ranthu?we want mo of them dnt we?

28 Jul 2010 15:42

mmm kuyashisa lana kade kubaanda iskhthi sonke.....ulufuno z dead yooo!and hw abt thandaza no ranthu?we want mo of them dnt we?

28 Jul 2010 15:45

mmm kuyashisa lana kade kubaanda iskhthi sonke.....ulufuno z dead yooo!and hw abt thandaza no ranthu?we want mo of them dnt we?

28 Jul 2010 17:06

Hello guys!M really gonna stay intrigued dz month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never ke misa muvhango

lolly poppy
28 Jul 2010 20:29

Hellow Guy!!! this month is so hot bye Lufuno i hope ur mom will follow u soon

29 Jul 2010 08:41

Thank god lufuno is out of the pic @ KK and  Kukie so boring I wonder what is Spha going to found in Ratumelengs briefcase hopefully nothing that will cause problems between him and Thandaza

Mash 2010
29 Jul 2010 10:22

Ranthumeng pls marry Thandaza. You are so good together

29 Jul 2010 12:14

Ranthumeng pls marry Thandaza. You are so good together Ranthumeng is too good to be true i just dont trust this relationship nje

sexy d
29 Jul 2010 12:25

@lolly poppy i know its sad but i second you when you say her mother must follow her darm that woman o sele straight..

Mash 2010
29 Jul 2010 12:52

I just hope something good will come out it

30 Jul 2010 09:29

Lufuno is dead. Hi i hi hi hi. The episode was very sombre. No matter hw yu pple see it death is not something I wld wish to my worst enemy. I wish she had gone to Uk for good, but death eish!! Poor Masindi. Left in the cold

30 Jul 2010 10:27


30 Jul 2010 11:41

I agree with you jjj no metter how much I hate Masindi but yersterday I felt sorry for her shame....but the problem is they thnk they own people and they are in control of everything. May Lefuno's soul REST IN PEACE it's a pitty I won't miss her.

30 Jul 2010 15:19

Ranthumeng and Meme FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30 Jul 2010 15:51

even muvhango is so hot, when will mfundi realise generation is becoming flat. i cant believe it doesnt even match muvhango

30 Jul 2010 16:55

Y uSpha is on Ranthumeng'bathong'cant he live a guy alone nd deal wt hs own i thnk Mulalo killd Lufuno,shame poor Masindi"shosho u dsv it

Mash 2010
30 Jul 2010 22:03

lehu ke lehu bathong, le bohloko no matter how serious you hate a person. Last night's episode was touching

31 Jul 2010 10:19

i suspect Ranthumeng is married

31 Jul 2010 12:15

A whole month not knowin who killed Lufuno arg Muvhango mara ??

31 Jul 2010 13:39

I want to know who killed Lufuno.  Mushasha why did you bring Vho-Makhadzi, is she involved in Lufuno's death?

31 Jul 2010 14:55

i donot trust Ranthumeng either, this relationship is too good to be true, I think Mulalo has everything to do with this murder

01 Aug 2010 09:28

01 Aug 2010 15:16

Ranthu is one of those that we only c in the movies and not real life ... but why can't they dissapoint us and make it work for real mara? i was also saddened by the last episode, i can't imagine how Vho-Masindi feels. Mara naye eish uyakuthanda ukuphatha maan, but then you emphathise with where she comes from with her kids. Ehlupheka indoda inake umfazi waseGoli ... unfair! isithembu!

Mash 2010
01 Aug 2010 19:35

mokgopo enos where are you? I miss your comments.

02 Aug 2010 09:46

helo guyz nna i don't think ke mulalo der iz smbody but a lot of us think gore ke mulalo cauz gatwe o ne a seo ko Zwa Etwatwa maphakela a letsatsi le lefuno a bolailweng ka lone. 

02 Aug 2010 10:54

the is only one man who could have killed Lefuno: Mulalo. remember what he said on the last episode. he said Lefuno is going down. ha a sa  dira jalo ene he hired some one to do the dirty work

02 Aug 2010 10:55

Mulalo has something to do with the murder. Ranthumeng yena i don't trust him at all,he's got smthn to hide,good job Spha. Wonder wat's the storie wit Spha' past...Wasala Generatios..........

02 Aug 2010 11:11

it cant be mulalo, because how the hell did he know that Lufuno went  out to Thohoyandou? he was not aware that Lufuno is not @ home

02 Aug 2010 11:36

mulalo killed lufuno finish and klaar,who else can do that except him
Ranthumeng and Meme FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fiefie- he e
meme 4 kk there are both snakes they deserve each other
ranthu ke mona wa thandaza.
ayeye movhango uyatshisa this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is there any1 hu have spha'z numbers?

sexy d
02 Aug 2010 11:46

i agree gore ke mulalo he may not have known gore lufuno o ko thohoyandou bt remember gore zwa etwatwa is in etwatwa and that dat the shop clsed early but hey guess we just have to wait and see

02 Aug 2010 11:47

i dont have Spha's number anymore, coz he keeps on changing sim cards. but i will try & get one for u .

02 Aug 2010 12:18

guys for argument sake dont you think egness may be the killer wa ga rufuno?

phindy a.k.a rabbit
02 Aug 2010 12:39

ye ye ye!!! wat a hot month, mara y daz spha hv to create trbls btwn thandaza and mr Ranthu.  i really h8 2 c Thandaza unhappy.  id lav 2 c agnes making peace with nomtee sm day

02 Aug 2010 16:03

I just dnt trust Mulalo but @Blackie,i think u have a point there,Agnes qualify as a suspect and she hate Lufuno with passion. Mushasha will reveal the murderer if the suspects are found not guilty. no my brada,i dnt trust u

02 Aug 2010 16:03

I just dnt trust Mulalo but @Blackie,i think u have a point there,Agnes qualify as a suspect and she hate Lufuno with passion. Mushasha will reveal the murderer if the suspects are found not guilty. no my brada,i dnt trust u

02 Aug 2010 16:12

I also don't think Mulalo and Agnes killed Lufuno they might number 1 suspects but I don't believe that they did it. You might find that it is somebody we didn't expect like Mukondeleli.............LOL>>>>>... just to get back at Mukwevho family for her son's death.......

02 Aug 2010 17:29

one day i will make it in top 10!!! Ranthu!!! will c

02 Aug 2010 17:57

Aggy, swear that it is not over between yena and Lufuno, so ke yena umhlabile kathipa.

Mash 2010
02 Aug 2010 18:17

hey guys dont you think that lufunos boyfriend might have been involved. Remember he knows that masindi and azwindini ga ba mo rate.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
03 Aug 2010 08:05

as a matter of fact agnes  deserves to b the suspect but after all mulalo has smthng to do with lufuno's death @Mash 2010 i dnt thnk Mulimisi is involved if only the royals gave hm a chance to talk Lufuno would hv bn alive and safe.

03 Aug 2010 08:43

I think the person who killed Lufuno is someone who we don't know or it might be one of the family members but not Agnes or Mulalo.

Guys jst watch n see.We r in for a big surprise here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but all in all muvhango is rocking!!!!!!!!1

03 Aug 2010 09:09

I felt sorry for Lufuno's boyfriend yesterday shame........if only they could have listened to him and stop saying he is crazy.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
03 Aug 2010 10:06

though the murderer might be sm1 we dnt knw but i bet, Mulalo daz knw smtyhng, i missed the yestedaiz episode,did anythng interesting hpn btwn Thandaza and Ranthu? 

03 Aug 2010 10:25

My money is on the sister - Tshianeo

Cecilia Rabuthu
03 Aug 2010 10:39

Morning Guys

It's so obvious that Mulalo killed  Lufuno with the following reasons:

Lufuno told him that she is going 2 manage zwaEtwatwa n Mulalo was not happy
She was jealous of Lufuno becoming a Khadzi n de family accepting her again, remember de family wants nothing 2 do with Mulalo
Few days b4 Lufuno's party he said dat she's going down, so maybe all along somebody was watching Lufuno's moves.  Mulalo might have send somebody 2 do it on his behalf, but who knows lets watch n c

03 Aug 2010 10:50

Muvhango rocking this month...shame lufuno maybe she was just not meant to be Khadzi ya Thate thats why something happened to her......

sexy d
03 Aug 2010 11:21

i think le di in-laws tsa gage must be taken into considaration i mean the whole time she was in limpopo and everything was fine,she comes back to thathe her boyfriend(mulimisi) warns her that she is not safe she must leave so i think they are involve cause they knew if lufuno were to become a khadzi she wont be able to go back to them when they decide they want her... just a thought

03 Aug 2010 11:28

I neally forgot that she was once married and was brought back because she culd not conceive, but to have to wait for the whole month to know the killer is stupid.

03 Aug 2010 11:30

i  ddnt watch  yesterday's episode 
  poor lufuno  we were not best buddies but shame .part of me is happy  and the other feel sorry 4 her.mybe agnes feel the same to.. 

03 Aug 2010 11:34

I feel sorry for the Chief because he has to be strong for his family even though its tough hey.

03 Aug 2010 11:41

Reply frm :

The Mukhwevho r still going to pay hard le gona they shoudn't have chase Agnes away their ancestors r angy with them to resolve all this they should bring Agnes back or make peace with her and everything will b ok

03 Aug 2010 12:14

morning pals,soapie lovers and muvhango crew,im not happy.i wanna site my view with other viewers who comented lately about the dissapearence of Ntshavheni"the brilliant actor" in muvhango soapie.really we are missing the point here ,how long are we going to wait for the return of NTSHAVHENI,i do watch muvhango everytime but hey something is missing,the Story line of Ntshavheni must be brought back we need to see what was he up to with phusuphusu at MUSANDA PALACE , WHAT WERE THEY CONSPIRYING ABOUT,im currently studying arts and drama at wits but let me tell u guys without ntshavheni in muvhango im so boreeeeeeeeeeeed please bring the really actor back.

03 Aug 2010 12:43

Guys help me out on this...why there is no kissing in Muvhango?Phela Ranthumeng and Thandaza never locked lips even once,Mmbangi and Meikie also never did that..the list goes on and on....

03 Aug 2010 12:50

lejazzzzz mkondeleli and mushasha have kissed and do it once



03 Aug 2010 12:51

eish... muvhango rocks dis month,Mulalo knws everthng abt lufuno death

03 Aug 2010 14:16

there are too many crocodile tears in muvhango. who killed lufuno but i dont trust Mulalo he is the culprit

03 Aug 2010 14:35

@cnazo....mkondeleli and mushasha have kissed hai I don't believe that..I have never seen a steamy scene in muvhango i.e erotically

03 Aug 2010 14:37

"lejazzzzz mkondeleli and mushasha have kissed and do it once"

when was it i mean the day that mushasha and mukondeleli kissed

03 Aug 2010 14:39

Steamy scene has never occured on muvhango 

finish and klaar.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
04 Aug 2010 07:52

now da question is who z gonna be da new khadzi ya thathe coz i dont thnk tshianeo will make herself available 4 da position.  thatha Agne s thatha!!!!!

sexy d
04 Aug 2010 09:13

am with you there @phindy i was still asking myself gore o kae mashudu cause remember when thandaza did not want to marry ndalamo he usually appeared in her dreams but when they threw agnes out of thathe he was not there guess lufono death a  punishment for the Vhakwevho family to what they did to agnes..

04 Aug 2010 09:47

Maybe Agnes will go back to be Khadzi in Thathe. I wouldn't allow it, if I was her. Especially with Masindi's attitude, it really sucks. 

I am happy to hear that Vele will appearand old Makhadzi!

Gone are those days where there was Hhumbulani, Ndalamo, Ausi Cathy, Doris, Malume Tshepo and other Mukwebo's. That was really Muvhango. Maybe they will all come for Lufuno's funeral who knows. Those who are still alive.

04 Aug 2010 10:11

The Mukwevho family sucks...........Agnes should not be part of that family anymore she is better off with Ausi Merriam and bo KHAKHATHI

I wonder if Meiki and that Boyfriend of hers are still together.

May Lufuno' soul rest in Peace and I hope this shown Masindi that she can't control everything.

04 Aug 2010 10:31

Maybe Agnes will go back to be Khadzi in Thathe. I wouldn't allow it, if I was her. Especially with Masindi's attitude, it really sucks.  i agree with you chacha on that agnes is better without  thate peez

ranthu and thandaza make a gr8 couple but i want 2 c them kissing even if mba(baby kiss)

04 Aug 2010 10:38

Agnes is the last suspect guys she might be hated Lufuno so much but killing is not related to her, Mulalo is guilty ,guilty, guilty....snake

phindy a.k.a rabbit
04 Aug 2010 10:38

ha ha ha!!! CNAZO id lv  2 c dat too.  thandaza and ranthumeng a so swt 2geda i hp they wont dissapoint us sum day sum how

04 Aug 2010 11:00

Back in the days of Doobsie,Lebo Mathosa,Thandaza and aboo Edward there used to be kissing guys.....

JouMira Mira
04 Aug 2010 12:16

mulalo is da killer.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
04 Aug 2010 13:49

at sum point thandaza needs to drop the innocence and sweetness  in order to destroy KK once and  for all 

04 Aug 2010 14:45

james n juby wt happen wit their relationship

04 Aug 2010 22:28

I was starting 2 life lufuno, she was a good actress now this.' whoever did this 2 her nda mufara?

05 Aug 2010 09:42

I dont understand that woman by the name of Masindi
how could done that to Agnes!

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:16


mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:16

I'm deeply

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:17

I'm deeply devastated

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:17

I'm deeply devastated to

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:17

I'm deeply devastated to see

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:17

I'm deeply devastated to see Masindi

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:17

I'm deeply devastated to see Masindi on

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:17

I'm deeply devastated to see Masindi on that

mokgopo enos
05 Aug 2010 10:20

I mean, I'm deeply devastated to see Masindi on that situation. What has death done to My poor Masindi? Rest in peace my dear Lufuno. Ijo! My MEME yena, moment of silence, She grabbed KK TO GO. You go girl my sister, I'm proud of you and support you all the way.

05 Aug 2010 11:21

kwahle ukuba namalimu bo mokgopo enos

05 Aug 2010 11:42

05 Aug 2010 11:42

05 Aug 2010 11:54

mokgopo how can you be proud of that bitch 
ddnt watch yesterday episode ,is there any1 hu can tell me what happen
i'll buy her/him R5 airtym

05 Aug 2010 12:10

@mokgopo u deely devastated? masindi deserv dis, i hate wt she did 2 agnes izol

phindy a.k.a rabbit
05 Aug 2010 12:45

@slendery gud hey, vho-masindi deserves all the bad things thet come her way

phindy a.k.a rabbit
05 Aug 2010 12:47

@cnazo a.k.a naughtygal, pity i ddnt watch the soapie too, wat a loooooooooooooooosssssssssssssss ya airtym ha ha ha

Mash 2010
05 Aug 2010 13:19

Devasted? Poor you mokgopo. I agree with you slendery. Masindi deserves to be like this. She has never treated Agnes right.

sexy d
05 Aug 2010 13:31

about masindi well said hope she burns in hell

05 Aug 2010 16:32

Hi guys i'm new here i'd like comments shall i b welcomed? Sphamandla's father Mfungelwa he's so irritating.

Mash 2010
05 Aug 2010 19:27

welcome reliable

Mash 2010
06 Aug 2010 05:48

Morning bloggers. For the past two days I fell asleep when I had to watch Muvhango. Things are hectic @ work. Can you please fill me in

phindy a.k.a rabbit
06 Aug 2010 08:11

u  are welcomed reliable

06 Aug 2010 09:08

vho-masindi deserves all the bad things that come her way  i agree with you rabbit ungumthakathi
guilty is written on mulalo's face 'did you guyz see the way he was luking  the waitress by the tym binikeza istatement to the police

NELLIE ville
06 Aug 2010 10:59

yah CNAZO and the police didn't notice that,where was Mulalo on that morning? Mfungelwa yena not a good actor

phindy a.k.a rabbit
06 Aug 2010 11:10

hhayi shame id lav to have umama ofana no mankosi shes so swt and very humble.  she treats thandaza lyk a queen

06 Aug 2010 12:19

Hi mabloggers i don't like the way Bekwehvo treat Lufuno's boyfriend Mulimisi they said he's a mad man u remember when Mulimisi told Mushasha about Lufuno sh going to die.

06 Aug 2010 15:33

Sorry guys spelling(((((bakwehvo)))) putting my 2hands in front of my mouth.

07 Aug 2010 21:29

Everytm I c Mulimisi 'Lufuno's byfrnd' I crie"shame poor thng"OMG whn he sd Lufuno luvd da man evry1 hated I cried...dat guy is rili hurt nd he luvd Lufuno bt no1 undstnds hm nd dy wont let hm grieve 4 a wmn he loved instead dy always chase hm away...Im touchd by dt guy"I thnk Im inluv" lol ((((hides))))

phindy a.k.a rabbit
10 Aug 2010 07:24

wats up vusi uthi uncle ranthumeng uyakshayashaya

10 Aug 2010 11:23

hi guys i think there is more to Meiki moving in with Mirriam i wonder if she is not after Ranthu watch this space i wouldnt put anything past her plus she is lonely. i think Bomakhadzi might have killed lufuno.  guys lets not moan that its going to take a month to find the killer phela if it was days of our lives it would take years or not even come out.

10 Aug 2010 12:21

@Gojbery  "I thnk Im inluv" lol 

Jah ne!!

10 Aug 2010 12:23

I hate that Masindi women how can she be so cruel to Agnes i hope she suffers more this is nothing..........

Mash 2010
10 Aug 2010 12:56

'I thnk Im inluv'     OMG, I wonder.......

sexy d
10 Aug 2010 14:13

@Gojbery he he inlove with who? Mulimisi GPY..

10 Aug 2010 14:33

OH is too shame for VhoSusan and Pfuluwani the GIRL SHE'S THERE VELE i don't want to c Chief after the funeral, oh like that Lady  Chief is going to be flattered.

10 Aug 2010 15:55


11 Aug 2010 14:05


11 Aug 2010 14:06

hey Mudau HJ pls go easy on the caps lock we can hear or should i say read what you wrote even if its small letters

11 Aug 2010 15:33

Sup peeps...pls tell me, is kissing in muvhango banned? i mean i have never seen any couple kissing...VhoMasindi, that woman acts..she is gud. there are characters i dont kwn why they still in the storyline...instead of killing lufuno..the following shld have been:

1.Meiki..gawsh wat z she still doing on the show?
2.Zulu boy...gud lord..dude must go and soak himself for a month..he needs a bath...
3. spha - this character bores me to death!
4.maNkosi -  knw she is an icon and gud, maybe i dont knw, but do we really need her one sentence appearance twice a week? 
5.Ruby..she gets into ma nerves..flush her,

infact muvhango needs to re-cast most of those ppl..

11 Aug 2010 15:34

I hate Vho- Masindi, how can she hate innocent  Agnes like this.

Mash 2010
11 Aug 2010 22:03

Agree with you kayzo. That woman is a snake. Hey good people did you hear that Word of mouth had stopped shooting Muvhango. Apparently actors have not been paid for 3 months because SABC hasnt paid the production company. Whats going to happen to my favourite soapie? Eish!

NELLIE ville
12 Aug 2010 09:08

@Tsepisozn u forgot Mfungelwa i dont know how he got the job,the man can't act.i like all the Vendas they are good

12 Aug 2010 10:21

hi beautiful people of Afurika tshipembe its me again,i would like to respekt sweetpink,by printing small letters!!!!!!!!viva muvhango viva!!!!!!!!amandla!!!!!!!!and you say awethu,amen!!!!!!!!halleluya!!!!!!i represent the poor ,i speak for those who cant speak,i fear no man but respekt all human race ,God is my leader, is my mentor i represent the voiceless,im real im straight and true African son of soil!!!!!! i go deep where one dare to go!!!!!!!i will be the happiest viewer of muvhango when,Ntshavheni,Phusuphusu and makhadzi are back!!finish and klaar im not alone in this one.keep the fire burning!!!!!!!aluta continua!

12 Aug 2010 11:24

@Maud Hj  thanks sweety, you rock hey (like ur comment...)

NELLIE ville
12 Aug 2010 11:38

@Sweetpink u thinking about Maud.hahaha!

12 Aug 2010 13:40

i lyk d way masindi welcom agnes, spha z boring nw

12 Aug 2010 14:16

why is masindi accusing agnes about her daugthers death? coz mulalo is the one who killed lufuno coz she was going to be part of zaetwatwa after ger party he even swore that the what what river will go dry b4 lufuno become part of zwaetwatwa he also kicked his costomers out on the day of lufuno's daeth

12 Aug 2010 14:20

What happened yesterday help pls.

13 Aug 2010 10:22

ive just landed morning beautiful flowers of this beautiful country South Afrika wow i love you , just like when i love you my sisters and brothers!!!!!!!but i think ive discovered a friend here her name is Sweetpink,iam also sweet person a young adorable man !!!!!!!!enough about that Muvhango my african drama they call you a soapie cos u are endless yet we love you for that for the past 9month ive felt like burning wit the anger !!!!!yes iam very angry, angry but i wont loose my cool ,the issue is clear where is Phusuphusu and Ntshavheni?i say now is the time to show us that Muvhango can boil to its maximum level show them Duma show them!!!!!!!!! bring them actors back so long too long!!!!!!!!!!! Splif them medication!!!!!!!!!!

13 Aug 2010 10:34

@Nellieville be blessed!!!!!!!!!

phindy a.k.a rabbit
13 Aug 2010 11:04

ya now i cn  c ukut ranthu is hiding smthng bt pls thandaza do not ditch him rather ignore him after  u  discover wat hes bn  hiding.

13 Aug 2010 15:55

Guyz Mina I thnk Ranthuh wl marry Thandaza,bt on the wedding day Ndalamo will come coz they didnt divorced so I thnk he is going to stop the wedding.

13 Aug 2010 15:58

& Guyz dont u think Amanda Du pont rocks? She is beautiful and polite.  

13 Aug 2010 19:11

Mulalo wil b arrested 4 lufuno's death...september issue of true luv mag

15 Aug 2010 06:38

@ Mzat4u,da gal is beutfl...ja"ne it wz gud seeing Masindi huging Agnes,,bt plz jst gv Mulimisi a hug 4me"then we cn tlk"

15 Aug 2010 14:20

((soapi crits..? just ask me" vuvuzwela" the creative-writer-cow with fun! ))
Hmmmm...its a pig,,oops, a pity dat vuvuzwela doeznt hav much air to toot noise about the mean time,can som1 pleas advise muvhango casting agency to start considering talents with beauty too so dat i can watch too,and why dont they have a xhosa talents there!by the way ,hav i seen a xhosa in venda?

15 Aug 2010 14:35

((soapi crits..? just ask me" vuvuzwela" the creative-writer-cow with fun! ))
wow ! dat nandizee.. is there any deference between her and mamgobhozi?
oh yes! there is...i almost 4got  ,mamgobhozi was being paid while poor nandize doeznt get "not even a pap plate" by the way keep it up girl ,i like yo info..alow me to toot  "you roooooooooooock"
Hmmm... i like azwindini,is he single in real life? som1 plz toot it out loud to vuvu.

15 Aug 2010 18:10

lufuno has jst ovestayed his wolcome nje i hated her anyway

15 Aug 2010 18:13

james my godness me y ar u worried bwt lufunos death,

Mash 2010
16 Aug 2010 08:12

Morning bloggers
Hope you had a fab weekend. In terms of beauty, I agree fully with you Vuvuzwela.

16 Aug 2010 16:09

Hao CNAZO A.K.A NAUGHTYGAL...give Meme and Ranthumeng a chance it will happen and plz leave spha alone....i also want his

16 Aug 2010 16:12

When is Vele coming back to her house to stay with cheif...hao Susan ...

phindy a.k.a rabbit
17 Aug 2010 08:09

no no no  fiefie vele shuldn't comeback she undermines vho-susan and pfuluwani

17 Aug 2010 08:18

oh yeah its just another lovily day,the birds are singing in the bush and the cars engines are making the cities to buzz with life while the websites are being invaded by our mentality to communicate!!!!!!!!so the televisions pass the message to human beings , so we stay glued to our screens enjoying them soapie!!!!!now is muvhango time ,yeah what a soapie a good and matured soapie indeed!!!!!!!Africa we love you ,Duma be blessed for your well done job!!!!!!!!keep it up!!!!!!!!!we are still waiting for those original charectors to return amandla!!!!!!

Mash 2010
17 Aug 2010 16:59

Ranthumeng and Thandaza: my hotttttttest couple.

Mash 2010
18 Aug 2010 06:51

vho masindi i hate you but damn you are a good actress.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
18 Aug 2010 08:37

 i dont understand why Ranthu isn't telling Thandaza if he's got a problem or smthing, just 4 the sake of trust in their relationship. its always easy and best  to come clean and clear from the first place and its up to the next person  whether uyakuthanda stillaz or not.

18 Aug 2010 11:02

@ Mash 2010
I agree with you there Vho Masindi can act tjoooooooooo

18 Aug 2010 14:03

ok rite thats true vho masindi can act,ntshavheni can do it too,phusuphusu can do it too,wait aminute,what happened to these genius actors:ntshavheni and phusuphusu?we have been waiting and waiting !!! please word of mouth production do something we need the story lines of those two gentleman to be brought back another part of the soapie is missing without them!!!!!we need to feel that thrill ,that fear,that anger and that jubiliation and we believe that ntshavheni and phusuphusu got that magic of putting us the viewers in another level!!!!!!! yes the very same guys with their looks realy suit their characters dont change them bring them back as original ntshavheni and original phusuphusu,nota bene:review their last scenes you will see that you producers and directors of muvhango has left us in suspence for so long too long!!!!!thats a fact,i love muvhangobut m scared you may take a wrong route!!!take my advice is woth it.

18 Aug 2010 23:21

i hate masindi but she rocks, crazy and impossible,muvhango u did well this month!

19 Aug 2010 12:29

hela,hela,hela, thats VhoMakhazi she back u will see the what would happen in Thate.

sexy d
19 Aug 2010 13:39

wow vhoMakhazi back wow its long overdue now she can teach them how to handle crises

19 Aug 2010 15:37

I liked Vho Makhadzi' apperance in last night episode it was quiet nice hey/.//////////

phindy a.k.a rabbit
20 Aug 2010 08:10

shame masisndi hey, atleast ur daughter was finally buried,so sad. vho-makhadzi im hounered by ur rerturn.  Spha u;re such a gud boy who cares abt his aunt, im actually liking it that we seeing things the same, i also  once trusted ranthumeng but now he's giving me a hell of a doubt!!  he's a smooth talker

phindy a.k.a rabbit
20 Aug 2010 08:13

ppl can u help me out here, y is Thabisile so close with the mukwevhos all of a sudden.

20 Aug 2010 08:30

i also once trusted ranthumeng but now he's giving me a hell of a doubt!! he's a smooth talker..... m with you on that phindy a.k.a rabbit.
i think his hiding something 

guyz im still waitng for spha's contact no

20 Aug 2010 09:43

@phindy a.k.a rabbit Thabisile is related to the mukwevhos she is albet's doghter,but albet geise amo introdusi to the family yet..

sexy d
20 Aug 2010 10:32

@blackiekagiso i also thought gore Thabisile ke one of them but gore she is Albert daughter  am shocked..

phindy a.k.a rabbit
20 Aug 2010 12:07

@blackiekagiso thanx a lot hey. albert u are the gud man i hope u will do the right thing in tym

23 Aug 2010 08:43

vho makhadzi is not back she here for the funeral only and after that it's good bye to her.Her part is over but yena she's a good actor and i also love the way she speaks.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
24 Aug 2010 08:20

ma bloggers are u tired already. lets kip the fire burning till 4eva i lav u all

24 Aug 2010 08:39

muhle uThabisile jelous down....

I wonder what might be that the chief is hiding, i suspect that maybe the police are pointing fingures at Agnes

phindy a.k.a rabbit
24 Aug 2010 11:01

shame agnes is in *bleep!*! bt her innocence will be proven.@ titidi u're right u thabisile muhle and shes very humble uyathandeka futhi.

24 Aug 2010 16:12

is there anyone who has spha phone number? thandi n rantu are hot couple, i am no longer watching muvhango, but i think mulalo is the suspect. agnes is goin to be da khadzi of venda because vho-mushasha would say vhadzimu dnt want lufu to be a khadzi.

24 Aug 2010 16:22

Hi guyz m new here will plz welcome me

24 Aug 2010 16:31

Hi bloggers am also new, please welcome me.

25 Aug 2010 08:35

GYP & Theoza- You are warmly welcomed hope you enjoy being part of this family................

I hope Agnes proves gore o innocent other wise she is in big Trouble.

phindy a.k.a rabbit
25 Aug 2010 08:42

@ GYP &THEOZA  u are kindly welcomed ppl feel at home!!!

phindy a.k.a rabbit
25 Aug 2010 08:43

agnes 4 khadzi!!!!!!!!!

25 Aug 2010 09:03

morning guyz and a big warm welcome GYP&THEOZA

I wonder what might be that the chief is hiding, i suspect that maybe the police are pointing fingures at Agnes.... M WITH YOU TITIDI 

but i hope they will proove that she's innocent
thetshelesani-what do you want ku spha i wont give you hiz number

phindy a.k.a rabbit
25 Aug 2010 09:08

im glad dat  agnes is the one whos gonna end the strike yazi naye ake abe successful 4 1nc in her lyf but i thnk u meme will neva stop undermining her, anyway daz she care..........

25 Aug 2010 10:03

but who did it??????? honestly there are so many suspects on the murderer, and chief seem to be not comfortable with something, what is it?

25 Aug 2010 14:26

Ranthumeng wa jola mare ne?

30 Aug 2010 09:02

hi everyone,beautiful people of mzanzi hope all of u u good,be blessed,we are here today because of the soapie namely muvhango,yes my favourite soapie.let me get to the point will i ever have the chance to c the true flow of khotsimunenes acting skills since to me it appears the khotsimunenes who are supposed to be the shakers and true players in muvhango are sidelined,tell me Ntshavheni and Phusuphusu will ever see them back.

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