Bold's Rick dishes on affairs of the heart

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Interviews on 20 Nov 2015
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So Rick knows.

He's aware of the touchy-feely that's been going on between Ridge and Caroline on Bold and the Beautiful and he's rebounding in the aftermath. Maya exposed their affair to everyone last week and capitalised on Rick's angry, hurt response by getting slinky with him at Big Bear.

I caught up with actor Jacob Young who plays him to get his take on events and to find out how he feels about the betrayal.

Here's what he had to say:

Tashi: What was Rick's first thought when he heard the news that Ridge and Caroline are having an affair?
Jacob: It goes back to when he was young. He always seems to get into relationships where he can't trust anybody so he was absolutely devastated. It's just this broken record in his life that keeps playing, nobody seems able to commit so yeah, it's devastation.

Tashi: And of course he has history with Ridge which doesn't help.
Oh yeah it could have been anybody else and he could probably get past it - it was just that thorn in his side which drove it over the edge for him.

Tashi: As yourself, Jacob, how do you feel about it?
I personally, I mean I don't know, it would be something I would probably be able to get past but how can you trust somebody if they have feelings for another person? It's a fine line for me personally.

Tashi: This idea of affairs is very prevalent at the moment. It comes through in Bold a lot and there's The Affair - do you think any good can ever come from an affair?
Jacob: Maybe the affair is doing the relationship justice in the way that maybe it wasn't meant to be and instead of going down the road and bringing children into it and getting them involved - maybe it's doing them a favour by giving them an exit. Maybe down the road a kid would be involved and that would be a whole different set of problems.

Tashi: What did the kiss at Big Bear mean to Rick?
I think initially it's utter loss. Of course when you're in a lost moment you're not necessarily thinking clearly and I think for him it's just one of those hopelessness moments that builds into some passion. Also, I don't think he intentionally did it to get back at her - he needs to be comforted so I think that's what that kiss is.

Tashi: How does he really feel about Maya?
He's always had feelings for her. They wouldn't have had feelings for each other in the beginning if he didn't care about her. Secretly there is that passion there so I think it's inevitable that they would come back around.

Tashi: Do you think his feelings are stronger for Maya than for Caroline? Does he love her more?
I don't think so but can it become that quite possibly. It has all the elements of a budding relationship.

Tashi: What does he like about her so much?
That she's honest with him. Honesty is everything for Rick. He's been stuck on this honesty kick for years and of course she tells him the truth, for the most part, and she's always been straightforward with him whereas Caroline always gives him a two handed answer, a back handed answer. She hasn't been forthcoming with information.

Tashi: The whole idea of honesty is actually a very relaxing thing, when you're with someone who's honest, where you know where you stand at all times.
Yeah exactly and that's all that Rick wants in his life, somebody to be straightforward with him and not lie and that's something that he finds in Maya.

Tashi: Do you think honesty is the most important thing in any relationship?
Oh yeah. I think being able to communicate and being honest about your feelings and not letting them bottle up - or anything that's going on - that's key to any relationship. I know it is for me personally.

Tashi: That's probably what hurts Rick even more - the fact that Ridge and Caroline weren't honest about what was happening.
It's funny because it goes both ways. They need to be honest with themselves first before they can be honest with Rick because there's this passion that they have - that's what makes the lie that much worse.

Tashi: What can you tell us about filming these scenes?
Some really great work came out of these storylines for everybody involved. Everything had been building to this point in his relationship with Caroline. It just has so many levels and layers, with him and Ridge and Caroline and Maya and his father - it was really poignant for me. It meant a lot to finally have all the layers come together and to play these explosive scenes.

Shows in this post: The Bold and the Beautiful

Channels in this post: SABC3


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