Five minutes with Richard Stirton after his Voice SA win

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Interviews on 25 May 2016
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Things were crazy for Richard Stirton after he won The Voice on Sunday night. Everyone wanted a piece of him at the show's after party, including me.

I had a chat with him in between the madness and was most interested in one specific thing: the self knowledge he gained by being on the show.

He was silent for a while when I asked, he thought about it for a bit and then said: "I think I need to believe in myself more, I found that out. I really do need to believe in myself because I don’t doubt myself but I sometimes sell myself short."

He went on to explain how he discovered this: "The other day, when my single was number one on iTunes, I didn’t give myself credit and one of my mates slapped me in the face - metaphorically - he was just like, 'Broer, you need to realise that actually you’re sounding good, give yourself credit. Take a step back and acknowledge,' - because I’m quite hard on myself."

Interesting I thought because it suggests that he had a battle within himself during the competition. This was confirmed a few minutes later when I asked him about the most difficult thing about doing the show.

He replied: "Having friends leave. It’s the biggest thing because you get so close. Also, maintaining tactful behaviour, like I said on the show, being impeccable with your word. The biggest thing for me is just maintaining the way I treat people - that’s been my goal since the first day, to treat everyone as best as I can because there’s no point getting a big head or being arrogant or speaking down to people."

I felt for him when he said this because it made me think that he was caught in a strinickity situation. He was obviously so determined not to get big headed or arrogant that he went the other way and didn't give himself enough credit for his success.

I could relate bigtime because it comes down to one of the most difficult things to achieve in life: balance. How do you achieve it and once you do, how do you maintain it??

Trippy stuff!

Shows in this post: The Voice South Africa

Channels in this post: M-Net


26 May 2016 08:48

Thanks Tashi... I am actually happy with his win. This dude is vocally talented, he could work more on his dress sense, he is very young for the way he dresses...

26 May 2016 08:49

and maybe lose that hair? lol

naemi shiweda
29 May 2016 06:14


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