Survivor SA: Immunity Island Recap - Episode 6

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 08 Jul 2021
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THIS is why I wish our South African Survivor would refer to the winner as the "sole Survivor" instead of "ultimate Survivor" because it's all about the soul when it comes down to it.

Sleeping next to the enemy, battered by starvation in a storm, gulping for life in that muddy water while it claws at your soul like lava and finding it within yourself to rescue those who need it.

Thursday's Survivor was soulicious and literally brought tears to my eyes when Zamba lost the Reward Challenge. It was gut-wrenching to see the underdogs lose after the hell they'd been through. 

There was no ways Vuna could have kept that reward all for themselves and it didn't surprise me that it was Dino who announced their decision to share.

No more Mr Nice Guy

Dino's been a good guy since the start but he was doomed the moment he turned green because suddenly he was so out of place.

I would much rather have seen mean girls Marisha or Nicole end up in his position but those orange bottles of bad luck were on their side.

Dino was the hardest hit by the third tribe switch-up because he'd established a sense of being invisible in Vuna, while still being visible, and this disappeared in his new tribe. 

The situation now:  
Old Zamba New Zamba Zamba 3.0
Amy Amy Anela
Anela Anela Dino (Axed)
Dino Carla Kiran
Jason (Axed) Chappies Qieän
Marisha Mike (Axed) Santoni
Nicole Paul Tyson
Qieän Santoni Wardah
Renier Shaun  
Shaun Wardah  
Old Vuna New Vuna Vuna 3.0
Anesu Anesu Amy
Carla Dino Anesu
Chappies Kiran Chappies
Kiran Marisha Marisha
Mike Nicole Nicole
Paul Qieän Renier
Pinty (Axed) Renier Shaun
Santoni Thoriso  
Tyson Tyson  

I don't feel as confused as I did with the first tribe switch-up because we know everyone better, and more importantly, it's become an individual game already anyway. 

Overall tribal alliances are flimsy and it's become much more about interpersonal relationships, as if they'd merged already.

The one thing that isn't like a merge: their perspectives on what the jury will think. They seem to have no consideration for this, when they should.

Jury duty

If I were on the jury right now, this is what I would think:

No-one will vote for Wardah to win because she's too annoying and aggressive at Tribal Council, especially towards the men.

Shaun and Qieän are dark horses. Mad and sulky respectively, but not regarded as a threat, quite good in challenges and no-one seems to dislike them. They have to do a lot more soon though, otherwise they'll be seen as flying under the radar if they make the final three.

Happy Chappie's playing a good game with his physical prowess, cheer and streaking but needs to take action to reduce perceptions that he's too much of a threat.

Amy needs a Plan B when it comes to Renier.

Amy has to realise that Marisha and Nicole are NOT on her side. 

Smash is playing a good game by being an enigma. No-one knows what he's thinking and yet he's in the thick of things. Has he done enough to win yet? No.

Santoni, Anesu and Amy should unite in an all women's alliance. 

Renier's doing well strategically with his wheeling and dealing while keeping everyone on his side. He's walking a fine line though, like he does in the challenges. People will respect his game at the end, if he doesn't make a move that's too dirty.

Kiran and Tyson need to stick together until the end and may the best man win.

If you were on the jury right now, what would you think?

Shows in this post: Survivor South Africa

Channels in this post: M-Net


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