Survivor SA: Immunity Island Recap - Episode 10

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 05 Aug 2021
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Meh! That was too unfair on Amy and I didn't like it. Renier might have gone this week but Amy definitely wouldn't so there was only one reason for her exit: producer manipulation.

The "twist" of forcing one person's fate onto another by partnering them up for the episode really sucked because it removed everyone's individual power to save themselves. Everyone always has this, but it was taken from them.

Amy's fortune literally came down to 100% luck, based on the stone she happened to choose and that's not what Survivor is. 

People put so much into going on the show, leaving their lives, preparing, emotionally investing. Just because they're on a reality show doesn't mean they can be discarded on a whim, which is what it felt it like.

Amy took it much better than I would have, especially because she was just coming into her own with her lawyer arguments.

And even though Renier's just become one big "do" who's been in danger, it was unfair on him too because he was as powerless.

It was also unfair on them both that they had to do all that exhausting water sliding to promote Wild Water or whatever when they hadn't eaten for days. That's not a reward, that's water torture!

I can only hope that the editors cheated the order of events and let them eat and do the porno shower scene before all that waterboarding.

It was even worse for Renier who knew they were in the wrong place and should have been back at camp trying to save themselves, but Nicole was having none of it because she needed to be with her clique.

Socially she's faded into a shadow of her former self since the mean girls were split.

When a girl saves you

And now I'm very concerned that Anela enjoys being with her too much.

I chortled away when she won the Immunity Challenge for them because once again The Dude just happened to find himself in ideal circumstances without doing anything. He picks a stone and next thing he's got Immunity at yet another Tribal Council.

But my sense of humour was short lived as they spent more time together because I suddenly thought he might be falling for her.

I noticed it after she saved him. It was a very difficult challenge and he was obviously impressed and now I think he's too impressed.

Did you see the moment before they left camp for Tribal Council? He put the Immunity Idol round Nicole's neck from the back and her hair went under it.

For one brief moment his arms reached forward as if he wanted to lift her hair out and over it, but then he stopped himself, seeming to think it would be too forward or inappropriate.

You only behave like that when you fancy someone don't you? I'm hoping this is in my imagination and that The Dude does what The Dude does best without being distracted.

Also, I don't trust Nicole will be loyal to him.

An opportunity missed
It was an interesting change of mood seeing him get so upset about Tyson, Kiran and Wardah's threesome, describing it as arrogant.

We know Anela and Wardah are enemies but now Tyson's joined her and everyone missed an opportunity to get rid of them. The only opportunity to eliminate two of them.

I was stumped when Anesu and Chappies chose to vote for Renier and Amy instead of Tyson and Wardah because the Triumvirate is much more dangerous to everyone's individual game than Renier is, even if he's from the other tribe.

The only proper reason I could see for them voting him out is that Santoni wanted it and got her way again. She mentioned it early in the episode when she spoke to Amy about voting out Renier and Nicole next, saying "I'm not a fan," and next thing he's gone.

And now we have to continue suffering Wardah's nastiness at Tribal Council when she goes at people in a way that's completely disproportionate to what they've supposedly done. 

Amy missed a trick when Wardah went at her about there not being a pecking order outside of the Triumvirate.

It was such total nonsense and Amy should have pointed that out to people like Anesu and Chappies and really pushed how vulnerable they are now. 

But she backed down, like The Dude does with Wardah too, as if Wardah's just too much to cope with. It's not gonna stand her well with the jury, that's for sure.

Speaking of... last week I didn't notice the new opening credits with The Jury members included. I like it. Annoying to have to see some of them but still, a nice touch.

Much better than this week's rubbish change in format. Even Kiran said he'd never seen it on Survivor when Renier first read the message about how they had to join up with a partner. 

The Survivor format works. There's no need to change it. 

Shows in this post: Survivor South Africa

Channels in this post: M-Net


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