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Skeem Saam 10th anniversary special: Part I

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Skeem Saam Teasers on 09 Dec 2021
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2021 marked the 10th anniversary of one of Mzansi's most iconic long-running soapies, which reached the milestone in July this year. 

We've watched Skeem Saam's characters grow up on our TVs and their lives have been shared by millions of people since the show first debuted on 13 October 2011.

It began as a 13-part series on Thursday nights at 20h30, it was extended to 26 episodes for Season 2 and in 2014 it became the show we know today, moving into households at 18h30.

To celebrate the show's anniversary year, we caught up with long-time cast members who've shared their personal anecdotes with us.

Today we present Part I... 
Lerato Marabe 
Who's played Pretty since Season 1

TVSA: Where were you when you heard you'd been cast on Skeem Saam and what was the first thing you did after you heard? 
Lerato: I was at home and it was after school. I was sooo excited and you know, because I don't like to count my eggs before they hatch, I didn't do anything exciting. I remember my mom hugging me and we were super excited and then I had to do my homework after that.

TVSA: Your favourite memory on the show? 
Lerato: So my favourite storyline was when Leshole cat-fished Pretty, the best scene was when Leshole and Pretty had to fight at the tuck-shop. I remember I had chills down my spine because I didn't know how it was going to pan out. We had so many takes that day, but it came out so beautifully on TV!

TVSA: What's your most unforgettable experience with a fan? - good, bad or crazy!
Lerato: I was in grade 10 and there was a KFC across my school and I went there with my friends after school to get something to eat and as I remember, a cashier came out and slapped me right across the face and told me to stop abusing Leshole! 

Patrick Seleka
Who's played Kat since Season 1

TVSA: Where were you when you heard you'd been cast on Skeem Saam and what was the first thing you did after you heard?

Patrick: I was at home in the dining room cleaning and I got a call from the Executive Producer and the first thing she asked was, “Are you sitting down?”, and I said yes I am sitting down, but I was lying - I couldn’t contain myself  'cause I was nervous and she said, I got the part and that I should come to Sasani Studios in Johannesburg to get my script. I got so excited that I spilled water all over the dining room.

Earliest impression of being on set, I was confused because I only did theatre in the past, so I had a challenge with adjusting to the mics and the cameras. In theatre we used our voices without mics. Skeem Saam was my first TV job. 

TVSA: Your favourite memory on the show? 
Patrick: My first shoot with Lydia Mokgokoloshi in Turfloop. It was amazing to work with a legendary actress that I grew up watching on TV. It’s a memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

TVSA: What's your most unforgettable experience with a fan? - good, bad or crazy!

Patrick: I have an unforgettable experience with a fan. It was at the garage and as I was about to pay for my fuel, a fan decided to pay for my fuel instead. 

Mogau Motlhatswi
Who's played Mapitsi since Season 1

TVSA: Where were you when you heard you'd been cast on Skeem Saam and what was the first thing you did after you heard?
Mogau: I was in a taxi heading to campus when I got the call. I was still in my first semester of first year in 2011 and I literally had to contain myself in the taxi when I heard the news. 

TVSA: Your favourite memory on the show?
Mogau: I have so many amazing memories on Skeem Saam so excuse me if I seem a bit sentimental, however, my Top 3 (in no particular order are):
- Shooting the scenes of Mapitsi giving birth to Pitsi. It was absolutely magical and I can’t wait to go through that in real life.
- My storyline about Wallet's missing coin was also such a pleasure to shoot because it made me really think about our values as a people. 
- And the most recent memory was shooting the wedding between Mapitsi and Tbose. I am so blessed to have been cast with such an understanding and patient actor for such an emotional storyline.
Overall I have loved most of our away travels for location shoots, they can be very draining but when you are working with such a great cast and crew everything becomes just that much more fun.

TVSA: What's your most unforgettable experience with a fan? - good, bad or crazy!
Mogau: My most worst moment with a fan is by far when I was almost physically attacked with a knife at an event for “breaking Tboses’ heart when Mapitsi threw Tboses’ ring out the window. That was just a lot.

Otherwise I mostly have great moments with fans who tell me about how much they admire and love my character's growth and determination.

Tune into Part II by tapping here: Skeem Saam 10th anniversary special: Part II

Shows in this post: Skeem Saam

Channels in this post: SABC1


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