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Movie Review: Spider-Man: No Way Home

Written by tha - bang from the blog Movies and Things with Thabang on 24 Dec 2021
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Spider-Man: No Way Home is a really good movie and if Into the Spider-Verse and Avengers: Endgame did not exist, it would been a really, really fresh take.

However, this does not take away the fact that No Way Home gives the trilogy a great end and a soft reboot for the next trilogy by touching on what has worked in this trilogy and the Spider-Man lore that has gone before.

Let's dig in...


Jon Watts (director) has done a great job of ending this iteration of MCU's Spider-Man by creating a new set up of future stories of this current Spider-Man by paying homage to what was there before, letting go of the MCU baggage and making this trilogy an origin story.


An origin story that shows what makes Tom Holland different from the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man and what he has in common with them.

The differences being his involvement with Tony Stark and his gadgets, to actually having a team around him that he works with and the elevation of Aunt May.

The similarity is being a quintessential classic hero, a hero who is able to put the greater good above themselves even at great personal cost.

No Way Home puts relationships at the forefront, whether it's with MJ and Peter, Peter with Aunt May, Peter with the Villains.

It's these relationships that reveal the character and drama of who Peter is growing into it. By the end of the movie it's all these relationships that put the ending on the same level as the ending of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man 2, because we know the value of the relationships, the cost of them and what they meant.

Yet one of the greatest things about the movie is not just the fan service for the folks who have been watching Spider-Man from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield to Tom Holland.

Seeing the MCU embrace the Spider-Man movies that came before the MCU is lovely and warms the heart.

Even if it corrects some of the mistakes, like the personification of Electro and keeping Willem Dafoe under a Power Ranger-inspired mask instead of taking full advantage of his animated face.

For me the great potential lies in seeing a Spider-Man who is not so enmeshed in Tony Stark's legacy or MCU's world.

A Spider-Man who has to rely on himself and who has to take on the villains without an EDITH or Iron Man- like suit talking to him.

Who knows?... hopefully we may have Miles Morales who crosses paths with this Spider-Man and I'm looking forward to it.

I'm looking forward to seeing what Sony does with its Spider-Man and after a trilogy of movies to be able to give me another three speaks volumes to the creative forces behind the films.


* Trash ***You are on your own ***Its Aight ****Almost Perfect *****Instant Classic



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