For Sale

Genres: Drama



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About the Show

For Sale is a South African drama series that premiered on SABC3 on Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 21h30.

For Sale 1
Marcus Pierce
Marcus Pierce is a man who reads too much into everything. A top estate Agent, a seemingly happily married man, with one small problem - he can't distinguish between reality and his own nervous, overactive imagination.

Marcus is the owner and principal agent of Mainstream Real Estate, a small but thriving independent Estate Agency that has catapulted into the top 20 estate agencies in South Africa. This is the one thing Marcus has done right in his life - or so he believes.

Under the devoted husband and caring boss, lies a deeply insecure man with a persecution complex of a cursed life. Marcus also believes he has a mother from hell, whose husband escaped and who has spent her life scorning Marcus and idolizing her feckless younger son - Shane.
For Sale 1
Shane Pierce
Shane's a care-free, good-looking, slick agent who's always led a charmed life. He is the reason why the company is booming. His looks, charm and often questionable tactics are his greatest weapon.

Shane’s ethics go as far as the sale requires. He's bonkable - not bankable. As far as he's concerned, if a sale needs him to play Chippendale or seduce a 90 year old woman, he'll do it.

The only reason he is an Estate Agent is because of the money and the insatiable appetite of “The Desperate Housewives” for his charm. But, despite his total lack of morals, Shane has charm - and this draws all sorts of people to him.

There's always been an edge of competition between the brothers. A competition never acknowledged but encouraged by their mother.
Shane's totally irresponsible while Marcus is all about responsibility.

Shane has the looks, Marcus has none. Shane has charm, Marcus has ethics. Shane has freedom and Marcus is a family man. He has a wife, child and a house, Shane on the other hand has been living like a gypsy for the last 6 months.

His mother bought him a Town house - he sold it to have liquid cash for an expensive sports car - and to prevent her moving in with him. He still hasn't told her.

Many of his phone calls with her revolve around the fantasy problems that prevent her living with him at the fantasy townhouse that he no longer has. He's been living from conquest to conquest using the boot of his car as a mobile closet.

Shane's biggest fear is turning into his older brother. He thinks sex keeps him young. Shane has always liked status - to him money equals status and the quickest way to make big bucks is to use his looks for “good”, to sell property while rendering services to the less “aesthetically” fortunate.

Shane's terrified of commitment. For him the word commitment leads to death. He doesn’t want to own anything because it would tie him down, he would have to commit to it. Everything he has is leased, his car, his expensive credit card bought clothes, even his soul.

Khanyi Qubu
Sandy Kane


Constance Pierce

Khanyi Qubu

Marcus Pierce


Sandy Kane

Shane Pierce

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