Eventually. After weeks of putting us through the agony of their crap performances, most of the American Idol crowd have upped their game and actually did something vaguely decent this week.
Second most notably improved (MUCH to my annoyance): Casey James, who managed to slap that ridiculous smile off his mug to deliver a performance of Jealous Guy that genuinely felt as if he was feeling it.
He's never gonna chop the cheesy, 80's
hair though - I'm being realistic and accepting it. I know, without a doubt, that
there's no ways he's going to win so I've resigned myself to putting up with him until he's gone.
Good performance or not, I know I'll
never be convinced to change my mind about him.
It's a completely dfferent situation with Katie though. Her transformation was out of control, bigtime. I thought she delivered the Best Performance of the night - emphasised by how radically different it was from every other thing she's done.
For weeks I've wanted her to leave but she showed us something we've never seen before, most espesh the fact that she can actually sing in tune.
Now all she needs to do is repeat it this week and I'll be sold. Right now I'm feeling it was all pure luck - the change was too huge to be fully convincing. The trouble is the theme for this week is Elvis Presley so she's gonna have to pull something radical to make it work. If she does she'll make my choice for Top 3 for her surprise-and-improvement factor.
Speaking of improvement versus NOT: Andrew Garcia.
Brrrrr, I'm so embarassed that I was convinced he was gonna win you have nooo idea.
What a disappointment.That first song of his that was so wow - it was a total fluke obviously.
Also I don't for a moment believe that he actually wants to win. All that hugging of other contestants that he does: either he wants everyone else to win or he's waaay too passive agreessive i.e. "I'm hugging you 'cos I actually want to throttle you." Either way, it's not a winning formula.
I wasn't surprised he was in the bottom two and would have been happy (relieved even!) if he'd left. My loyalty has been stretched too far with him. Right up until last week I was still rooting for him, I've given him too much and he's given nothing back.
Same thing with Big Mike, bah! I would have been happy if he'd left too. He's waaaay too full of himself and those increasingly boring muscles of his. He did that one very cool performance where he forget he has pecks but since then it's been all about that and now I want to slap him - a
The judges made a huge mistake saving him. They've used the only Save they can and there's no ways he going to win - they should have saved it for an emergency, like if Crystal got no-votes.
Which won't happen I'm sure.
Same thing with Lee, who's getting better and better each week but doesn't want to face up to it too much in case he comes across as arrogant. Don't you get that sense too? It's like he wants to believe he's good but he's afraid that if he does he won't be humble anymore and wants to be.
UNLIKE the WORST of them all. Tim Teflon who thinks he knows it all when he knows
nothing. He gets more terrible every week (when it doesn't seem possible) and yet doesn't even sniff the bottom rung. It's all too crazy and awful to go into.
It's actually at the point where I'm pretending he doesn't exist. I see him, switch off - I can't remember what he sang this week and don't care - and then I totally ignore him whenever he's on, like he does when the judges give him feedback that he so desperately needs.
Speaking of non-existent people ... Aaron? He's such a bizarre contestant because he's always there, he sings finely (in the exact same forgettable outfit every week) and yet it's almost as if he's not there at all.
He's too young to win and hasn't experienced nearly enough Stuff to be a proper possibility for the win - yet there he is, week after week, doing his step-mom/now-real-mom proud. I've always found his story and attitude a heart-clincher but there's no ways it's going to be enough to save him when it comes to the crunch.
Coming up this week: Elvis theme, Adam Lambert's the guest on the Results Show and (hott prediction): the results are going to be a replay of this week - either Andrew or Mike will be history, or Siobhan and that creepy boss of hers who's always there will just get too weird.
PS: In case you haven't seen, Didi Benami's going to be on
David Letterman, tomorrow night (Tuesday, 13 April) at 23h15.