Season 1
The Real Housewives of Atlanta is an American reality television series which follows the format of its predecessors (The Real Housewives of Orange County and The Real Housewives of New York City), revolving around women in the Atlanta metropolitan area juggling their home, social and business lives.
The series is an up-close and personal look at a group of fabulous women from Atlanta's social elite – from Grammy-Award winners to aspiring singers, power brokers to super models - as they juggle their burgeoning careers and busy home lives amidst the whirl of the south's hottest city.
Atlanta has become one of the hottest entertainment hubs in America, and the Housewives are taking their individual talents to new heights in search of stardom.
These driven and ambitious women prove that they're not just housewives, but entrepreneurs, doting mothers and feisty southern women.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta is produced by True Entertainment for Bravo. Steven Weinstock, Glenda Hersh, Lauren Eskelin, Carlos King and Lorraine Haughton serve as executive producers.