Season 1
Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead is an American reality television series created by Merv Griffin Entertainment which follows self-proclaimed English clairvoyant Lisa Williams on a typical day, as she allegedly communicates with the dead, investigates haunted houses, and conducts other spirit-seeking activities.
The series originally aired in the USA on Lifetime from 30 October 2006 to 30 November 2007. There are 14 hour-long episodes in two seasons. The show was not renewed for a third season.
Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead premiered in South Africa on DStv's Zone Reality channel on Sunday 3 February 2008, at 21h00. The first season (6 episodes) ended on 9 March 2008.
Throughout the series, Williams shares stories of people wanting to be reunited with someone from their past, while offering personal observations and insights.
In each episode cameras follow a typical day in the life of Lisa Williams, as she allegedly communicates with the dead, investigates haunted houses, and conducts other spirit-seeking activities.
Apparently when Lisa removes her hat, it's her way of showing the spirit world that she is available for contact.
Lisa gives readings in her office to scheduled clients as well as to "strangers" while she is out and about in Los Angeles, often giving impromptu readings to people on the street.
In these meetings, she claims to relay messages that she believes are from the dead to their relatives and friends. Lisa also visits believed haunted locations, where she seeks to make peace among all residents - living and deceased.
The series also observes Lisa at home, giving a glimpse of how these stories affect her personal life with her husband, Kevin, and her six-year-old son, Charlie, who they think already shows an interest in natural healing and talking with spirits.
Williams claims she has spoken to Bob Hope, Princess Diana, Natalie Wood, Marilyn Monroe and Ray Charles after they died.