Season 1
Record of Lodoss War (OVA) is a Japanese original video animation produced by Madhouse Studios derived from the franchise of fantasy novels by Ryo Mizuno, based around his original role-playing games.
There have since been multiple manga, animé and computer game adaptations, several of which have been translated into English. The OVA is the first animé in the series.
The OVA was released in VHS format on 30 June, 1990. There are 13 half-hour episodes in the series.
Record of Lodoss War (OVA) premiered in South Africa on DStv's Animax channel on Monday 3 November 2008, at 19h30. Double episodes air every week night (Monday to Friday) at the same time.
(Double episodes)
Mondays to Saturdays: 08h45, 12h10, 15h15
Long ago, the last great battle between the gods split the land into two islands. One of these is the island of Lodoss, whose kingdoms have been plagued by war for thousands of years.
As peace and unity finally become foreseeable, an unknown evil begins to stir. An ancient witch has awakened, bent on creating political imbalance across the kingdoms.
Only a group of six young champions, led by the youthful warrior Parn, stands between this new threat and Lodoss' descent into the darkness of war and destruction.
Record of Lodoss War emerged from the franchise of fantasy novels by Ryo Mizuno, based around his original role-playing games. There have since been multiple manga, animé and computer game adaptations, several of which have been translated into English.