Season 2
Chappelle's Show is an American sketch comedy television series created by Dave Chappelle and Neal Brennan, with Chappelle hosting the show as well as starring in various skits and handling such topics as prostitution, the entertainment industry, gun violence, numerous drug references and music, all performed in a comedic fashion.
The series aired in the USA on Comedy Central from 22 January, 2003 to 23 July, 2006. There are 33 half-hour episodes in three seasons.
Chappelle's Show premiered in South Africa on DStv's Comedy Central channel on Monday 4 June 2012, at 21h20. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 2 premiered on Comedy Central on Monday 10 September 2012, at 22h10. New episodes broadcast weekly. There are 15 episodes in the second season.
Comedian Dave Chappelle takes his street-smart, thought-provoking and hilarious brand of comedy to a whole new level in this half-hour sketch comedy and variety show.
Dave's unique point-of-view on the world provides a comedic and sometimes defiant look at American culture, including music, movies, television, advertising, current events and everyday life situations.
The sketches in Chappelle's Show are complemented by segments of Chappelle's stand-up comedy, performed in front of a studio audience. A little bit of stand-up and a whole lot of hellacious sketch, Chappelle's Show brings the funk and the noise.
Each episode also features a special musical guest in an informal, "anything goes" conversation and performance, offering a one-of-a-kind perspective on some of the music industry's biggest stars.
Series exclusive to Comedy Central
Season 1 (14 episodes)
Premiere: 4 June 2012 | Finale: 3 September 2012 | Mondays, 21h20
Season 2 (15 episodes)
Premiere: 10 September 2012 | Finale: 24 December 2012 | Mondays, 22h20