Season 2
Kota Life Crisis is a South African television sitcom created by Mpho Osei-Tutu and Tumi Morake and produced by Whatnot Entertainment and Burnt Onion Productions which follows three half-siblings who inherit their father's township house, complete with an adjoining tuckshop which they are forced to manage despite their differences.
After the death of their estranged father, Themba Sihlahla, half-siblings Voni and Sduduzo inherit his house - with its adjoining tuckshop.
But that's not all - they unwittingly also inherit Casper, another half-sibling whose existence they were unaware of.
This is the story of three mismatched business partners trying to run a family and a family business.
The title of the series refers to a traditional Kota sandwich, also known as "bunny chow", in which a bunch of mismatched ingredients are put together into a chunk of bread.
Created by husband and wife couple Mpho Osei-Tutu and Tumi Morake, the series was co-produced by Burnt Onion Productions and Whatnot Entertainment. The head writers were Mpho Osei-Tutu and Rethabile Ramaphakela, with music by Hip Hop Pantsula and Thasman.
The executive producers were Mpho Osei-Tutu, Tumi Morake (as Tumi Osei-Tutu), Katleho Ramaphakela, Rethabile Ramaphakela and Tshepo Ramaphakela.