Season 2
Big City Broker is a Canadian reality television series produced by JV Productions which follows Toronto real estate broker Brad J. Lamb and focuses on the angst and joy, the dramas and intrigue that make up Brad's world of property sales and development.
The series originally premiered in Canada on HGTV on 7 February, 2007. There are 26 half-hour episodes in two seasons.
Big City Broker premiered in South Africa on DStv's The Home Channel on Saturday 17 May 2008, at 07h30.
While other real estate shows tell you how to buy or sell a home, nobody's focused on what it takes to be the dealmaker; and, nowhere is the deal-making more intense than in urban development and real estate.
Brad J. Lamb is a Big City Broker and the leader of the action on this fly-on-the-wall docu-soap series.
Each episode, we explore the inner workings of his thriving realty sales and development company – one of the most successful private real estate groups in North America.
Join this fiery condo expert and his team, wheeling and dealing their way through big city real estate life. Venture behind-the-scenes into a world that's rarely seen and travel beyond the model suite with an all-star cast of characters.
Watch Brad go head-to-head with city councilors, lawyers, architects, planners and rival realtors. Witness the work that goes into making his clients' dreams and investments a reality. And catch true entrepreneurs at work, as Brad and his team expose what it takes to get the deal done.
It's a whole new perspective on how a city's skyline is created.
Big City Broker focuses on the angst and joy, the dramas and intrigue that make up Brad's world of property sales and development.
Who knew that buildings could be so sexy?