Season 3
Foyle's War is a British detective drama television series created by Anthony Horowitz produced by Greenlit Productions set during the Second World War in Hastings, England, where Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle attempts to catch criminals who are taking advantage of the confusion the war has created.
The series premiered in the UK on ITV on 27 October, 2002. A seventh season commenced filming in February 2009. Episodes are approximately 95-100 minutes long.
Foyle's War premiered in South Africa on M-Net on Saturday 8 January 2005, at 20h00. Only the first season aired on M-Net. The series premiered on DStv's Hallmark channel on Sunday 12 April 2009, at 20h50. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 3 premiered on Hallmark on Sunday 7 June 2009, at 20h50.
Thursdays: 21h00
Uncertainty, espionage, bombs and internment are the new facts of life for Detective Chief Superintendent Foyle and those around him. Yet sometimes they merge with the old ones of affluent England - like unexplained death.
Although Foyle longs to join the war effort, his application is turned down. Feeling frustrated and guilty, he returns to the South Coast, but finds to his surprise that the turmoil of the conflict means his skills are vitally needed on the home front, in a series of intriguing murder investigations.
Anthony Howell plays invalid soldier Paul Milner, chosen by Foyle as his reluctant assistant, with Honeysuckle Weeks as Foyle's driver Sam Stewart, whose enthusiasm for being a working girl in the war and her own attempts at detection work don't always go down well with her boss.
Julian Ovenden plays Foyle's son Andrew, who leaves his studies at Oxford to enlist with the RAF.
(Each season consists of four episodes)
Season 1 (4 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 8 Jan 2005 | Finale: 29 Jan 2005 | Saturdays, 20h00
Channel: Hallmark | Premiere: 12 Apr 2009 | Finale: 3 May 2009 | Sundays, 20h50
Season 2 (4 episodes)
Channel: Hallmark | Premiere: 10 May 2009 | Finale: 31 May 2009 | Sundays, 20h50
Season 3 (4 episodes)
Channel: Hallmark | Premiere: 7 Jun 2009 | Finale: 28 Jun 2009 | Sundays, 20h50
Season 4 (2 episodes)
Channel: Hallmark | Premiere: 5 Jul 2009 | Finale: 12 Jul 2009 | Sundays, 20h50
Season 5 (2 episodes)
Channel: Hallmark | Premiere: 19 Jul 2009 | Finale: 26 Jul 2009 | Sundays, 20h50