Season 7
Three Talk (originally titled 3Talk with Noeleen) is a South African daily television talk show produced by Urban Brew Studios and hosted by Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu which covers a wide range of topical subjects including everything from psychology to business to culture to entertainment.
The series premiered on SABC3 on Tuesday 1 April 2003, at 17h30.
Episode Teasers
Hosted by Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu, Three Talk is a daily talk show that covers a wide range of topical subjects. These include everything from psychology to business to culture to entertainment.
Each episode features Noeleen interviewing different expert and celebrity guests on the topic for the day.
Every day of the week focuses on a different area of interest with Medical Mondays starting the week and Fun Fridays finishing it.
Broadcast from Johannesburg, 3Talk is filmed in a chat studio set-up and includes interaction with the audience via SMS comments and phone-call Q&As.