Broadcast Details
Show: The Oprah Winfrey Show
Date: Monday, 18 September - Friday 22 September 2006
Time: 23h00
Channel: SABC 3
Black Women Dating White Men: It's Something NewSimon Baker and Sanaa Lathan star in a new movie that's sparking discussion about interracial romance.
Plus, British singing sensation, James Blunt shares the "miserable" story behind his hit single, "You're Beautiful".
Tuesday 19 September:
O's 20th Anniversary Season Premiere
Jennifer Aniston opens up about marriage, paparazzi and the possibility of motherhood. How's she really doing?
Then, for the first time, Oprah talks about the much-reported incident at Hermes.
Wednesday 20 September:
Why Do Men Go To Strip Clubs?
Oprah uncovers the secrets of the male mind. What do men really think ? Our brave experts - Sports Illustrated's Rick Reilly, singer Brian McKnight and the Tonight Show's Jay Leno - betray the "guy code" and tell us just about everything.
Thursday 21 September:
Things O Wants To Know And You Do, Too
She's done thousands of shows on thousands of topics. This time, Oprah and 84 percent of the audience are clueless. From how stuff works to financial advice, these pros have you covered.
How does e-mail work? What is FICA? How can you get the most out of your money? All your questions, answered.
Friday 22 September:
No show.