Episode 13: "25 Days, 50 Cities. And More Than 600 Consecutive Hours As A Family…"
Here we are at last—the grand finale of this ho-hum season. Highlights include a jokey elevator guy, another odd local attraction, some very wet racers, and a very cool final task that almost makes up for everything. Some racers will win, some will lose; one Prediction League player will win, others will lose; and various observers will either jump for joy or weep and rend their garments accordingly. One thing will remain certain, however: Carissa Gaghan will be cute.
Bonus Questions:
1. Who speaks first in this conversation? [13/3]
A: "Do you know how to say 'where is'?"
B: "Yeah, but this is English."
A: "Oh."
2. Who says, "I'm like Popeye"? [13/3]
3. Who says, "I'm done running. I never wanna run again in my entire life"? [13/3]
4. Who says, "They're smart, competitive, and they're pretty good-looking too"? [13/3]
5. Who says, "Us working together to accomplish goals—that's more special to me than any money"? [13/3]
6. One of the tasks in this episode is to complete a puzzle. How many pieces are in the puzzle? (Think about it; it's not impossible to guess—but then again, it may not be your first guess either.) Scoring: 120 points for the closest guess; 90 for the second closest; and 60 for third.
Answer Template (*=1 team, **=1 person):
*First = WINNERS:
*Second Place:
*Third Place:
RBers (1/team, "Who paid attention in Geography?"):
**B1 (where is):
**B2 (Popeye):
**B3 (running):
**B4 (good-looking):
**B5 (work together):
B6 (puzzle pieces):
Bransen: Walter, Beth, Lauren, Lindsay
Linz: Nick, Alex, Megan, Tommy
Weaver: Linda, Rebecca, Rachel, Rolly
This is it! Run run run!!!