See, this is why I love twists and turns. Absolutely no-one guessed that Gareth would be leaving
Reward: Zayn (who would have thunk it?)
(no-one guessed it here - but Sixie guessed it a few weeks ago in the DBonus questions)
immunity: Mzi
Eliminated : Gareth
Other Votes : Zayn & Jacinda
Who else is eliminated? no-one
Returns: Mzi & Vanessa
DB13) In which episode will the contestants on DMI come back?
Episode 12
DB14: Which other tribe member will come back? (Other than the one you predicted last week)?
DB15: Who will be the first 2 members of the jury?
Lezel & Brigette
(Nobody got both correct)
DB16: in the event of the Curse of the Car award - who will win the car?
Zayn (ONLY Six - as in Sixie - got this answer right)
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