We talking perceptions, imagine, branding. This is all in the world of adverts. Iffy from BBN once said, we are all brands are we need to carry ourselves as such. That is so true, image is so fundamental.
Still on branding and perceptions, I saw this AVBOB funerals advert during the week. Ok it was not for the first ke e bona but this time around it got me thinking. I have never seen any funeral plan adverts showing white people. So when I saw that Avbob ad where women were peeling vegetables, people singing at the grave yard and all that set up, I asked my friend gore why are these funeral ads only focusing on blacks(please loose you race card)He said it is because our funerals are so big it’s like we having a huge function. That is true and it really got me thinking. Why do we spend so much when our loved ones passed on? The last time I checked most blacks didn't have money. Let us break down the budget of a black’s funeral: as soon as people hear gore so and so has passed away, they start gathering at that place everyday till the day of the funeral, so you’ll have to buy grocery for that week.
Week grocery: R1000, Mortuary expenses for the whole week R5000, Cow R3000-R4000, Grocery for Saturday R3000 (this includes vegetables, mieliemil, tea, things used for baking, and juice) Tent and chairs R1000. So our funeral will cost as much as R15000 to R20 000.It does not end there, after the funeral we all except the young ones, proceed to what is called ’After Tear’ ko Pitori we call them di vincenons (excuse my spelling)This is just an excuse to get wasted after the funeral. Now after these calculations if I was the insurance company that sells funeral covers, I will also target black people!!!!!! So guys, this is what is going down where I stay, are things happening the same way at your area? Will this kind of spending ever going to change?

I have notice a certain change in terms of target market when it come to alcohol. In the past it was such a disgrace to see a woman drinking alcohol but now things have changed. Right now for every beer that is been advertised there’s a group of beautiful women appearing to be enjoying that beer. Castle lite is top of the list. I mean many women ko kasie have dumped their Ciders for Castle Lite, all thanks to all the Castle lite adverts that portray their beer to being light and for the funkiest and sexiest people (
women to be exact) The latest ad is that of Redds cider. There are these five lady friends, one is a workaholic, the other a bookworm, then the gold digger, and the bitchy fat one(cant remember the last one)(
Why is it that always the fat one has to be the arrogant bitchy one all the time!!!!)Well they all go do their jobs during the day till 17H00, then its Phola Time, that’s when they all meet and Phola (chillex) with a very cold Redds cider. This ad makes it sound like its so cool to meet everyday after work for a drink (in this case a Redds).I can see lodda women falling for this kind of behavior! Eish this life ya di nanny!!!!

I’m soooo loving the Hyundai Tuscan adverts. This car has been portrayed to being feminine but tough, and its ads are so on the dot!!! The latest being of a lady doing the J.I Jane move
(pull up or whatever exercise with one hand).That is one tough exercise I wouldn’t dare try. Did I mention gore the lady is beautiful and sexy??? Ok then I jut did. Then this car appears.. and the pay off line is ‘Sexy but tough” I’m not a huge fan of Hyundai but I love this babe….

I was watching the news during the week and I saw Tata Madiba with Leila Ali. Ok this cheek is hot but why haven’t I seen Utata with Gwendolyn O’Neil? I mean aren’t we suppose to be supporting our own South African? Kante how do things work in boxing? Isn’t it the same as soccer, ruby and cricket? I know Liela is an Ali and all that history but like BS would say DANG!!!! Nobody is talking about O’Neil, has she appeared on the news talking about how she plan to beat the s**t out of Ali? Tata is supposed to bless O’Neil with Madiba Magic not Ali or kanjane? Branding!!!!!