What do u guys think about the presenter?

Written by unathi from the blog Gospel Time on 09 Feb 2007
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If you can give yourself some time to watch a programme called Gospel Time on SABC 2 at 20h00, you will see what I'm talking about. The format of the show is fine and I am into gospel you know? but I think Rebecca needs some thorough training or they should just get her a replacement. She's been there for sometime now, and I don't see any improvement, maybe she does not take her job seriously because she gets money coming in from all walks of life. I also think that we need to give other people a chance to shine and earn something rather than the money going to another money. I understand that there's an autoque but the girl does not use it at all. Presenting a show is very different from singing, you don't have to read your lyrics, when performing on stage especially singing gospel, but with opera you can. They say that in gospel you are led by the spirit, which is totally different from presenting a show. I love your music even though you sound like you're crying when you sing, but I think you need to stick to singing.


03 Aug 2007 09:08

I think she is fine given her level of literacy. If she could just be herself, n get rid of ''hololoya" and "Oh my gaard"

03 Aug 2007 09:21

i hear she will be appearing on rhythm city as rachels freind. oh my gaaaard!!!!

Nah Nah
03 Aug 2007 09:23

HOLOLOOOOYAAAAAAAAA............................Kwaaaaaa kwaaaa kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

07 Aug 2007 03:15

I dont think she can stop that Haleuuuuuuuuya............................what i notice is, she is not 100% right or i can say uneqwakaza or undwebe too much maan for uba yi presenter bendibukele last Sunday uhlelo lwakhe ebengakwazi ukuzi controller phambi ko Si'Hlengiwe no Zodwa.

Usisi makehle ekundwebeni kangaka this is not good

07 Aug 2007 03:29

You should have seen the way Hlengiwe was starring at her on Sunday , it was like she wanted to say "Kawuyeke ukuba yi fake ntombazana ndini emfutshane" I lke Hlengiwe Mhlaba though , she is just unique and content but she just needs to go the gym . Rebecca was just bad news as ever ke yena with her annoying halleluya , trying to act all good in front of aamama basewesile .Sisi wa bora.

07 Aug 2007 03:30

hihihi, i really dont know what ukundweba is but iyangihlekisa nje.

07 Aug 2007 03:38

I think the late Brenda Fassie could look more original than Rebecca if she was still alive and if she were to present that show.

07 Aug 2007 03:56

no wonder ebethwa maybe she was  intoxicated !!!!!!!!!!!!

07 Aug 2007 03:57

ukundweba ukuphapha Belz

07 Aug 2007 04:03

LOL @zandi!!!, thanks Elanor.

07 Aug 2007 06:23

And that outfit,what was up with that?The jacket was way too big.

17 Aug 2007 09:26

Without formal training she would be cool if staying original..I like ''halleluyahs and praise ...they would be ok if she stayed original-not pretending and making unnecesary comments.

I cannt manage to miss any of her albums but I dont wana watch any of videos.The woman know how to sing.she flows with a level of any song unlike other Gospel artist who are everytime at same level with same voice altyd.She is good coz she involve capable song writers in her albums.

All in all she did her job to the great level.let she listen to our advises.As far as private life is concern I dont wana say a word coz 'I' MYSELF am Christian but not holy,only God is.I dont mind her as a singer.

02 Nov 2007 04:29

Who ever had not sinned continue condemn Ribbs do you know that David the king was the adulterer big time and Paul appostle the killer,Moses married Ethiopian woman on contrary to Gods laws,Not speaking of peter appostle who said he didn't know Jesus three times at the end David is the mirror we look on and Moses spoke to God eye to eye not speking of Paul who made you know Crist if it wasn't for him you would have stayed worshiping trees and mountains.
What iam trying to say is this Rebecca Malope is the Servant of God and God knows her coming and going so stop critisizing her coz you don't know her relation ship with God mind your own.
Speaking of Lundi he is a great singer but there is some one who mantioned that Rebecca didn't even call him are you Lundi's secretary or he sent you to destroy Rebecca's name? and another one mention some thing about Pastor Benjamin's wife are you his lilttle wife or his girlfriend coz the wife had never go public complaining and there you go doing it, i think you are the jeolus one here! 
OOOOH kwa kwa kwa kwa got you SA gospel artist have tried to fight Rebecca in music but they've failed for over 20yrs now they decided to change the podium to her personal life you guys make me think that some one is paying you to do this
People all over Africa are listening to Rebecca's songs and can't wait ot have her albums no matter what the price and the language. What ever goes around comes around if she is bad we would feel it in her songs her words she is sweet for God sake and you are not. One thing you should know she is the indeed the African Queen of   

02 Nov 2007 04:30

Who ever had not sinned continue condemn Ribbs do you know that David the king was the adulterer big time and Paul appostle the killer,Moses married Ethiopian woman on contrary to Gods laws,Not speaking of peter appostle who said he didn't know Jesus three times at the end David is the mirror we look on and Moses spoke to God eye to eye not speking of Paul who made you know Crist if it wasn't for him you would have stayed worshiping trees and mountains.
What iam trying to say is this Rebecca Malope is the Servant of God and God knows her coming and going so stop critisizing her coz you don't know her relation ship with God mind your own.
Speaking of Lundi he is a great singer but there is some one who mantioned that Rebecca didn't even call him are you Lundi's secretary or he sent you to destroy Rebecca's name? and another one mention some thing about Pastor Benjamin's wife are you his lilttle wife or his girlfriend coz the wife had never go public complaining and there you go doing it, i think you are the jeolus one here! 
OOOOH kwa kwa kwa kwa got you SA gospel artist have tried to fight Rebecca in music but they've failed for over 20yrs now they decided to change the podium to her personal life you guys make me think that some one is paying you to do this
People all over Africa are listening to Rebecca's songs and can't wait ot have her albums no matter what the price and the language. What ever goes around comes around if she is bad we would feel it in her songs her words she is sweet for God sake and you are not. One thing you should know she is the indeed the African Queen of gospel if any one   

02 Nov 2007 04:51

think he/she want the title sing as if you are crying like Rebecca become Nelson Mandela favorate singer if he will still be there,Preatch,spend your time for God mind you day and night for 22yrs,produce dozens of albums good ones and look for some pure magic band with another Mokoena and travel around the world for tournaments and live shows,Go to Israel for them to shoot an Easter special program to be broadcasted all over the world if they 'll let you, and lose all your relatives and remain with only God then what ever you earn take it to charity or just give God 10% of your wealth after all this go apply for a vacant of presenting the Gospel time and shout hallelujah at SABC if we will listen, handle with calm every critisism and pain from the people you've defeated in the industry  paying junks to attack you through the media with out forgeting the ones you have helped all their lives clapping you in the parking out side the theatre. Live all those things mentioned above and all other Great things Rebecca has done and we as African will crown you the Queen or King of gospel music. 

02 Nov 2007 04:56

will have to look at this presenter!oh i forgot !!!!sold my tv...besides i will be ligging on tvsa the time she's on tv....

02 Nov 2007 05:22

yuuuu @suzy you are really taking this personal neh.Kushukuthi uyazifela ngo sis rebbecca.....hehehehe 

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