Here I thought when I sneeze it is bad but compared to Clark, he will blow me to the sky, literally. This has been another great episode. I didn't expect any less though.
Lois's face was priceless when a piece of the barn came landing next to her while she was jogging. Also when she went to the Kents and tell them what she saw and when she showed Clark and he played innocent. These two have a great chemistry.
I think Lana and Chloe should exchange hair colour. I can't believe that she falls for Lex's smooth mouth everytime. If you think about it he gets her into trouble a lot. He is no different than Clark about lying to Lana. We know why Clark lies to Lana about his abilities but come on Lex, he is the master of lies. Please don't misunderstand me, I totaly adore Lana and she will remain my favourite. I kinda like the scene with her and Clark. Don't get to see that often although she was cold against him. It was almost if a light went on in Lana's head when she saw that footage that Lex have of her undressing but I guess Clark's sneeze blew that candle out. How could she believe Lex when he told her that it was a security camera. He said that he will remove it but I can bet there's more.
Like I said last week, Chloe is beginning to grow on me. did you guys see her face when Clark sneezed at the Daily Planet. Also a moment I love was when they discovered that secret room but Clark could not break it open because he was weak and Cloe suggested that he blows it open. It was hilarious when Clark said that he can't just blow it out like candles on a cake and she says to him to huff and puff and blow it out. One can see that Chloe really likes Clark. I won't protess too much if they should date but I would like it more if it is Lois. Maybe Lana would get jealous.
Please remind me to buy a drink for the guy who shot Lex in the arm. Just a shame it wasn't his head.
Lionel still kind of bothers me. He is up to something. Why the sudden concern for Lex and if I can add Clark. There's a motive.
Once again Clark saves Lana and Lex and hide so that they won't see him. He is always rescueing them. He should leave them to get out of the mess on their own. Maybe that will open Lana's eyes.
Okay, so Lois is starting to get a feel for writing although she can't spell properly.
So, Clark has a new ability. It would be great to blow the clouds away when you see it's going to rain. guess things like that only happens in Smallville.
Before I go I think I should mention that we got to see Green Arrow. The only question now is, is he going to be agains or with Clark. I think he is going to turn out to be a good guy but it is only a guess. We will probably find out in the coming episodes.
Hope you guys have a wonderful week. I will chat to you all again next week.
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