We all know that the first season of Survivor SA had it's moments of fun (thanks mostly to a nicotine craving restuaranteur with a bad hairstyle) but overall it was a complete and utter snooze-fest. Most of the participants were the most boring cardboard cut-outs who were there not for there ability to make us sit on the edge of our seats but rather for their abs and big boobs. Sure, the American version has also had it's fair share of uninteresting castaways, but they've had some amazing people like Johnny Fairplay, Rob Mariano, Richard Hatch, Terry... sorry Nico, but you just don't compare.
Survivor is all about enthralling characters, not flashy smiles. With the entries closed, I really really hope the selection panel will think about including some people around these lines:
A real Sandton kugel. I'm talking fake nails, fake tan, fake everything! Preferably middle aged divorcee with lots of moola. (I know Danielle was marketed as the kugel, but she adapted to the wilderness way too easily)
A huge steroid pumped bodybuilder who is gonna miss his protien shakes and twice daily workouts so much he will get really ratty, piss everyone off and consequently shrink to half his size in a few days!
A unversity student. Why are they so averse to having really young people on the show! They ar the most overdramatic... good TV I say!
A really obese person who even if they don't stand a chance at helping to win some of those really physical challenges, will at least walk away having lost a few kilos and will be happier for it!
The phsyco who will stop at nothing to win. (See Jonny Fairplay)
A truely impoverished person would provide an interesting dynamic, since they would obviously need the money the most, and we can see how guilty their tribemates would feel for even considering to vote them out.
A Greek/Portuguese Spar/corner cafe owner... money hungry and good swindlers. need I say more?
Okay now I know most of the people I have listed are stereotypes, but hey, we all know they exist!
What do you think? Any suggestions?
On a final note to the producers... waiting for a wooden stick to pop out of a hole does not make for a gripping immunity challenge!