Friday Night Lights – Episode 9 – "Full Hearts"
Why we should be happy we stay in South Africa and not Dillon Texas Part 1…
The whole school finds out Jason took a pot-shot at Tim and rumors are being spread, left to right. Unfortunately this doesn’t bode well for Tim and Lyla, as most of the rumors are pretty much spot on…
Since we already know that the people in Dillon suffer from some major anger-management problems, it’s pretty clear this is not going to be pretty for anybody involved.
Jason removes all of his photos with Lyla and Tim, and pretty much tells Lyla to F-off - that he’s finished with her. Good for him, I feel really badly for Lyla for all the *bleep!* that she has to deal with after her “unfaithfulness”, but she was unfaithful, as she herself admits, and thus she has a blame in this, Jason on the other hand doesn’t, thus leaving me feeling even worse for him…
This story-line took place throughout the episode, but I’ll rap it up here, so that we can get on to other things, like Mr. Sandman and members only jackets, oh and probably a certain game that starts with “F”, that’s been pushed to the backburner for the last few episodes…
Tim’s car is smashed, Coach tells Jason he’s there for him, Tyra is actually there for him – real friends forever – with alcohol, an open ear and a lovely Lyla impression all in tow (Btw. Jason drunk is just hilarious, this poor boy needed that drink as much as anybody I know :) )… Buddy Garrity is a good father, the other cheerleaders are bitches, Lyla is sad, Tim redeems himself and that’s a rap… See, now we can get on with the serious things! :wink:
Smash continues his roid ways, but unfortunately for him his sister is a lot more aware of what goes on than he thought, and she realizes what he’s been up to. He asks her to stay quiet, and she stupidly gives in – so she may be “aware” but she still can’t stand up to her bro… Ai tog…
The Panthers play against Smash’s old home-town’s team, and thus he has a lot at stake in this game. We learn that his dad died in a car-accident (he thought his dad had been alone and on his way from work, but his mom tells him the truth – that his dad had been with a mistress, and they were most definitely not on the way from work.) A lot of other sad things are discussed, his mom tells him that she loved his dad, and that his dad loved them (his kids) and that she just gets angry at the world sometimes, which leads her to lash out at his dad (he overheard her saying that sometimes she’s glad his dad had died – HARSH!). Overall, it’s a very sad episode for poor Brian, but at least the guy gets to win the game for the Panthers at the end (with the help of Tim) and all is better and forgiven (Tim is redeemed…)
Now on to Mr. Sandman, Member’s only jackets and beers…
Matt and Julie are going on a first date, and Matt gets advice from Landry (The guy who last went on a date in the 5th grade), on what to do.
Unfortunately all the advice Landry gives Matt is the exact opposite of what Julie is looking for in a guy. She doesn’t want a football-player, she wants a sweet sensitive guy, something she had seen in Matt. But Landry tells Matt that Julie wants the football-player, the guy that can get anything and everything in the town, because of his position, and well, things go from bad to worse as their date gets closer.
Coach tells Matt (in the parking-lot – after school, or maybe after practice, not sure) that he talks to his daughter – a lot, which only makes poor Matt sweat even more – Kyle Chandler and Zach Gilford (Matt) has some great scenes in this one, and their rapport is brilliant!
Matt comes to Coach’s house in a “Members Only Jacket” – Heh! Coach, unfortunately knows all about these “jackets”, and is not pleased – to say the least! Then things get worse when Julie comes down the stairs in a little red dress (not even that revealing – but way too sexy for her parents to allow – or as Eric put it – “nuh-uh”). Tami goes with Julie to get her into something more appropriate, Eric demands Matt to hang up his jacket, and asks him absolutely dead-pan if he wants a beer. Matt’s answer? “Uhm, no thanks, I’m driving…” Coach – “I was joking.” Bwah!
And so they go to the movies… Once there, they learn that “Eragon” has been sold out, unfortunately Matt decides on going with the advice Landry had given him and uses his status as QB1 to try and weasel tickets out of the ticket-girl. This, however, is not what Julie wants from a man, and you can see her utter disgust at Matt’s behaviour. But then Matt gets a call from Landry who’s been grandma-sitting for him, and apparently things hasn’t gone that well during this sitting.
Grandma has locked herself in a closet and doesn’t want to come out. So they have to make a detour to Matt’s house, and here, Matt turns into the sweet sensitive guy we - as well as Julie - knew him to be, sung “Mr. Sandman” to his grandma in the way his granddad used to do, and everything was just to heartwarmingly beautiful, I couldn’t believe when tears slid down my face. Oh Matt!
Julie feels the same way I do, and later tells her mom that was the first time she’d actually seen the real Matt Saracen during their date, and so, the relationship is sure to continue. Luckily, Matt learned from Landry that Julie liked the sensitive “routine” and thus Julie would hopefully see more of this real Matt and less of the QB1. Aaw, these two are what Everwood tried but never quite succeeded in making Amy and Ephraim, just too cute for words!