I watched the second episode of the first season of
LIVE. They should have just said it was a new season of
ONE. They clearly think Bonang is the best thing since a tumble dryer if her inclusion in the show justifies a name change because honestly I can’t think of anything else that’s different ka this show, can you???
The show kicked off with the new Trompies song featuring Tizozo and Professor; “Trompies for Sale": ♫Can you afford it, Trompies for sale!!!♫. Look, the song is no Magsman, but I can think of a few dance moves that would go with it.. The video: to be honest, I don’t remember, I just remember the backround being dark
(like this helps hi hi hi)Other songs that I can think of that played are the R. Kelly/Usher song (yawn). Do people still think Kelly is a musical genius? I don’t see it, but maybe it’s because I am not an R’nB fan. They also played “This is why I am hot” by Mims and One Blood by The Game...
Magarimbe announced (don’t know if it’s the right word to use in this case) the death of one of his colleague/friend. I think he said his name was Jabu. He is one of the guys appearing on the Sister Bettina video and he was apparently due to release an album soon. I didn’t really catch his name because I was concentrating on Mgarimbe’s coat. I know it’s cold guys, but please be careful what you wear. No fur-collared coats asseblief!!! Jabu RIP, bhuti!
Studio guests were Tumi and Bongi Dube.
Tumi’s pomade is turning into a relax. Is the hair the reason why people say he looks like Usher? Haai Usher o mo ruta dilo tse di maswe. Shame, but he did say that it’s the people who think he looks like Usher, not him it’s not another Speedy/Sisqo ordeal (
okay these are not his exact words). He did one or two lines from one of his songs. I had a *cringe* moment the when he hit a high note
(Imagine Michael Jackson’s ♫hi hi♫ out of nowhere). At least with Wacko you knew it was coming! . Huu hee, Tumi. Please don’t do that again. You have been warned!!! Oh and I like his song ya Give me You! Go Usher!
Bongi Dube did two songs. I don’t remember the first song because I was trying to figure out what she was wearing. Bongi, even if you were going to the shops and they called you for a performance at the 11th hour, please go home and change. A little effort goes a long way. You are not doing any justice to your lovely songs! And those dance moves, are a no-no! They are for those late night videos tsa bo Machance le bo Pontsonono.
(Damn! I wish I had some pics!). If you have to sit when you perform, please do! The second song was that ♫
mina angisafunk’ mosha ‘sikhathisam lah lah dah dah dah♫. I love it!
Chomee’s video is te-he-rrible! Imagine “
Jaiva sexy” but bad (
I won’t say worse cause I like that song)! Chomee, we know you can dance, please stop singing about it, it’s not necessary. I think you would do well as a choreographer! Think about it. Hope your other songs are different…
Bonang, traded her prostitute boots (that she wore the week before last), for
orange high heeled sandals
(I ain't no fashionista, but huu hee!). She also wore Capri pants that I honestly think where supposed to be tight. Firstly, Bonang, if I am going to campaign for you to be the only presenter ya LIVE, I need you to co-operate. If your friends can’t give you sound advise on your wardrobe, get rid of them! I honestly think you are better presenter than
Andile and you sound like you are enjoy yourself
(that’s why you scream when you are presenting, right?)Okay guys, I have said my bit, please advise the crew on how they can actually make the show different. I say put Andile BEHIND the scenes!!!