Hi everyone! We're starting a new TVSA blog called "5 Reasons" and we need contributors for it.
The idea with it is that each blog entry lists five reasons proving why something is true and we'd like you to get involved by adding your own topics with reasons.
To see the list in action, please see this example based on
24 -
5 Reasons Why Josh Is Jack's Son.As you can see, the reasons can be as long or as short as they need to be to prove the point and each 5 Reasons blog entry can be about anything TV related.
Topics covered can range from a review of a show to comments about the casting or costumes to the characters, their relationships and plot etc.
Here are some example titles we've come up with to give you an idea:
- 5 Reasons NOT To Watch
For Sale- 5 Reasons No-One Should Pay Their TV License (example 1 would be Reason 1)
- 5 Reasons Why
Generations Must Be Canned
- 5 Reasons It Mustn't
Prison Break: 5 Reasons Why Michael Must Shag Sarah
- 5 Reasons Why
Rhythm City Is Better Than
Backstage- 5 Reasons Why SABC2's So Crap
- 5 Reasons Why
Home Affairs Needs A Namechange
- Prison Break: 5 Reasons T-Bag Won't Ever Be Reformed
- 5 Reasons Why
Heroes Is A Copy Of
The 4400- 5 Reasons It Isn't
- 5 Reasons Why
After Nine Must Be
A Full Series- 5 Reasons
Rome's James Purefoy Should Be James Bond
- 5 Reasons Why
Battlestar Galactica HAS TO Win An Emmy
- 5 Reasons Why David Kau Should Host
SCD 4- 5 Reasons Why Gareth Cliff Shouldn't Be An Idols Judge
- 5 Reasons Why DStv's Too Expensive
It doesn't matter what the show or angle you come at it from, the list is endless in terms of what you can do.
If you'd like to be a contributor please give a shoutout here letting us know you're keen. Once the blog goes live you'll be given access to it and you can add a 5 Reasons whenever you have an idea for one. We'll keep you posted as soon as the blog's up.
Please note: you have to be a registered TVSA member to contribute so if you're not one yet, sign up now: