I am self-diagnosed local music junkie, so I was very happy to have an all S.A. music show on LIVE on Friday
Do you guys remember the 3 girl group
Palesa? The ladies from Tshwane
(Mams, I think)?
I thought they would be one hit wanders because after their song “
Bana ba Sekolo”, they just disappeared… Well, they are back and they have a video (which kicked off the show). Song titlte: “
Mmino”. I like the song.. very mellow. They don’t wear dishweshwe anymore so, I am happy. Well done ladies!
Also on the playlist
(I think it’s called) was
Tumi (of Tumi and the Volume) featuring KG of Morafe, unfortunately didn’t take down the song title.
Tumi is a great artist, I have the utmost respect for him and his work. But I couldn’t work out if the song was good or not because I was distracted by his Higher Grade English. Askies Bathong!!!!
They showed
Chomee’s video again *sigh*. I hope she makes another video that she can make up for this one with. But then again Chomee has a gorgeous body to fall back on…
couldn't get a godd pic of Chomee, but you get the idea mos, neh?So… Chomee, you can do the crappy videos, on condition that you wear next to nothing.
Also on the list was “
Lekwalo to Motswako” by
Morafe. I love the song and I love the video! The Motswako guys can do no wrong in my eyes (and ears)!!! Still on Motswako, LIVE showed the making of for “
Mr Mo” Molemi’s video, shot ko Malasha. I will reserve my judgement until after I have seen the video...
His album is out, go and get it!!! hi hi hi. Okay, seriously, it rocks!
BTW, methinks he is another candidate for the L-factor award. Siphokazi (SK)was one of the studio guests. She didn’t perform though; she just had an interview with Andile. Can you believe gore Andile asked how she feels about the fact that people think she is boring (well something along those lines)???? NX! U ya delela mfana wam.
I think SK should have performed instead of that dude whose name I missed (I won’t even apologise). He was wearing bottleneck aka jindamolala and his dancers (looked like Chomee’s rejects) were wearing skimpy shorts and stomach-outs. Yerrrrr!
Does anyone know who this dude is??? Well… his album is out, anyway. Do your thing!!! If you stay up late enough, you might just see his video on Fo Sho, one of these days!
I was looking at the credits when the show ended to see if they have a Commissioning Editor so that I can recommend the position to Andile. Unfortunately, the position is filled. I don’t know what a Com Ed. Does but it sounds fancy and if it will put Andile behind the scenes, I don’t care what it is. Andile seems tired and bored. He is too dry for that late at night!!!
Maybe Bonang should share some of her happy pills with him. If it would make sure she doesn’t overdose like that!!! Yho Bonang, Relax!!! You are sabotaging my campaign (to get you to be the sole host for live)!!! I am sure you scared SK with all that noise!!! Please get a stylist too, don’t be so nje. Love you girl!!!
Lastly, and most importantly,
Lebo Mathosa got a mention on the show because it was her birthday on the 16th July.
They showed some message clips from Theo, Junior and Thembi. They also played the last video she shot before she passed away – Siyaziwisa. I would need to create a new blog just to describe my love for this dynamic lady. I miss her like crazy!!! Damn girl!!!!!
#############################################################################Guys, can you confirm if these are the guys that were on LIVE???? This guy doesnt look like the guy with the bottleneck, though and these ladies don’t look naked. Anyway, this group is called
Thabz le Madonga. Sound familiar??? I couldn’t find a better pic!!!