Written by VI 2 the P aka VIP from the blog Luving the Real Goboza on 30 Jul 2007
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So, you thought that Mzisqo (Mzansi’s Sisqo) was gone and forgotten??? Well think again, because not only is he back, but he is up in our faces like bad acne. Is he going away? Forget it.

It’s not hard to explain his come back. He’s like "Jack in the box", only OUT of it. One minute he’s gone, the next he springs out into our TV screens and every recognised newspaper. This dude fully understands the impact of the 6 MAGIC STEPS. Yo! Yo! Yo! Do you think I can start a “brand” from these 6 MAGIC STEPS??? Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

I must admit, Speedy knows his story. Last week he made a story somewhere between the pages of the newspaper about his comeback, BUT this Sunday he made FRONT PAGE baby! Yo! Yo! Yo! Like I said in step 5 of the 6 MAGIC STEPS. 5- If your first story doesn't work, make up another one and another one, until you get recognised. 

Enough on the marketing of the 6 MAGIC STEPS, let’s get straight to business. 

Why did Speedy feel it was a “sensitive issue” to discuss Kelly on Real Goboza, but he was very much capable to go on an “insensitive” spree in the Sunday World article? Quoted:

Asked if they got jiggy, Speedy says:

“I had some raunchy pictures of us playing.

This was hectic and what a turn-around from the shy, “sensitive”, “I won’t say a word” Speedy we saw on Real Goboza. Ok, ok, maybe it’s another Dineo scenario, where they "changed" what he said… so let’s blame the newspaper article

Wednesday he was on Real Goboza, Friday on Live then Sunday in the newspapers. Hmmm… This guy is busy! So if we study his “second day appearance formula”, he’ll make the next appearance tomorrow. So where would he be? Radio? Yotv maybe?

So, who called who? Did Arthur ask him to come back? I mean Arthur did say Speedy “akana airtime”. He! He! He! Sfunu’kwazi. 

Anyway, what interested me was the fact that the Sisqo look is going away. Helang? Does it mean no-more Mzisqo? No more gloves? No more towels, not even one? Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

So, what would suit him?

*A suit : - Mmmhh… I don’t think it’s a good idea. Asseblief, we don’t need another Mr Selwyn or Drenko (that pink suit is so eeuw).
*Pantsula : – He! He! He! I wouldn’t mind this look. Imagine what a transformation it would be. As long as he won’t act like Spikiri and curse and push people around (what was up with that vele?)
*Ibheshu : – Hi! Hi! Hi! Imagine if he started a trend…

Ok, maybe Dj Sbu can lend some fashion hints here. (Yo, have you seen how slim he looks lately. Hayibo he should share his secret with some shlebs. i won't mention names in fear of damaging brands then being sued.
I’m too afraid to say Ephraim should assist, because it would lead to Speedy having the horse-jockey look. Yo! Yo! Yo! Mathata fela. 

So, who thinks they can dress Speedy best. 




30 Jul 2007 07:13

Nice article, VIP...I think Speedy is not well, really that boy needs help BIG TIME!!!! Actually ke sono ka yena, cause he really wont make it in the music business. He mut just quit and find himself a real job then he wont worry about "who's gonna dress him"!

30 Jul 2007 07:35

No guyz, don't hate!! Speedy's gonna make it... Mayb bt we must all admit that he's good at the 'disappearing' act...
Gud luck 2 him

VI 2 the P aka VIP
30 Jul 2007 07:36

kwa! kwa! kwa! Hawu Dimago. Shame, I guess we have to wait and see what he has in store for us.

khanya M
30 Jul 2007 07:38

Nice 1 VIP, Speedy made his biggest mistake when he left Bongo Mafin to join 999, look at him now the brother is okay at all !!!!!

30 Jul 2007 07:44


Other than that, uSpeedy can go and jump in the lake for all i care...he can get his mama to dress him in nappies and a soother (dummy) to keep him away from the public!

30 Jul 2007 07:58


As if!!! Speedy was only saving face cos he got played. Ga gona Sisqo wa niks!!!

<<<He mut just quit and find himself a real job then he wont worry about "who's gonna dress him"!>>> AMEN

Why was he playing RGB like that???NX!!! Sunday World is probably paying for this new look that he is on about!

Nice one VI

30 Jul 2007 08:01

So, who thinks they can dress Speedy best.? Iko Mash , ha ha ha  ha ha ha

Can someone please fill  me in on the Spikiri  thing. REAL GOBHOZA might miss it on Wednesday.

30 Jul 2007 08:02

Be ka khathele uKelly Khumalo nga ma 'Please Call Me'!!!

30 Jul 2007 08:18

i think i should dress him and guess what he'll be wearing? NOTHING!!!!!!! hi hi hi

30 Jul 2007 08:20

Speedy uyishaya a la Senzo, ku Home Affairs, eish mara

30 Jul 2007 08:22

Ndi Masiari Everybody

Speedy must just admit that his career ended the day he decided he was too good for bongo maffin.  He must swallow his pride and take his "american wannabe butt" back to bongo maffin and beg them (since he's good at it ) to include him in their next album.  If all fails he must just go look for a job because his solo career with never get off the ground .PERIOD.

30 Jul 2007 08:23

30 Jul 2007 08:23

30 Jul 2007 08:25

taken from sowetan

Spikiri goes nuts

Zenoyise Madikwa
27 July 2007

The launch of Kabelo Mabalane’s recording company, Faith Records, on Wednesday degenerated into chaos when musician Mandla “Spikiri” Mofokeng gave Sunday World news editor Zakhele Shiba a hot klap and used foul language.

While Mabalane was delivering a vote of thanks, a highly inebriated Mofokeng of Trompies slapped Shiba in the face for no discernible reason and then laughed – to the shock of guests.

Mofokeng then went to the podium and grabbed the microphone from a surprised Mabalane and that of his business partner, D-Rex.

Mofokeng then launched into a tirade that went like: “Shut up Kabelo you are talking too much. F?*k Faith Records. What the F*&k is Faith Records? F&*K Sunday World, f*&k the media and all of you f<*ken b*%tches. My bodyguards will come and shoot your necks with a dagger.”

The microphone was switched off and Mofokeng was later taken to a friend’s car.

His friend, who identified himself only as Winston, said Mofokeng was angry at the things the media had written about him.

“Mandla is pissed off because of the lies that are written about him,” he said. “The media claimed that his child was not his and that he was seen with a 16-year-old somewhere.”

Shiba played down the incident and said he would not press charges.

“This is not a big deal. I respect Spikiri. He is a legend. I am not going to open any case against him,” said Shiba.

Oscar “Oskido” Mdlongwa, who co-owns Kalawa Jezmee with Mofokeng, said everyone was caught by surprise.

“I really do not know what is happening. He did not talk to anyone about this. I am also surprised. It is sad that this had to happen at a successful event like this,” he said.

Asked for a comment Mabalane just said: “Mandla is my friend and I love him.”

It was not the first time that a Sunday World journalist has been assaulted by a celeb.

In 2004 Mduduzizi Dlamini was floored by 999 boss Arthur Mafokate at the Channel O Awards . The event was a carbon copy of what happened to Shiba on Wednesday because it was also in front of invited guests.

30 Jul 2007 08:27

i hope this will help you khanyi

30 Jul 2007 08:35

I'ts clear we don't like Speedy cause he's fake. I think he should disappear, come back with new name.... sugg: "The prodical son" and be local maybe we might think twice cause the speedy name has overshadowed his music career. and get rid of those clothes my man... sphuphile istyle sakho.

30 Jul 2007 08:36

I saw a small clip of this incident on LIVE but I was not sure what it was all about.  Thanx babyjoe now it makes sense.

Was he on sumthing.  Why did he want to shine on Kabelo shine?????????


30 Jul 2007 08:41

Spikiri?? He's sick mentally!! I think he's lost his marbles... who in their right minds will go and say alll of that??? So its either bekadakiwe...smoked dry paje (sup TDC) or on drugs...I really dont know... I can only guess coz no respectable artist from a respectable record label (Kalawa) will mess up his image like that...

Someone gave him some of that Spikirikiwiki....!!!! ooohhhh weee....!!!

Mosto....type first then click reply!!!

30 Jul 2007 08:56

thanks for the great laugh vip

hi hi hi spikiri...bare ona le bolwetse bole...haaibo don't sue me! le nna i heard this's just a rumour...i don't know if it's true or not.

Anton & Steve
30 Jul 2007 09:00

Aurthur kills dreams and careers....look at Ishmael, Preston from PopStars, Zombo, Abba and the rest... what is Speedy trying to do? heard for dissappear.... Uuuuuuuuuu poor sisqo wanna-be. he has talent but Aurthur will kill it.

Anton & Steve
30 Jul 2007 09:03

Spikirirkiwiki has lost it.... thats the only explaination....

30 Jul 2007 09:03

I had such a great laugh at Kanye West's song on Live... yhooo that bro is a true artist jonk!!! he wrote a song about that incident he had with a 14 yr old girl and her parents. I don' t think Andile played the song to the end, but it's good maan! 

to Andile and Bonang:

my name is Marara from TVSA, I would like to dedicate that Kanye West's song to "amabloggers"

30 Jul 2007 09:19

hay kabi batshana bam, mara I can't wait till ibe yi last episode ka Real Gobhoza...yhoo le show iya bora jonk! iwesi i episode ya last week... I don't have any problem with ama presenters but ishow on it's own maan ayinamsoco! it's just a waste of sabc's airtime maan, and ndifuna ukwazi ukuthi ngubani who gave authority to broadcast le show.. nam mos I can come up with some lousy ideas, then ndiyithengise e sabc... this show must be terminated before it's 13th episode... isimoshela isikhathi maan and ayikho interesting anyomore ngoku! 

let's make our voices heard people! those of you who feel ukuthi i RGB must go to the trash bin, plz put you name on the list. this is not a resious list, and it won't go any further than this page, but maan I honestly need to know ukuthi am I the only one who is not comfortable about this show... it's a waste of isikhathi maan, and nyhani maan iyastressa ngoku!!!

amapresenters angaworry, ngizowatholela esinye ispan! hahahaaa


1. Marara

30 Jul 2007 09:30

come on people, say NO TO RGB VIRUS... haahahhaaaa

VI 2 the P aka VIP
30 Jul 2007 09:32

Ok, ok, ok. Speedy might have made his mark on Sisqo's books. I just found out the name of the track he did with Sisqo. It's called "She's so hot". Pity I can't find a site where I can download the track so I can hear it. I hope when we eventually get to hear it, Speedy is not humming or something along those lines.

30 Jul 2007 09:33

Haai Bo kutheni ngoku naa wena?????

30 Jul 2007 09:42

Speedy might have made his mark on Sisqo's books. I just found out the name of the track he did with Sisqo. It's called "She's so hot". 

WOW VIP, gr8 investigative skills..u shud join special assignment lol! Where did u find this info from?

VI 2 the P aka VIP
30 Jul 2007 09:43

babyjoe Thanx for that article, hey I haven't read Sowetan in a long time. 

Ok, so Spikiri is angry with the press. Why couldn't he go to the Sunday World offices and complain like other shlebs? Why use violence at all? I had great respect for the man, but his stunt will just cause him more negative media reports. His behaviour was totally unacceptable.

Tshisa gal
30 Jul 2007 10:08

Oh shame isi aram esingu sisqo,yho!I meant to say uspeedy!yena shame ubuti must just leave the music industry and find himself a real job...hayi kabi!Yhu,the intertainment industry can be so cruel sometimes kodwa!!!

30 Jul 2007 10:45

VI P great Blog maan,

Phew Speedy, wat a come back, making headlines everywhere.

No matter how much angry Spikiri is, he should learn to control his anger, i hope he pays for this. if he fealt they did him wrong he should have sued them.
i lost respect for him, that was soo unfair especially on Kabelo, if i was kabelo Spikiri was going to pay.

had such a great laugh at Kanye West's song on Live... yhooo that bro is a true artist jonk!!! he wrote a song about that incident he had with a 14 yr old girl and her parents. 
it was Akon.

he he he Marara u wedwa on this 1.

30 Jul 2007 10:54

Speedy is good... he's made it to TVSA even!

30 Jul 2007 10:56

Eish... Marara.. the song is by AKON

Brown Shuga
30 Jul 2007 11:11

<<Reply from: VI 2 the P 7/30/2007 4:32:52 PM
Ok, ok, ok. Speedy might have made his mark on Sisqo's books. I just found out the name of the track he did with Sisqo. It's called "She's so hot">>. 

The song was played on YFM when he got back from the was on the breakfast show and it was really "BORING", just a lot of noise so don't hold your breath....

30 Jul 2007 11:39

Marara where have you been I missed your apparently the song is by AKON and wena awazi wedwa....but its still hilarious.....

(Off the topic-hey Bee where where you this weekend bekuhl'angene amaDurbanites ePhoenix, one of the BEE ou'z (well not excatly BEE but a hard-workin brother)had a nkomo party and all the who's who waseDurban bekadaar...I'm talking monied peeps not the broke schlebs...unshofuyathly it wasnt a tabloid worthy affair....but I did lookout for you Beyonce..amongst abanye o mysister abebegrand...)

30 Jul 2007 12:00

hey Spopo love, how u been? I was in Jozi nge weekend! Why lo B.E.E. man ehlala e Phoenix maara? ha ha ha ha
but I'm sure beku grand, ubekhona yini u you know who? hi hi hi

30 Jul 2007 12:44

BEY ONCe-well ubengekho u-you know who, I'm starting to think uyazi-avoida izinto ezizomfakela amehlo...mhhhmm I wonder why...mara-ke loMrBEE had the do at his parents place yena has another posh shinging sum sum where he enteretains his BEE friends, I could hook you up, mara he's married. -and wena you've got Mr fat-lips Jigga himself to marry...

off the topic, I read that Ushers ex-Fiance didnt want to invite herOWN mother because she lost her dentures, and uthe nje awuyi emshadweni wam unganamazinyo...of course she didnt know her sistergirl will spill the beans the national enquireer...funny..apparently umam'wakhe went to buy hereslf new teeth so she can see ush marirying troublesome Tameka...but unshofunetli beseku-late

31 Jul 2007 01:42

hehehe Marara! Uthanda ukucula mara u cant tell the diff btwn AKON & Kanye - Kanye looks like he has a stocksweet stuck on the side of the mouth - udumbile?? Mara I andastand coz u lahv local music!! Have you seen Kanye's latest trend of what we would call SUNGLASSES... yena its more like SUNBLINDS, those eye-accessories look like opened blinds on his eyes...haai Kanye mara!!! 

Happy New Month's Eve!!!!

31 Jul 2007 01:57

Damn..I loved the Akon song..the guy is talented jealous down..and oh we still waiting for the Chomee overseas video..not forgeting the Crhis Brown Chomee one too.. Pro Kid and Robbie Malinga ...will it be hiphop..? Cant wait.. And guys okae 2-short? Used to love the track Ubdadada where zakes dissed him...wonder why there was never a video for that..

Xhosa Girl 101
31 Jul 2007 02:09

Nice article VIP.....

31 Jul 2007 02:20

I guess his dream of meeting is icon came true,and they even got a chance to make crappy music 2gether...that is far too cute!

VI 2 the P aka VIP
31 Jul 2007 02:32


Ya, that's the promotion I got on Specail Assignment... I'm kidding man. If u google hard enuf, u will find what you are looking for. It took me a while to get Speedy's foto too. kwa! kwa! kwa!

VI 2 the P aka VIP
31 Jul 2007 02:37

@ Brown Shuga

Thanx gal for the info. Eish, the fun ended before it started. Does Speedy atleast sing in the song? Oh my, how are we gonna get sum1 2 play it on YFM, I hear the place has become a ghost town -  everyone has vanished. Yo, even Shabba & Bondo are gone. Yo! yo! yo! Ke mathata fela. 

31 Jul 2007 03:15

hahahahaha hay maan I meant to say Akon... hahhahaaaaa ndiright maan noba ndithe ngubani!

VI 2 the P aka VIP
31 Jul 2007 03:31

kwa! kwa! kwa! Marara. I was wondering if I missed out on sum part of the show, cos I couldn't remember seeing Kanye West. kwa! kwa! kwa! Nyc one Marara, u really gave me a gud laf. kwaaaaaa kwa! kwa!

31 Jul 2007 03:44

@Marara...i c Kanye's pic in Shuga's blog is really givin' u

31 Jul 2007 04:22

31 Jul 2007 04:29

speedy and sisqo collaborating? haaibo mina i thot u guys were just this for real?!

31 Jul 2007 04:38

this flu is moring me. was not in yesterday....... i like speedy very much......... his eyes are very sexy please dont hate my futuer husband people speedy sings very well gape. arthur you must make sure his successful.........

31 Jul 2007 04:39

31 Jul 2007 04:41

BS: How many lines does Speedy  in the sisqo song.
OR does he hummhhh all the way. 
Yho, I wonder how is the video gonna  be like.

31 Jul 2007 04:42

Kelefab:speedy and sisqo collaborating......
uh uh Kele...the word is Collaborated...long long long long long time ago ngama-eighties i I think sisqo is a priest and father of ten  LOL just kidding  but maybe he doesnt even remeber our speedoz

31 Jul 2007 04:43

ke nyaka go nyala sbu.... he lost alll the weight and is very handsome... did you see him go Freinds Like This.... ke a mo nyaka pela pela. o motle ngwana batho tle.

31 Jul 2007 04:46

speedy is going to be successful and re tla bona if you laugh at him.... why do you people hate speedy he is a very nice person tle.

31 Jul 2007 05:24

Guys me and my friend where serving the net 2weeks back in Braamfontein we took a walk there and in one of the internet cafe's we saw Speedy there he asked for my friends numba Yeh my friend not me couldn't believe it,  we  saw him  with the same clothing he had on  when he appeared on t.v. and you won't believe it he never ever called my friend serves her right for not taking my numba ha ha ha sis on him even a buzz would of helped guess he really is down and out!!!!

31 Jul 2007 05:33

<<Slyfox :why do you people hate speedy he is a very nice person tle.>>

haayi man.....HATE is a big word.....

oh andSpeedy IS a nice bloke but , my grandmother is NICE and so is the old man in the bus....but they are not in music  LOL   
NICE doesnt do it in music...he must be shrewd, focused and know when to try sungthin else, instead f being the cry baby that he is.....who knows maybe he'll still shine 
we dont HATE Speedy I personaly wish him majo succss and my cyber-pscyhic  reading tells me he's got a hit coming....hi hi hi

VI 2 the P aka VIP
31 Jul 2007 05:45

@ Slyfox - Who said we hate Speedy? I don't. He! He! He! U r gonna start a Spikiri episode now, cos no one hates anyone. 

Actually we wish him well. Lets hope he doesn't have a Michael Jackson look... kwa! kwa! kwa!

@ femz - Woza nazo. Give us the juicy details. Tell your friend that Arthur might consider buying Speedy airtym, so she mustn't worry - uzomu bhelela... ha! ha!

VI 2 the P aka VIP
31 Jul 2007 05:45

@ Slyfox - Who said we hate Speedy? I don't. He! He! He! U r gonna start a Spikiri episode now, cos no one hates anyone.

Actually we wish him well. Lets hope he doesn't have a Michael Jackson look... kwa! kwa! kwa!

@ femz - Woza nazo. Give us the juicy details. Tell your friend that Arthur might consider buying Speedy airtym, so she mustn't worry - uzomu bhelela... ha! ha!

31 Jul 2007 06:03

31 Jul 2007 06:04


31 Jul 2007 06:54

But now did he really have to  tell us about his "raunchy Pictures" with kelly??? eeeeewwwww!!!!!!! dont want to picture them doing eeewww stuff....sies man speedy, no need to traumatise us with da sordid details....He must stop crying like a baby for u Kelly, he is deminishing any once of respect SOME ppl had for him ( if there r any )...uzenza isishimane nje....he must grow up

31 Jul 2007 06:57

u Speedy must stop acting like a 7yr old, mna i thnk he must grow up and find himself a job and this sisqo luk is just terrible and boring

Anton & Steve
31 Jul 2007 07:33

Uuuuuuu uAuthur uzobulala the last bit of Speedy's career... what a shame, shembe

02 Aug 2007 02:41


janet jacksin
03 Aug 2007 05:45

Trevor the cuttest guy ! hayi uyanditsho mpintshi especially u;re smile turn me on.take me and upgrade me ma luving !!!!! 

03 Aug 2007 05:53

Ms Jackson contain yoself, Trevor has a girlfriend.

06 Aug 2007 08:04

Mh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sipho is really old shame , why vele yena engade akhule cu iintanga zakhe zigugile nje shame

06 Aug 2007 08:16

Speey should give up,what ever crap he releases wont sell anyway, it never does.What he needs 2 do is go to Bongo Mafin and beg for their forgiveness and join them again!!!

06 Aug 2007 08:16

Speey should give up,what ever crap he releases wont sell anyway, it never does.What he needs 2 do is go to Bongo Mafin and beg for their forgiveness and join them again!!!

21 Feb 2008 07:04

Hi hih ih i hi.

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