Lucky number 5 show

Written by VI 2 the P aka VIP from the blog Luving the Real Goboza on 02 Aug 2007
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It's been five shows = more than a month of Real Goboza on our screens. So, help me out here - when will we be constituted to stop saying "They are still new". For anyone who watched last night’s episode, you understand exactly what I'm talking about.

For those who didn't, let’s just sum it up as "a comedy of technical errors". From people passing right in front of the camera, to inserts freezing and the wrong clips coming on. Eish... mara I guess it was another "bad day" for RGB, so let’s move right along.

I thought Spikiri's "unedited" insert would be longer but anyway, all I can say is that the guy seriously embarrassed himself. It was so funny hearing how 3Sum felt about the whole thing. Is it possible for them not to speak at the same time, so we can atleast hear what they are saying?

So Heat is a South African gossip mag? Sho, that’s news because whenever I see it on the shelves, it has the same International faces on the cover. I just checked out the website and guess what… on the cover it has Angelina, Kate, Britney and Pamela Anderson and none of them are South African. Hayibo, who’s fooling who? Or maybe the August issue decided to focus on the International shlebs? Hayike, we shall check out the September issue, hopefully Spikiri will be on the cover. LOL

No comment on the 10 Questions. Who was that lady by the way?

Poor Psypho spent all that moola to host the party and not even one present. Shame! I’m sure Speedy could have given him one of his towels, seeing that he won’t be needing them anymore. Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

Then they were three… What a shame that Jozi had to lose Crazy Lu. Did they let him go because he’s "crazy"? Remember that myth about people living up to their names? Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ok, what was Jozi saying? There was a whole lot of noise and them gaaning aan and aan about whatever it is they were saying. After the 20 minutes of blabbing, they still hadn’t answered why Crazy Lu was no longer part of the group. They just gave me a sore headache and a wide stretch of a yawn. Then Crazy Lu came and I thought we’d have a Jerry Springer episode. Aaah… nothing happened. 
I’m beginning to believe that maybe my TV is dying out on me, because I couldn’t hear a thing he was saying either. It was like listening to a broken record. He! he! he! I heard him mention Zimbabwe and Nigeria, kante what in the world was he talking about? Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! 
He was another one that gaaned aan and aan, poor Dineo couldn’t even get a word in? Ok, ok, did you guys notice something strange about Crazy Lu’s mouth? He! He! He! Eish, I must be seeing things.

What was that about Les and Pharell looking alike? Yo, yo, yo – I refuse. 


Soooooooooooooooo… what are your thoughts of RGB since it’s inception? Is it living up to expectation or is it nearing the exit door?

If you had to describe RGB in ONE word what would it be?


VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 04:51

Off topic: Sorry for the late article

02 Aug 2007 04:51


VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 04:52

Off topic: Sorry for the late article

02 Aug 2007 05:01

nice 1 VIP

If you had to describe RGB in ONE word what would it be?  CHAKALAKA

02 Aug 2007 05:05


No comment on the 10 Questions. Who was that lady by the way? 
Nami I want to know who she is!

Eish... mara I guess it was another "bad day" for RGB, so let’s move right along.


Then Crazy Lu came and I thought we’d have a Jerry Springer episode. Aaah… nothing happened. 

Didn't u see Bongs holding Ish back..for a moment there I thought Ish wanted to get up and fight...that was just too much to hope for.

I’m beginning to believe that maybe my TV is dying out on me, because I couldn’t hear a thing he was saying either. It was like listening to a broken record. He! he! he! I heard him mention Zimbabwe and Nigeria, kante what in the world was he talking about?

ahahahahahaha...eish he was going on abt how his mission is to be one with africans and mentioned all those countries in Africa, mara I was still lost and wondering what's that tobacco-like stuff in his mouth. That was a tough one for Dineo shame, I felt like screaming SHUT THE F UP!!!1

02 Aug 2007 05:06


02 Aug 2007 05:14

If you had to describe RGB in ONE word what would it be?


VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 05:15

One word - HESITANT

I seriously feel the producers have sum brilliant ideas, but it seems they are hesitant when it comes to the execution. It's like sumthings holding them back...

VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 05:33

@ nonkez

We are talking about the same show, but expressing it on different platforms. BS is part of RGB and bring us the low down, whilst I'm just a viewer and I review the show. Hope this helps. If not please refer to the first article in this blog where I explain why I started this blog.

02 Aug 2007 05:45

Hi everyone. i like RGB a lot, but what was happening last nite was just like VIP said "a comedy of technical errors". but anyways i would take it as a mistake made by editors. Jozi was really messed up - i guessed the three of them didn't figure out that since they are coming to RGB as guests, their "long lost brother" will be there as well. Shame!! they could not say word when he showed. My guess is they were going to talk about mistake and probably say something like: "We still luv u Crazy Lu, wherever u are" did not get any chance of that happening.  It was a  sorry sight, Shame.

02 Aug 2007 05:53

My guess is they were going to talk about mistake and probably say something like: "We still luv u Crazy Lu, wherever u are" did not get any chance of that happening. It was a sorry sight, Shame. 

hahhhahha Weiss!!

VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 05:54

@ Weiss

True that. I doubt they expected him to have the guts to pitch up. More over showing luv to them lyk dat. Interesting...

02 Aug 2007 06:11

<<What was that about Les and Pharell looking alike? Yo, yo, yo – I refuse>> 
I also didn't see the reseblense Yho! Les only wishes he looked like Pharell!

<<If you had to describe RGB in ONE word what would it be?>>

02 Aug 2007 06:14

I would Advise RGB that they form a forum whereby they ask the viewers to post the qxns that they would like Trevor/Dineo to ask when doing inteviews, that would be great and fulfilling. After all the show is for the viewers. From the list that they get from the viewers they can choose maybe a top ten, then base the interview on those qxns. They wont have to feel guilty about asking personal stuff as it would be from anonymous viewers.

vip great article as usual, u dont cease to impress me keep it up broer.

02 Aug 2007 06:17

If i were to describe RGB in one word. Disatisfactory

02 Aug 2007 06:23

Ubongani says “I look up for u Crazy Lu coz uyintwana” but news flash my broer Crazy Lu has been in this industry (with out mummy baby sitting him like u) longer than u and he has survived. This industry has crushed old pepes like Spikiriwiki, why is SA surprised when Crazy Lu hits down low. We as a nation (JOZI mostly) are wrong and unfair if we are to neglect him.

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 06:27


Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 06:29

1 word for Jozi BORING... Rgb is boring more and more

02 Aug 2007 06:37

nice one VEE EYE PEEE.

I thinks it's unfair for Shuga to do a recap of the show, she's  part of.

Shuga - let other people do it.

02 Aug 2007 06:55

I like Ish people that guy is looking better with age and last nite was one of the days that he looked cleaned and sober....

the editor of HEAT mag looks like a girl nxt door to me.... 

the show is interesting in a boring way nje.... there is definetly something missing. my suggestion is they must not do a live show period.... its so unecessary  

02 Aug 2007 06:58

rgb must fix the technical errors the show will be better....

02 Aug 2007 07:07

Totally enjoyed the show last nite. 
But yho! Crazy lu nids rehab, that boy nids atleast a year off the streets and pleeeezzz off our screens. My lip almost hit the floor when i watched him. Bongani yena was boring as a kid, he still bores me now. 
Spikiri: old age home!!!
Babalwa Mneno blaming it on the media..... blonde moment girl!!
Shuga, ure gettin there darlin,
otherwise RGB minus tenchical mistakes = a hit show!

02 Aug 2007 07:11

Andi01---there is a such a forum, it's on facebook though

02 Aug 2007 07:13

they do look alike kancane nje,,, i think nje they have this and that and this that,,,this week its this,,,, i could be wrong but last week there was no 10 QUESTIONS and this week lelo did not interview anyone in particular....last they forgot to say the answer to that question (cant remember the question)

they have a

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 07:15

rgb must fix the technical errors the show will be better....

WILL NOT HAPPEN.................................................

Freud Genius
02 Aug 2007 07:17

One word to describe it.
DISORGANISED and lacking in fresh ideas (ok tht's more than one word) but I think Trev and Dini are funny and are good presenters. Props!!!

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 07:17

I would Advise RGB that they form a forum whereby they ask the viewers to post the qxns that they would like Trevor/Dineo to ask when doing inteviews, that would be great and fulfilling. After all the show is for the viewers. From the list that they get from the viewers they can choose maybe a top ten, then base the interview on those qxns. They wont have to feel guilty about asking personal stuff as it would be from anonymous viewers.

i agree....

02 Aug 2007 07:22

i feel you andi01, bongani irritated me so much last night. The way i see it B is like the leader of that group & because Crazy Lu didn't take any S%%t from him he was butted out of the group.In my opinion B is only famous because he's Brenda son and he's using that to his own advantage. My advice 2 Crazy Lu he is what he is today because of his own talent (not because of his mother) so he must just stand up & brush himself. Atleast now he knws who he's real friends are. As for Les looking like Pharell pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase ppl, on screen he's nice but face 2 face thats another story.

02 Aug 2007 08:01

Nice 1 VI 2 he P.

RGB in 1 word: Ok (is that a word?)

What I wanna say is it can be alot better but it could be worse.

02 Aug 2007 08:16

RGB one word >>> Cool

Please Please Please ....loose the LIVE show thang. B much better like that. Cool one VIP.

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 08:23


02 Aug 2007 08:24

<<Poor Psypho spent all that moola to host the party and not even one present. Shame! I’m sure Speedy could have given him one of his towels, seeing that he won’t be needing them anymore. Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! >>

LOL.  one of my blonde moments mang this crazy lu character and what's this story yall are talking about?

02 Aug 2007 08:27

one word to describe rgb: stiff. i find they're too scared to live up to their name/waht they led us to believe what the show was about before the launch. maybe they'd give us more if they were anonymous like bo shwashwi

02 Aug 2007 08:29

one word for RGB...CHEEZEE

Les=Pharrell...i think Les is better looking than pharrel, they are not doing him any justice by comparing him with pharrel...thats just too criminal ngiyanitshela!

SmallQ<<In my opinion B is only famous because he's Brenda son and he's using that to his own advantage. >>

I disagree, he's not using that to his advantage, Bongani is also talented shem he was just fortunate enuff to have a brenda mother, which in my opion was just an added advantage...but i dont condone what they did to crazy lu, everyone deserves a second chance, i mean he's still young, a suspension would have been an eye-opener. 

Ishmael and drugs...say wahtt...joking??

02 Aug 2007 08:40

I thinks it's unfair for Shuga to do a recap of the show, she's part of.

Shuga - let other people do it.

Shuga doesn't do the recap maddie, ke TVSA Staff that does the Video thingie.

IS IT POSSIBLE FOR RGB TO BE STOPPED FROM AIRING?  Some of the viewers enjoy it, especially last nyt's episode.

 come on now RGB producers, are they taking TVSA stories now??

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 08:44

Les=Pharrell...i think Les is better looking than pharrel, they are not doing him any justice by comparing him with pharrel...thats just too criminal ngiyanitshela! 

UUUUUUUUU immaculate, i don't agree nawe tu tu tu. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

02 Aug 2007 08:48

@immaculate- he's having it easy compared to other people that had to hustle to be where they are today.Crazy Lu is talented he made it into the industry on his own.

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 08:48

I want to know the process of putting on a TV PROGRAM  on air and taking it off for interests sake.... I didn't say i want it off...... i want to know if it can be taken off nje.... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 08:50

who's crazy Lu's mom?

Anton & Steve
02 Aug 2007 08:51


02 Aug 2007 08:58

@ immaculate Bongani is also talented shem   thats a lie and everyone knows it. remember his song (hamba bongani, ubabonise ukuthi awuzelwana ngamsitake" Breanda's voice) according 2 my sources it didndt do well at all. He aonly got recognition bcoz of her mother, and whe she passed on people felt pity for him. And was recognized again when Crazy Lu wrote that song that they both performed for Brenda, so talented, ha a Imma Ek dink nie so nie. not in a million years.

02 Aug 2007 09:04


SmallQ: Normally when one works very hard to get somewhere they'd do anything to protect their achievements...somehow i doubt gore Crazy lu worked as hard as u say he did, otherwise we wouldnt be having this coversation.

02 Aug 2007 09:06

RGB - Messy

Hmmm...i mentioned my views already in the other blog.

People...some of us like to watch RGB despite the errors. Improvement is needed. Looking at the programme ratings, RGB is the 3rd by programme type. For those that want it stopped dont bother, just press that 'power off' button on your remote..klaar!

02 Aug 2007 09:08

One advise: Call Jay-Z and Bee so that they can upgrade you as they did to them selves

Nicholas @LAKE SIDE(Orange Farm)

02 Aug 2007 09:13

Lol @ niconathi

02 Aug 2007 09:14 must be a celeb runner-up phela if thee is anyone who know this guys its you mara one thing you always see things differently..I wonder why but everyone is unique in their own way I guess.

02 Aug 2007 09:16

he he he runner-up celebrity?? hi hi hi LMFAO

02 Aug 2007 09:21

BS a u sure ure not the one o shayile Katlego Danke ka stena??

VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 09:27

@ Shadow

RGB is the 3rd by programme type

Eish, please xplain to me what this means. Ek weet gore ek is a bietjie blonde.

VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 09:30

@ immaculate

Les=Pharrell...i think Les is better looking than pharrel, they are not doing him any justice by comparing him with pharrel...thats just too criminal ngiyanitshela!

Yo, yo, yo. kwa! kwa! kwa! I hope this is a joke. Seriously!

02 Aug 2007 09:32

u crazy lu yena he nids some sirias help maybe he shd ask K ablo 2 huk hm up kula rehab wayekuyo b4 he became hapi 4 him kodwa sheim yena u Bouga Luv.Mayb nawe u Crazy Lu wil buya enjengo Kabelo

02 Aug 2007 09:32

mara why wud any1 in their right mind wanna compare LES to PHARELL??? Common now...I know local is lekker kodwa haai maan not ka nje.....

02 Aug 2007 09:34

@ TDC must be a celeb runner-up phela b i aint blonde baby but could you please explain 2 me what u me bcoz I dont wanna jump 2 conclusions b4 understaning the content

02 Aug 2007 09:36

Common now, uthini sisi??
hi hi hi

02 Aug 2007 09:37

@VI 2 the P

hay kabi mfethu bt ur joke z very dry 

02 Aug 2007 09:39

haaibo Sjura

02 Aug 2007 09:43

Les=Pharrell...i think Les is better looking than pharrel, they are not doing him any justice by comparing him with pharrel...thats just too criminal ngiyanitshela!

Yo, yo, yo. kwa! kwa! kwa! I hope this is a joke. Seriously

Actually I think the two are not comparable. RGB just wanted something to say about Les, (you know how they had a video clip for Ishmael & Bongani??) then - not wanting poor thing to feel left out - perhaps someone notice how their jackets look the same... then they went wild saying stuff like that. Come on RGB lets give the boy a break... he knows he doesnt look like Pharrell. A lot of people will start laughing if you give him that much credit.

02 Aug 2007 09:53

I agree with you guys, Les does not look anything like Pharell. they have similar dance moves thats all. I mean who can compare our cutiful Les with that mafacka Pharell with eyes ngathi ubanjwe somewhere underneath. Pharell is richer, afford expensive clothes, but when it comes to looks, I should give our Les my vote, I aint playin you guys. We SA's are so obsessed with American style that we just dont appreciate ourselves no more,that we always come second when we race with them. If truth be told umhle uLes.

02 Aug 2007 09:55

One word to describe RGB:  AWFUL

 Bongani Fassie:  He was talking  yesterday but couldn't hear a thing!!! What's up brother you kept mumbling!!! 

Crazy Lu: Papa nyaope ya bolaya.......  

Ishamel: Don't you wanna grow up, phela you are like born in 1965......

TV with Lelo: although you impressed me yesterday.... but i don't see the need for your slot there 

Les lookalike to Pharell: RGB ya GAFA BIG TIME!!!!

02 Aug 2007 10:00

If RGB used that to Speedy last week to stop him from crying... it would have worked - just cheer him up - 

"Speedy, do you how much you look like Sisqo"
Speedy: (then we see a smile cracking) Yes, actually people keep telling me that here, even in the US when me & Sisqo were recording our crappy song.
"Then are you bigger than Arthur?"
Speedy:(smile wider than before) Yes I think I am! He never recorded anything with Sisqo - ha! ha!

02 Aug 2007 10:02

I am new here, please welcome me....

It was actually the first time I watched RGB as well last night.

One word to describe RGB - Boring!!!!!!!!

I think that Dineo needs some extra lessons in presenting....she could do better. As for Trevor...ooooh lala! 

I think that Bongani Fassie needs to get a life and stop trying to look and act american. As for  Crazy Lu, the brother needs to be banned from TV altogether. If you cant behave, then we dont want to see you on TV. Same goes for  Mandla Spikiri - what's up with that perfomance???????

02 Aug 2007 10:04

LOL @ Weiss thats a classic my broer

02 Aug 2007 10:22

Dumelang people.
I think that  from now on, RGB should do excatly what they did last night. Get two people on the show so that we can hear both sides of the story right there, live! I honestly enjoyed watching Crazy Lu going all crazy on Dineo kwa kwa kwa!!! 

And did u guys notice that the other guy, not Bongani or Ishmael (what's his name again?) said that he and Crazy Lu did not get involved in any physical fight only for Crazy Lu to say that they did?? Now that's what I cal ditshele and would like to see every Wednesday. People confronting each other live on air, sho! Forgive me people but ke a e rata drama!!! I think that the show was hottt.


02 Aug 2007 10:23



VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 10:31

@ Weiss

RGB just wanted something to say about Les, (you know how they had a video clip for Ishmael & Bongani??) then - not wanting poor thing to feel left out - perhaps someone notice how their jackets look the same... then they went wild saying stuff like that

kwa! kwa! kwa! U r killing me softly. he! he! he! u r gud

VI 2 the P aka VIP
02 Aug 2007 10:43

I think the beef is more between Bongani and Crazy Lu, than Jozi and Crazy Lu. I wonder what REALLY happened? Could it be the egos and the fact that they are both child stars getting in the way?

02 Aug 2007 11:15

Not that the is a Cheek involved maybe?

02 Aug 2007 12:59

VI 2 the P.....thnx for a gud article as always!!! U neva disappoint. Just dont take too long to write.

One word for RGB.....CRAPPY  
Can they pls stop taking articles from TVSA's actually boring!!! If they dont have ideas, they can just ask & not take them str8 from here. We better start copywriting stuff we talk about here

The TV with Lelo insert must just go...dont c the reason for that.No hard feelings Shugs 

03 Aug 2007 02:26

Alright seszwile ngeJozi! Hi ndaba efile leyo MAY THEIR SOULS REST IN PEACE. 

VI 2 the P aka VIP
03 Aug 2007 03:27

Jammer Flo-Jo, I sumtyms get here so l8. Jammer 

VI 2 the P aka VIP
03 Aug 2007 03:33

I can't access this link Toxic. Could you plz give a low down on this site. Do ppl just blog or is it more formalised?

03 Aug 2007 03:41

vip just go to and take it from there. 

can sum1 tell me what exactly happened with crazy lu and them? and aside from him and bongane who else makes up jozi? i don't even think i've heard any of theri songs

VI 2 the P aka VIP
03 Aug 2007 04:24

Thanx Kele, the site is blocked.

03 Aug 2007 04:30

same here. there's another one ya but Toxi said it's a cheap imitation so...

03 Aug 2007 04:44

Awesome if you ask me it came a long way from a yawn to what i saw on Thursday.. Lelo u rock.

03 Aug 2007 04:44

facebook is a social network surprised u don't know abt it VIP. The one is as KF said, an imitation of the global one. It's almost like MYSPACE..only better so if you can, go to an internet cafe and check out what's there..only thing is you have to register to view profiles, groups (like the RGB group) that are on the site.

03 Aug 2007 04:51

what did u c on thurs TDC?

VI 2 the P aka VIP
03 Aug 2007 04:59

Thanx Toxic. I heard from a friend that it's replacing MYSPACE. Eish, getting 2 an internet cafe will be a mission, but thanx anyway.

03 Aug 2007 05:00

Kelefab preparing her lovely boy to go to bed.

03 Aug 2007 05:01



VI 2 the P aka VIP
03 Aug 2007 06:07

@ Alrocka

I'm glad I'm not the only 1 who noticed sumthing was not right with Lu's mouth. I tried 2 figure out wat the problem was. 

AMA-FOLS TEETH - kwa! kwa! kwa!


14 Aug 2007 03:18

i love rgb but my only concern is lelo, lelo sounds like she is scared of herself. it would be better if she canh build her self esteem and confidence. keep up the good work RGB CREW.

14 Aug 2007 03:26

>lelo sounds like she is scared of herself<
LMAO MQB!! That is such a funny comment!!

14 Aug 2007 03:47

MQB Lelo was thrown on the deep end. So of course she was nervous as hell. Tip for lelo, you've got nothing to be nervous about. i'm a girl and i'm not a lesbian. but i can still tell YOU're Hot . Maybe its the X factor(Xhosa).

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