So we see them on TV, we dance to their music...some of us have them as friends and others, like myself, have met them and maybe even been to their houses on an occasion. We've heard their side and we've heard shwashwi's side. But we all know a boyfriend/girlfriend is a different person from the person one knows.
So ma bloggers help me figure out just who these peepls are? What are they like as potential partners? If u've ever been out on a date with them, where did they take you? How did they act? Are they just the same as they are on TV? Are all the rumours about them true? What are they like in bed? What are they favorite dish? Ba bodisa like the rest of us ko toilet? Do they have any nasty habits?
Nna i've always steered far away from any kind of relationship (intimate) with shlebs becos i'm the type that falls fast and hard so haai ba bona i don't think one can trust with one's heart so...I've even been interested in a coupla them at some point or other (this being one of my "blonde" moments when i didn't know who they were...)needless to say i lost interest as soon as i found out. Someone very close to me went out with a certain ex football star who is now a coach of some team...he was also in some football star search on tv on the weekends and recently got married to a foreign lady...get who this is? (see i wud name him if it had been ME that went out with him cos then neke tlabe kena le bopaki, not that she's lying because i saw it for maself) Apparently he was very um...gentlemanly during their date. At first she went out with him cos she felt guilty (she had crashed his car into a wall) and wanted to somehow make it up to him. I always wondered, seeing as she is so beautiful, what she was doing with D...oops! almost said his name. hi hi hi. A colleauge of myne also once dated Sbuda (DJ) and the woman had too much of everything...too much hair, too much makeup...too much attitude. I always wondered if the brother likes them that way. Hi hi hi reminds me of this one lady who wanted to beat me up one time in a club over Spikiri. Abuti u probably won't remember as you come across so many women everyday but la cheri yakho o batlile a mpontsha mothlolo that nite...didn't your mama teach you not to make moves on another woman when your lady's standing just a few feet away? Hi hi hi but that was eons ago.
But bloggers, seriously now, can you please satisfy my curiosity and tell us of your experiences with these people? And i'd especially like to hear from the guys as it seems women shlebs only date their own this so? And are the men shlebs' lies worse than your average guy?
Please share!
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