Hi everyone! This site has drawn my attention in a way that I couldnt help but add another blog that will discuss women who appear on our tv screens everyday. 4 today I'd like to talk about women in the SA soapies who keep us glued to tv all the time even when the storyline is boring sometimes. Firstly you need to agree with me when I say there are great women in our South African soapies. When watching Isidingo you see 'Ma-Agnes' and the way she handles both business and her family matters, then there's Lee-a typical bussiness woman who has too many things to deal with (her relationship with Alex and her father not approving it) Gosh! that woman makes me wonder if she'll ever be happy with what she has (money & power) there's always drama in her life, but why did they chase Charel out -I've always wanted to watch Isdingo so that I'll see what she was up to and how she's get away with it. There's Generations with characters coming and leaving the soapie-either by going overseas or they die. But Karabo and Queen are always there, they're like the face of Generations. Imagine Generations without those two! Though they are always there but they are not the reason I watch Generations. Ntombi keeps me glued on Tv for Generations @ 8pm. I like her personality, appearing with feminine power- the 'don't mess with me' attitude. She always has problems to solve (with Sbusiso, Kenneth, Samuel or Karabo) and she gets the message across everytime. Im wondering why Gen is still keeping Anne, she's the one who needs to leave the soapie or else get something to deal with.