I'm sure we've all heard of the age before Feminism and Women Liberation (Girl Power). When exactly did this age begin? Anyhoo I have some questions about this era.
We know the before and after. Before women had very little rights (if any) and were not treated as equals. What about now? Has there really been a change? Do we have the same rights as men? And if so are those rights exercised, acknowledged and appreciated? Are we reall equal in the true sense of the word? Mind u this is not another woman whining about what must or should be. I'm just wanting to know if anything's changed really...?
I was watching Mubango the other night and Humbulani was as usual playing her 2 men. I always thought the woman was confused and shud get her damned act straight! and choose which one she really wants! But then as she and that lady were talking (forgot her name...the one who likes to say "boss lady") Humbulani said something very interesting which I kicked myself for not having thought of. She said she loved them both as they both satisfy different needs and desires. The Dr was considerate, gentle and king and generous (who doesn't want a man like that?!) And the lawyer made her laugh and feel special and appreciated as a woman. So why can't she just have both of them?! Men can, why can't women? Isn't this where equality of the sexes comes in? I thot to myself...mhhmmm...interesting. But then my Freud cap had to come on(sometimes I overanalyse things!): Both these men are actually 2 male figures that I believe every female needs. One the father (the Dr who takes care) and the other a lover (the lawyer who is more of a soulmate). Ps. does Humbulani have a father? don't remember hearing about him...
Someone, who I consider one of the few good men around (sorry ladies, he's happily married with 2 kids!) once said to me "99% of men will cheat, even if they are happily married". This is so saaaaddd!!! And I c it all the time 2. Have even experienced it myself. He also said it's not about the woman the man is in love with. The woman might mean the world to the same guy but men will cheat because they are men. And, if he really loves you, he will make sure u neva find out! Now the guys must explain this to me...how do u cheat knowing u might lose your "life" (woman)?! Then I remember Humbulani. Then i remember I've also been in love and no matter how extra hot the other guy looked I neva once considered going there...haai!
Please don't get me confused as I'll be flipping both sides of the coin here as I'm trying to grasp this whole relationships thing!
Then comes Ntombi(Gen). The self proclaimed feminist who doesn't need a man to cater for her (financial) needs. But she does need Sbuda! (those who know more about feminists do tell me....do they also feel they don't need a man for companionship?) The other day she got into an argument with Sbuda's uncle. The woman was shouting at him! Ok fine so he may have made some not so nice comments about her and the type of "makoti" she is or shud be. In Setswana they say mosadi wa ikokobetsa.But kanti nna I thot u had to just bite ur tongue and be as polite as possible to the in laws, no matter what they say to you? Ok maybe not no matter what but u have to try as much as possible not to get emotional and be the bigger person akere? Aren't we taught gore this is the only way (if ever!) u'll gain their like? Ok that's my belief and I'm sticking to it! Confusing i know but i also believe a person needs to earn ur respect. And u bab'mkhulu certainly wasn't bidding for any points there!
Men and women in gay relationships. We have Nhlanhla(Scandal). Everyone knows he's gay and they all love and accept him. Then we have the seemingly strange relationship between Shakira and..can't remember her name...oh yes! Kayleigh...Now ever since it became apparent these 2 might have something going on people started yapping! Nhlanhla was in a relationship with Joac(?) awhile back and no one really cared! But 2 women! Ok...so JJ is the only one who sees in in a different (perv!) light from everyone else but the rest of them...kanti what's going on here???
Then we have Queen (Generations). She quit her job as the head of the Pep campaign for the sake of her relationship to Steve/ A campaign she busted her ass off for! And then she goes and gives it up! Why couldn't Steve do that? Y did it have to be Queen? The Gen scriptwriters didn't even bother to explore other alternatives! Clearly soemething's wrong here.
Now let's leave the soapie land and look at the real world. A woman very close to me is a very successful someone. Has a wonderful career which she absolutely loves (plus it brings in good moola!) She has a beautiful house and drives the latest BMW. She is also someone i think has the most beautiful heart, out of all the people i know! She's now 31 and is at a stage where she wants to marry and have kids. She believes any man who'll father her children must be there with her ie. married. She doesn't want to be the only one waking up at night! She is also is the type of person who will do whatever it takes to make sure that she doesn't (even seemingly) make a decision that'll affect both parties without first consulting and having agreed with the other party. I'm talking things like having a baby. She's been brooding now for at least 3 yrs and will not go there as the other party wasn't "ready". Equality? Yes...and no...i felt gore she trully deserved to have this child and y shud it be up to the guy that they won't be?(yena he had 3 diff babies by 3 women and felt the next one he shud be married) ok. i felt him on that one. but i also felt he was being selfish and inconsiderate. Here was a woman whom he claimed to love but couldn't bring himself to make her happy...nx!
So are we really equal in the true sense of the word? Were we meant to be equals? I believe in women liberation and all of that but at the same time i do too believe men and women have different roles in life(but it's up to the 2 of them to work that out). I believe in the alpha male who shud provide and cater for his woman and family. I believe it is the woman's duty to take care of the household (don't really care how u do it and no one shud tell u how it shud be done 2...eg. u can hire a maid). Please remember these are my personal beliefs and would never impose them on someone else! I believe that a mutual understanding and appreciation goes a long way in making the relationship a success. Do men still have more power than we and do they still get away with alot? Are we really judged in the same light? Is there really a Battle of the Sexes? To me a battle is between two equal people and do we really have this battle seeing as we're not so equal? Should we just accept men and women are different and should complement one another? Is this good enough?