Really, the people in the BBA2 house need to go for mental they even consider that there are viewers out here who are watching the show? How can they want Richie out?
What will we talk about when he's gone?? Anna?? Nooooooo....
Married People: Please leave Richard in the house so you can see exactly what your husband/wife does when you are not around!!!

Let creepy Mau-blah-reen go or even that tarty Meryl bantu...either that or I stop watching ...
He he he he did you guys hear Bertha's prayer in the garden???
"I am not like these people. I'm so different. I'm better than Jesus. I want to be a new person. I don't know how to play this game"....
Ok, that's a bit of a remix maar ja noh sies uyandicaphukisa....snake-ndini!!!
Richie stays neh??