Africa Has Spoken! Max Ulayekile!!!

Written by Brown Shuga from the blog Big Brother In Africa on 16 Sep 2007
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As you read this article, please imagine that HHP's WALK ON BY is playing in the background.....

These were the two people that were there when he came into the house but because of the way he embarassed them in the house, they were nowhere to be found on eviction night!!!

For the first time since the show started, I actually voted a housemate out and guess what, Africa agreed with me and they said, Yes, Maxwell, the Call Centre Operator with an irritating voice must leave the BBA2 house. 
Happy does not even begin to explain this was just meant to be!

Maxwell Call Centre shame

If you read my previous BBA2 articles, you will see that he was once a favourite of mine but as time went on, he got big headed, hung around Lerato too much and forgot that we, the viewers have a say as to what happens in that house. 
His T-flippin-unit nonsense with Bertha (or should I say Beryl), Kwaku and foul mouthed-Lerato was his downfall.

What makes me so happy about him leaving is the fact that for the first time since the show started, Africa came together and agreed that we don't stand for dictatorship, we don't stand for arrogance, we don't stand sarcasm and we definitely don't stand for bulls**t!! 
No, I'm not talking about Mugabe here but I'm talking about the reasons why All except one voter, 12 African Countries to be exact, came together and voted for this guy to leave Big Brother House. 
Zambia is the only country that voted for Richard. 11 other participating countries and the rest of africa (which counts for one vote) voted against Max and I am over the moon hi hi hi hi .

So you see, if we were to count the votes that he got, it's actually more than 12 but we'll leave it at 12, it's good enough for now....I mean, you must really be horrible for all the countries to vote against you..damn...and the only reason why Zambia didn't vote  him out is because they didn't wanna embarass him. He's one of them after all....

People who support Lerato, Bertha and Kwaku talk about entertainment and I agree, we do want to be entertained when we watch the show but the housemates can be entertaining without belittling other housemates. 
They can be entertaining without backstabbing, swearing and being pretentious (am thinking Bertha here). 
Maxwell was not man enough in that house. He was too much of Lerato's caddy to be a man. 
As he will see when he reads about or reviews his stay in the house, Lerato was his BIGGEST mistake ever!!! 
He walked out of the house and the first thing he says is that "I love my galfriend, I have a galfriend." 
Damn, ain't it a bit too late for that papi???? Do you honestly think that gal who paid for your studies and helped your moms out is still waiting for you after you humiliated her like that? With bitter Lerato nogal? 
I hope she's dumped his weak ass coz he deserves it...

Okay, okay, let me calm down a bit......

LMAO ulayekile, ulayekile, ulayekile...he he he he he PHUMA!!!!

Okay, seriously now...the show just got more interesting...actually what's gonna happen now is that the housemates are gonna nominate Bertha and Lerato like we want them to and I predict that Lerato will go followed by Bertha and then Big Brother will introduce a twist...maybe before Bertha goes. If he doesn't introduce a twist then the evictions will be predictable and boring because the voters have a uniform voice :"Break The Untouchables" aka T Unit.

What's gonna be even more interesting though is to see what happens tomorrow because Lerato won the Head of House Task last week and decided to keep the 2010 World Cup Soccer ticket and give HOH to Max. Flip, and I thought she was a bright spark....

I mean really, it's just one ticket!!! 5 Nights accommodation in South Africa, her home country., 5 nights, not 5 star accomodation Lerato and they didn't even say the ticket is for the final, what if it's Zimbabwe vs Iceland (???) or some boring country? Gaad, clearly the $100 000 is worth more??? 

She was so confident that Max was gonna stay, she decided to give him HOH and risk being nominated next week....
Well, I'm wondering whether there will be another way to choose a HOH or whether Biggie will leave things as they are....??
Personally I want him to leave things as they are coz then we know that we will be handed Lerato on a silver platter....

He he he he I must go get an outfit for her eviction party next week...hi hi hi hi hi
I will wear the same outfit to Bertha's too coz she'll be leaving next...I know!!

RiTa STAYS's not their time to leave yet. 

Tswaka Tswaka Tswaka 
Tswaka Tswaka Tswaka
Tswaka Tswaka Tswaka


16 Sep 2007 15:21

Beside all, this guy was a real entertainer, was very sad 2 c him lvng d house. I cannot imagine d boredom that we'll b in dat house for d weeks 2 cam. I liked his jokes he was a very funny guy I was a bit upset though to c him change afta he was nominated. I wont b watchin BB anymo bcause ther wont b anythin intrstng only d Big gossiper(Code) and his scarf that is always hangin on him 24/7 wit d most irritatin voice on earth(Morrien)(Blah blah blah dnt hav anythin intrstng 2 tlk abt) and d maid of d house(Ofunne mama) always in d kitchen if not dancin by herself 4 d whole nyt and Richie&Tati I'll rather watch Bold & the Beautiful I cnt stnd those 2 they dnt even want us 2 hear what they tlk abt dat why they wer wrtng secret messages on each others lap. PLEASE GUYS let us all stand 2gether and save our gal LERATO bcause i knw 4 sure these guys will nominate her 2morro.

16 Sep 2007 16:21

guess bertha,& or  kweku & leroto shld be warmin up NOW....Ofunneka Tatianna & Richard ar entertainin me enough...

pips, on the HOH issue....who was second after lerato on the HOH task???

DaBrat...It's so Sad that u wount be watchin anymore (bold & D Beautiful will do just fine for u) but i can assure u that millions less is like nothing off...really. peace!!!

17 Sep 2007 00:38

5 nights, not 5 star accomodation Lerato and they didn't even say the ticket is for the final, what if it's Zimbabwe vs Iceland (???) or some boring country? Gaad, clearly the $100 000 is worth more??? 

LOLOLOL!! this is so hlekising!! mina I have no strong feelings for any of the housemates' stay or departure cause u know mos, I watch what i can on the net. Saw Max being summoned to the Diary Room and was wondering who all these untouchables were  cause coincidentally, THE UNTOUCHABLES (the real one....Robert de Niro) was playing on some channel around the same time i saw BBA yesterday---eish I cooked up some excuse to visit a friend so i could see BBA:)

17 Sep 2007 01:13

pips, on the HOH issue....who was second after lerato on the HOH task??? 

Hi Estee, de second best was Richi but I think Biggie will ask Lerato to choose  again and she is going to choose Kwaku. But if  Biggie chooses Richi hell will broke loose.

I don't mind Richi been the HOH but I think this is de last chance to get rid of Maureen. That woman irritates me from the water bottle carrying in this heat,laziness,blah,blah and the worst part hanging on Code 24/7. If Code doesn't get rid of her,she is going to cost him de money.

Poor Lerato,she was moaning as if Max passed away,wearing black nogal with her studgies. Tough Luck but tonite she is up 4 eviction because the 5 underdogs don't like her

17 Sep 2007 01:36

5 nights, not 5 star accomodation Lerato and they didn't even say the ticket is for the final, what if it's Zimbabwe vs Iceland (???) or some boring country? Gaad, clearly the $100 000 is worth more??? 

It doesn't matter, haven't you heard? THE ticket will be exchanged for 12 beers next week.

17 Sep 2007 01:38

I've never screamed with so much joy when Max's name was announced yesterday. My neighbours probably think something was wrong with me. Im one of those ppl who voted Max out.. mostly because he thought he had already won BBA 2! Arrogance bathong... and accusing code for voting for them, as if they spoke to Biggie about who voted for them...

<<de second best was Richi but I think Biggie will ask Lerato to choose again and she is going to choose Kwaku. But if Biggie chooses Richi hell will broke loose. >>

It will be unfair if Biggie asks Lerato to choose again! She threw away her HOH and now its either the second best is HOH (Rich) or have no head of house this week. Meaning whoever gets the most votes will be voted for by us - hope its Bertha & Maureen.

Lerato should focus and stop making the house so uncomfortable for everyone else. I really want her to win the money (coz she's south african) but the way she's carryin on, she's digging her own grave.


17 Sep 2007 01:50

17 Sep 2007 01:53

I don't think its fair but on the other hand it gives Lerato a chance to be herself. I think she will win if the housemates don't basse thier decision on who to nominate to be evicted on who they hate but who the biggest snake is.

I felt for Lerato last night cos she was sure Richiana will be out.....

Miss K
17 Sep 2007 02:02

So u mean to tell me that Africa does not support dictatorship but it supports adultery coz i dont care what anybody says about strategy what Richiana is doing is WRONG and as much as Max made an ass of himself the past week i am still his fan! I was hurt when he was evicted and now we'll watch the 2 s!ut$ sitting on the hammock and making a mockery of Richard's marriage. I'm sorry to take it personally but infedelity just hits too close to home. 

I pray that boring Maureen wins BBA after u ppl vote out all the interesting characters!

Damn i promised myself not to get attached to this ish!!

17 Sep 2007 02:05

I can't say i've never been so excited of anything lately than Max's eviction(I scremed my lungs out).Did you hear the sordid sorry excuse ha gave for evicting Meryl?.....The nerve of that guy...... He went on about how "He comes from a principled home which doesnt promote public display of nudity" oh my gawd..... For heavens sake he had sex on Live TV with His ballon tummy girlfriend who brought His downfall.I must say my favourite moment was the unbelievable expression on his face when his name was called out.Thank you Africa i was also beginning to  curse the HHP song the way he was always singing it. Africa let's unite and vote  out His Babe, A WORD we won't be hearing again for weeks to come.It was irritating the hell outta me.

Blah Blah Blah,Code's  skinny scuff and waterbottle in this South African heat needs to go.I'm sure Code's tolerance and Irritation levels are now boiling up.

17 Sep 2007 02:21

Africa does not support dictatorship but it supports adultery .U right Miss K, 12 countries support it. I better have Meryl,the Nudist  and Max the puppet rather than the cheating Richi who is aroused by Tati's exotic dance move. Then Africa turn a blind-eye  and said it is just a game.

A game my foot . I condone cheating men,as I woman I feel sorry 4 Ricki and de humilation she is going through in de name of a game.

Enid Blyton
17 Sep 2007 02:55

shasha.... I condone cheating men, wat on earth r u saying up there...? b4 u contradict ure self

17 Sep 2007 03:08

Mind my English Enid Blyton .Another blond  Monday morning thought. Just add don't b4 condone or simply  I DO NOT SUPPORT CHEATING MEN .Thanks 4 correcting moa Queens language.

To add ,if Richi will be HOH and he goes to the penthouse with Tati ,I wonder if  Africa will still support him.

17 Sep 2007 03:16

People are so lame. What are we supposed to watch now.? Offuneka and those wet blankets Maureen & Tatiana.

Short sighted ass mofo's.

17 Sep 2007 04:00

I am with you sasha and Miss K.
I couldnt stand the way they were clutching each other when they were waiting for the results - and afterward too...
Is it any wonder Richard's wife is not there to greet him.
EVICT him already!!!

17 Sep 2007 04:04

Yes, yes, yes. I'm wit u Bubbles, give it 2 them they r REALLY LAME!!!!!

Miss K
17 Sep 2007 04:17

Its only a matter of time before Richard commits full adultery i.e. sleep with Tatiana. U can just see it in his eyes how much he's lusting for her. Maybe he shud win HoH then they'll do it up in the penthouse then maybe Africa will put a stop to this nonsense.

17 Sep 2007 05:52

You see Maxwell, I told you will regret not saving Meryl!!! Best eviction ever. I do hate though how richiana are always lying in each others arms and don't get me started on that SCARF!!! Next target Berta coz if lerato is evicted the house would be dead!!

17 Sep 2007 08:15

Guyz, lets save Lerato for now. The person who should leave the House this week is ANACONDA. She is a strategist & if we don't evict her now, we will never get her. I'm telling you, she will switch tents today before nomination. That Zimbo snake we must teach her a lesson. She flushed her Bible in the toilet, threw her crutches after Meryl's exit, next thing she begged Kwaku to kiss her. Kwaku is now struggling to lift her thunder thighs and she is suffocating him with those smelly braids. I wish to see Kwaku & Lerato sharing a room next week. What will happen? Kwaku is a service Provider, he is a Buffet. Lerato can't stand his lies, I really wish that Pastor Berta aka Evil be evicted this week.

The Kwaku guy has got nice looks, but very shallow. Last nite telling Berta that he had a connxion with Meryl, and now they evicted Max...this guy. Is Berta not his galfriend now, why is he still talking abt the bond he had with Meryl. 

17 Sep 2007 09:20

All i gotta say is good riddance and the SNAKE is next should she be nominated!!!!!
It's said because Max was my fav too..... 

17 Sep 2007 10:22


"we do want to be entertained when we watch the show but the housemates can be entertaining without belittling other housemates...Maxwell was not man enough in that house. He was too much of Lerato's caddy to be a man."-Brown

Shasha, I agree wit u dere. However, som religons & cultures condone or encourage polygamy, dere a pple (men & women) wu do it just 4 fun so dey c notin wrong & som still beliv Richard's playin a game...Bsides, Max was also 'cheated'...d diff is a ceremony called wedding.

But den, I  also  agree wit BS bcos a lot mor pple got irritated wen Max becam Lerato's BOY & worse still wen dey saw a part of him dat no amt of entertainment culd cover...why make pple happy den angry? Am unhappy Max's out but it culd've been worse if he stayed bcos of wat he had bcom.

Everything put 2gether Africa decided 2 leav d lesser evil in d hse. So "Africa has spoken!!!."

Keep watchin entertainment will com one way or d other.

17 Sep 2007 12:20

Hi everybody! Mpule here a.k.a. Mpume. Long time no see :) :)
I think Big Brother should introduce a new twist to the game, i.e. all remaining inmates evicted next Sunday, BB apologises to Africa for what the show has become and start afresh with new folks. Yho, ayikho lento mos... 
I don't feel strongly about any of them

Brown Shuga
17 Sep 2007 13:01

Welcome back guys...nice to have you here again. 

Can't wait to see what happens now....

17 Sep 2007 13:24

Im so sad that Max left... now we are left with the Big Five and their irritating antics! oH I hate Mau Mau aka blah blah blah!!!!! Must he always cling to Code lyk dat? Aai man!!!!!!!!

The Untouchables still rock my world though... they are egocentric, just like me ha ha ha...

Richiana is making me sick, how can Richie humilate his wifey like that? I kno I kno its not my business but haaaaiiii mannn!!!!

17 Sep 2007 13:27

Oops I meant--->Must she always...

Brown Shuga
17 Sep 2007 14:15

<<So u mean to tell me that Africa does not support dictatorship but it supports adultery>> 
No, what I'm telling you is that Big Brother only introduced 12 Housemates, no one named Ricki or Richard's wife there so I will not base my voting decision on someone who's not part of the game.

17 Sep 2007 23:41

My take on the eviction: Africa always settles for second best.
Whether we like it or not, the so called untouchbles when they have a conversation we sit and take note. The last five when they have a conversation if they ever have one what do we do? 

18 Sep 2007 04:26

I am so glad I missed thie departure!

18 Sep 2007 06:23

"Whether we like it or not, the so called untouchbles when they have a conversation we sit and take note. The last five when they have a conversation if they ever have one what do we do? " - realist

True, BIG 5 BIG BORE! d last 5 they always hav boring conversations even in their diary sessions they dnt hav much 2 say and Maurrine with her painfully boring voice Gaud I cnt stand that woman and this Offuneka who is busy dividing d house, Richard we really need subtitles when that guy opens his mouth, he is always fghtng with Tatiarna and I think that is some form of abuse, so possesive dsnt want 2 c T atiarna mingling wit other housemates n last nyt he told Tat that he is tired of her *bleep!*, what is that?

B&L r assets in that house all d other housemates r just liabilities and d Last 5 they feel intimidated by them.

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