Yesterday the housemates spent a million hours belting out crap singing and at exactly a few minutes before 20h30 we were put out of our misery when Ofunneka and Kwaku got returned to the house in two parcelled boxes.
The housemates were told to go into the diary room, they came out, saw the boxes and were genuinely convinced there was nothing suspicious going on. They undid the rope of the boxes, lifted the boxes up, Ofunneka and Kweku popped out and everyone spent what seemed like forever screaming at their top of their lungs while grabbing everyone, including their sworn enemies. Here are grabs from the action:
(In mid prayer obviously:)
(Bertha and Tatiana hugging for no reason:)
It was generally hysterical all round - 'spesh 'cos it turns out there's someone who's got
major issues with things aka Code. While everyone was going mad he stood to the side rubbing his chin, pretending it was out of happy surprise when in fact he was actually thinking:
"Oh &*^%&^."
His unhappiness at it all was confirmed shortly afterwards when he started looking for attention by skulking off to tunelessly strum. Boreen took the bait exactly as he wanted, went to see where he was and next thing he started going Baby to make her feel guilty about everything that had happened.
He told her that she'd left him alone in favour of Ofunneka in moments of things happening and that if she knew what it's like to be left alone for even just a second she would never have done it.
By the end of their conversation he'd literally made her feel she was responsible for the entire twist and whatever the repurcussions are of Kwaku and Offuneka being back. The worst was that she apologised for leaving him alone! I was so gobsmacked by it I had to move closer to the TV to hear if I was hearing their whispers properly.
From there he spent the rest of the evening miserably sitting on a stool (with guitar natch) and relished every moment of Lerato and Bertha taking Boreen to task about everything she's done since she's been in the house, while Fakewu stood by dripping in clingy Anaconda.
By the end of the conversation Boreen was equating the Anaconda to Oprah - if you didn't see, I *bleep!* you not. She said that she respected Oprah so much and that she saw Bertha the same way and was disappointed in her in the same way she would have felt if Oprah had done what she'd done. I don't know what specific things it was she did 'cos they went on for at least two hours so I kept yawning out.
As for what went down the rest of the night - here's a rundown of some of the things that happened up until they exhausted themselves into bed at about 04h30:
- Within five minutes maximum of being back in the house Ofuneka started cooking. After supper they all got shots of booze and while everyone drank them she cleaned up and even wiped down the mats that all the booze was on, while it was on them. I couldn't see if she actually had any herself - I think she might have guzzled down one quickly. I'm now convinced she's obsessively compulsive.
- Richard kept running after Kwaku to find out what he'd seen of them in the house in the clips he watched - he wanted to know what camera angles were being shown, asked how they came across as characters and whether they were interesting to watch or not. Kwaku mentioned bits about the cameras but was very noncommital otherwise being too wrapped up in what seems to a be God complex brought on by knowing he wasn't nominated.
- Anaconda and Ofunneka spent ages locked up in the bedroom whispering sweet nothings to each other about how much they understood each other. Anaconda told Ofunneka she's wonderful while putting her hair behind her ear for her and Ofunneka spent loads of time closing her eyes in long blinks, noddingly/knowingly to acknowledge how close they'd suddenly become in two seconds.
- Richard, Titties (I know) and Ofunneka spent about ten hours on the couch gossiping about Lerato and co. while they did the same back out in the garden. During these moments Lerato delivered the most classic line of the evening when she called Richard Dreadlock Boy.
- At about 02h23 BB turned the jacuzzi on and everyone went beserk again. I don't know if anyone else got in but if they did they didn't stay - the only two left awake by the end of it all at about 04h30 were Kwaku and Bertha, who spent copious amounts of time slithering across his lap.