Episode 4
"Rules of Engagement"
This episode opens with Harry narrating about men women and love. A beautiful woman walks into his office and asks if he’s a wizard. Harry stands there and simply nods his head yes. The woman says that she’s looking for a man and she hopes Harry can help her. She introduces herself as Nikki and explains to Harry that her Aunt Frieda has sent her. Her aunt had a lover, Primko. He took $22,000 from her aunt and left, and she now needs Harry to help her find him. Harry explains that he’ll need a personal object of Primko’s and Nikki gives him a toothpick that he’d used.
Later, Bob starts asking Harry questions about Nikki. Was she hot? Harry tells him to stop and Bob replies that it was only a simple question. Harry drops the toothpick into a small bubbling caldron. Sparks fly. He adds a crystal. Bob is still trying to talk to him about women. He tells Harry that he needs to clean up and land him a woman with lots of money. Harry finally tells him to go to his skull.
Harry is narrating again, this time about the spell he just performed. "Scrying for beginners. You get a piece of someone, boil it up, add crystal. Pretty basic stuff." The spell leads Harry to a building where he finds a charred corpse. His response is, "Death, damnation and brimstone." He knows now that it’s not going to be an easy money case.
Harry still narrating explains that when charred bodies are found you must go to the High Council. He goes to Morgan, the Chief Enforcer. Morgan questions Harry about the body as he’s examining it. Morgan brings to Harry’s attention something burned in the corpse’s hand. It’s at this time we hear police sirens outside. Murphy enters and asks Harry what he’s doing there and he responds that he’s just working a case.
Murphy threatens Harry with jail if he doesn’t talk. He tells her about the case. Murphy then tells him that the girl, Nikki, was lying to him, her real name is Caryn Harris. They decide to go to her apartment and talk to her. Murphy gets no answer to her knocks or her call outs to Caryn. So she tries the door knob and finds it unlocked. Murphy enters the apartment and finds it trashed. Harry enters, against Murphy’s wishes.
Harry narrates again, explaining that per the High Council, if someone doesn’t know about the supernatural you cannot tell them. He has his drum stick (wand) held up at the ready as he looks around. A mystery man comes up behind Harry, hits him, and grabs his drum stick. He burns it into nothing and then turns to Harry and asks, where’s the chain?
Mystery man hears someone else coming in the door behind them and he runs and jumps/crashes out the window. Murphy runs to the window after him and looks out. She watches the broken glass fall to the ground below but the mystery man is nowhere to be seen.
In the apartment, we see that it’s Caryn that was the one coming in the door. Harry tries to question her about what’s going on and she replies he’s (the mystery man) is going to kill me.
Everyone goes back to the police station. Detective Kirmani is talking to Harry. He thinks Harry was the one that burned the corpse. He thinks it’s some of his "magic". Murphy comes up to them both and the detective explains that he found out that the corpse was burned by a 900 degree blast wave, the same type of blast that a jet engine releases.
Harry asks Murphy if he can talk to the girl alone. He tells her that he’ll share information with her. She agrees. Harry goes into an interrogation room with the girl. The first thing he does is magically zap the surveillance cameras so it cannot record them. He starts to question her. She knows about the High Council. Then she accuses Harry of working for the mystery guy now. Harry leaves Caryn. Murphy asks if he got anything from her. He replies simply that she fired him. Murphy tells him that they found fingerprints at the apartment, someone named Matthew Jacobs. Harry ponders if this was the charred body. Murphy gives him a picture of Matthew and he goes down to the morgue.
Harry says he doesn’t like being lied to so he decides to examine the body again. Harry does a spell using a thin white cloth and lays it over the burned face. The cloth molds itself into the true face of the burned body, pre-burned. Harry compares the face to the picture and it’s not a match. The body is not Matthew, it’s Primko. The face in the cloth reforms into the face of, what Harry calls, a Hellion.
Harry goes to talk to Morgan about what he’s found out. Morgan doesn’t seem too surprised and takes Harry to someone he can talk to. It’s the mystery man, his name is Sirota. He recruits people, humans, and turns them into Hellions. Primko was a recruit, and so is Matthew. Harry tells Sirota that he’s not going to let him keep turning people into Hellions.
Sirota explains that he doesn’t want the girl, he wants the chain, which is a physical symbol of the pact that Matthew made with him. Matthew betrayed him and somehow stole the chain and now Sirota doesn’t have control over him any more. He then asks Harry if he is really good at finding things. He explains that if he finds the chain then he’ll leave Caryn alone. The chain for Caryn. Harry agrees.
Caryn is shown on a prison bus. There’s an accident of some kind. Something is coming for Caryn. We see a bright light and then nothing. Murphy calls Harry and accuses him of taking Caryn. He tells her he didn’t and adds that Matthew was the one that killed Primko, the burned body, and warns her that he’s dangerous.
Harry goes back to his place. Bob tells him to just let it all go. Harry says he just needs to find Caryn. He pulls out a ring of hers, something to track her by. He’s led to another apartment and there’s a ritual drawing on the floor. He tells Caryn about Matthew being a Hellion. He explains the deal he made with Sirota. She keeps telling Harry that he doesn’t understand. Matthew comes in and tells Harry to leave. Harry finds out that Matthew doesn’t have the chain. Caryn hits Harry over the head and knocks him out.
When Harry wakes up the apartment is empty, so he goes back to his place. He realizes that Matthew could have easily killed him but he didn’t. So he pulls out a map and marks all the known locations that the chain could be. A place stands out to him, "St. Margaret’s of the Roses," and he realizes that what was burned into Primko’s hand was the image of a rose.
Harry goes to enter the church and notices that the door handle to the church is inlaid with roses, it fits the burned image. A nun brings him the chain and explains to Harry that she found it in the poor box.
Harry returns to his place and Bob explains to him that the ritual that he saw on the floor of Matthew’s apartment was to destroy the chain of sin and make him human again. Bob says that it is unfortunate that Harry gave the chain to Sirota. Harry pulls the chain out of his pocket and tells Bob that he thinks they need to talk to Matthew and that they can use the chain.
Harry draws a spell form on the ground and uses the chain to summon Matthew. He appears almost instantly. Matthew sees the chain and tries to take it but the spell holds him. Harry questions him about the ritual that he saw and if he was really trying to become human again. Matthew tells him that he loves Caryn and Harry tells him that he needs to let her go. He says that he’s tried. That she was supposed to be for Sirota but she had seen through him and she loved him, despite what he had become. He tells Harry that she saved him. Harry replies that the only thing left to do is double cross the devil.
Harry goes to talk to Morgan about some kind of witness protection program through the High Council. Morgan says that there is no such thing, that he’s been watching to many cop shows. Harry disagrees and tells him that his Dad was in it and so was he. Morgan responds that they were simply taken off the radar. Harry asks if this can be done for Matthew and Caryn and Morgan asks, why? Why should I help them? Harry tells him that if Matthew can give up evil for love then that’s one for the good side... for their side. Harry asks Morgan again for help and Morgan says nothing.
Back at Harry’s, he is performing a ritual. Matthew and Caryn are both holding a part of the chain. Harry blesses them, tells them to be good and don’t screw it up. They kiss and the chain breaks. The Hellion is released from Matthew into nothingness.
Morgan shows up at Harry’s with Sirota. Sirota realizes that Matthew is mortal now so he says he no longer has a use for him and burns Matthew into nothing. Caryn screams, "no, please no" and is about to attack Sirota, but Harry restrains her and tries to comfort her. Morgan and Sirota leave.
Harry shrugs the clinging Caryn off and tells her okay enough of the water works. He walks over to the spell form and lifts up a board and reveals Bob’s skull. Bob appears, still impersonating Matthew. Since Bob is non-physical, he was not harmed by Sirota's flames and merely disappeared, making it look like Matthew had been destroyed. Matthew comes out of the back room and Harry wishes Caryn and Matthew well.
Harry goes to the police station to see Murphy and brings her pie. She’s still working on the case. Harry tells her not to worry about it any more, that she has his word that everything is okay. Murphy tells him that she’s got a job to do here and Harry tells her he does too. He walks away telling her to eat her pie.