Noeleen kept on saying "guys i called you in todya so that i can find out wat a coconut is" HALLO she must have done research on the topic never mind the fact that she had an airhead on the show (sori to those who like her) BRIGETTE MASINGA that gal should definitely stay in radio- why do ppl think jst bcoz you still it MOGODU and go to Soweto that makes you very black. Yes wat you do and how u do it SHOULDNT define you as a person-bt being on TV and blatantly say "I grew up speaking English i think in English"b*lls@it and that other girl DENISE there was nothin COCONUT bout that one if there is a word like that that DEFINE specific ppl.BUT than i shoot miself i the foot and say so what if you speak ENGLISH with an accent not looking down on ppl is it your fault that YOUR parents could afford to take you to good schools.
IT IS NEVER APPROPRIATE TO JUDGE ANYONE - on that note i bow out but uBRIDGETTE YENA after the stunt she pulled izolo COCONUT THRU N THRU
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