Never in my life span had i imagined i would see something as extreme, totally interesting and utterly exciting as Dirrrt! (was on Dstv, Channel 36 which is Channel 106 now.. i think )
if you havent heard or seen it, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? it is(well was) a true programme that left you on the edge of your seats every night(wednesdays). im not a fan of t.v but once i saw Dirrrt! i was hooked.
it cronicals around life as a gossip mag editor (played by the quarky but great Cortnney Cox of Friends fame) and the paparazzi but as we South Africans have come to know them as the Gobarazzi. and of course all the innocent yet mischieves chhhelebs in between. it showed you how the sometimes kind and innocent reporter can become the ultimate Straatmate/tikiline/mogwantee just to get a story. HOW CHEAP...
loved the show, enjoyed it.
tell we what ya'll (meaning people who saw it) think. should we fight for a Dirrt! rerun just to keep our t.v thirsts quenched? i think so...