would like to start of by saying Thank You to everyone that replied to my blog "SABC: aint a risk taker"
Presenters are those people we seem to "admire" in our quick-lifestyle society.. from the playful cartoons like "dub" from Sabc 2, the "childstars" e.g Cecilia, Selae, Muso, etc from Yotv.. to the "stabbing a guy graphically coz he supposedly made a move on my gf" (Wright Ngubene *EMS*) presenters. its obvious that all these guys & cartoon have something that we find appealing.
is it the "famous while young" thing or the "i can get into any club i want" persona that we find envious? or is it mainly bcoz you want money? let me tell you; the only way you can make aloy of 'dooh' is to bcom a Top Billing presenter. anyway, whatever the reason it may be for you to want to bcom a presenter or envy them, remember one thing.. THere's ALways "the Voice".
this voice is the one that we -the public- would love to hear from. yes, we cant listen to a voice present the whole mag' show, but we can listen to it when the programme line-up comes up. We dont need to see uZama or that new white guy on Sabc 1 who believes he a Black dude inside..
my view is that we dont need to see a person to know whats next.. all we need is a "Voice".. C'mon, tell me what you think..
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