It has been a easy road for the South African gossip journalists when it came to stories. Especially when you have celebs or can I call them "attention seekers" like Khanyi Mbau and Kelly Khumalo.
They don't wait for uShwashwi to do his or her investigative journalism, no they just go to the media media and houses and give them stories. The socialite pages were about them as if in South Africa there is nothing to write about.
But there are things that there media need to find about the two. Who was Mandla that is Khanyi's hubby involved with while they had their break up. Or is Kelly still a virgin, maybe they should invite her for a reed dance in KZN to check if she qualifies to carry the reed. I wonder!!!!! Anyway what happened to Uyanda Mbuli is she still the next thing to happen after Charlize Theron? Are we still going more pics of her with US celebs. Or she doesn't have cash anymore to pay that PR company.
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