Day 70: 15 October 2007

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 2 Live Blog on 15 Oct 2007
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BB Africa 2 updates - Day 69.

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15 Oct 2007 01:18

hey somebody said anaconda was looking fine last night, but it was a little awkward for kwaku t.  from the beginning she's decided this is her man and she's gone after him very publiclly and she hasn't realized he digs dem floozys - with brains I might add (like he was NOT into maureen) - but floozys nevertheless come ON girl when you gonna get it. did anyone check out the lingering hug from ofu... so how come ofu suddenly gone off mau mau- wht happened?

15 Oct 2007 02:10

I miss the eviction show last nite...I would like to know which countries voted Kay out and which supported Richie please!!!!!!!!

15 Oct 2007 02:52

Sasha must be somewhere licking her wounds, YET AGAIN...he he he. Never Underestimate Africa. When we say some one is a GONER,nothing can save them. not even Sasha's last penny..LOL..

10th Sept 2007, 9.45pm in that Jacuzzi..the fate of the Nasty 4 was sealed...Eviction in a clear MAX..LERATO..BERTHA.....KWAKU sequence was clear ...Sorry folks!!!

FACT....Apart from Tanzania, South Africa has the most Richie fans

FACT....Apart from Tanzania and Angola, South Africa has the most Richianna fans.
Now why would you bet against South Africa voting out Kwaku?

Our work is done there but the show has to go on. Boreen and Code should disappear next.  Hope Africa sends them packing!!!

RICHIANNA and Ofune till the end!

P.S, If you see Sasha, drop a few rands....haha

15 Oct 2007 02:53

Only Zambia ,Ghana and me voted for Richard to be evicted.As of the rest voted to save playboy Richard.

I couldn't  believe it that Nam,Zim and SA voted for kWAKU.Only Alexander Forbes knows the truth but I don't believe the mentioned countries have voted against Kwaku,just my thoughts

15 Oct 2007 03:04

Muganzi ,I still bet my last penny I still don;t believe that SA 's most matured ,with morals adults have voted to keep Richard in.He was voted in by the many foreigners in SA not the real SA people.Sorry I might have sounded bad with my last sentence but that it is the truth.IT is a pity Alexander Forbes wont show us the results breakdown but with SA i think it is with small margins.

Again Endemol ,MTNand Mnet knew that loosing Richard will mean loosing money and viewership,so they are not stupid.They played Africa like Richard is doing to the viewers.

Mark my words ,one day the truth will come out about what is going on with the votes.I may be biased but that is my thinking

15 Oct 2007 03:14

Shasha, you are very baised but its ok..Every now en then, we all have a right to be bitter...i would ..if my Sunday had turned out like yours did yesterday...but am sure the SPRING BOKS soothed your pain..they made my night even better!!

Play Boy Richie tells us..Let me entertain you..we say...HELL YEAH!!!

15 Oct 2007 03:27

Nope ,not bitter at all but just pissed off with some of the decisions taken for the sake of entertainment.It is a game I understand ,whereby one had to loose,but I better loose with my morals still in tact.

Yep ,die BOKKE had made my day.Hope u will keep me posted on the happenings of biggie as for me ,I will still tune in on Mondays and Sundays as I can't stand the noisy irritating  lot in that house.

With your last sentence ,u are trying to provoke me ,but I will never give in to u.Adios Amigo

15 Oct 2007 03:30

Offu is taking Tart to penthouse. I don't think Baureen is going to take that well. She might see that as "new" alliances being formed....

How do you think the votes will go tonight? I think Offu will be the tie breaker....

15 Oct 2007 03:39

Tonite  CODE 3 VOTES
              Boreen 3/2 VOTES ..if Ofun nominates her
              Richie   3/2 VOTES ..if  Ofune nominates him
              TATI          2  VOTES
              Ofunne     0 votes

15 Oct 2007 03:41

Sorry to burst yo bubble shasha but i am a born south african and i voted kwaku since monday because all he did in the house was wake up eat go to sleep and start again in that order the whole day, if he was awake he would be talking nonsense. I know people all vote 4 rich because they feel he needs to go sort his marriage but that shouldn't be the reason since nobody is holding a gun to his head to make him do what he does and say so rather than voting him i thought k should go

15 Oct 2007 04:06

No need to be sorry Sbosh ,your opinion--- and u are entitled to it ,like I did.What mentioned above were my thoughts and I felt like raising them.As u have noticed ,Muganzi is pulling my leg about what I said last week and  I am trying to protect my loss(by the way he always wins from the days of  BBN-I wonder when will I win)I still stand by it,I am one of those people who tried to kick Richi OuT.

Enough of da past,todays prediction:

Blah blah :Offu & Tati(She feels left out)
Code ( Tati and Richi) He doesn;t feel them
Stripper Blondie(Tart) : Code and Maureen (b'cause,Code replaced her)
Playboy-Liar (Rich) :Code and Maureen (b'cause,Code replaced his Tart) 
Offuneka :Maureen and Code:She is close to all of them.

Verdict-Code and Blah Blah up for eviction and Offu wont replace anyone and Blah blah goes out on Sunday and the last 4 in the house and no more nomination after the 19th of October

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 05:17

Hey Shasha, With you girl. Just as shocked as you are, shocked at my country, shocked at Africa.Aieeeeeeeee .... I voted Richard, so did a whole lot of other folks I know. I really thought it would be closer than that. Also looking at the SMS strip, and the vote on the BB site itself on who people would want saved. Anyway, guess we got to live with the crowing of the righteous majority! But what a slap in the face for Richie's wife Agree too that too many folk been played by the two, in my view, most fake don't descend on me please folks, I respect it if you think he's the most real!!! :) But, hella, Saturday's grass confessions was one of the most cynical things ever ..... yeah ... And hey, girl, there's nothing objective about BBA. Be biased, be bitchy, just don't be nasty but that u ain't been. As all the Richiana hardliners will tell you "it's only a game" :) :) And I'm sure if we did a zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ count, you'd find that Richiana and Codeen have clocked up more bed hours than Kwaku T. Have a good day! Smile and have a cappuccino or woteva your beverage of choice is on me.

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 05:20

A shout out to Segololo! Howzit girl? Were you in the action on the BBA battlefront on Sunday?

15 Oct 2007 05:37

Meme J I also feel u gal.It pained me so much what Richard is doing in da name of the game.As a woman I feel sorry for his wife and all the embarrassment his so called hubby is causing her. I wish she is a strong woman and will survive this.

His diary session yesterday,him telling Biggie that she loved her but a sec after coming out of the diary room ,he was declaring his love for Tati.

Africa and Alexander Forbes have spoken and who are we to judge.

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 05:46

Shasha, Shasha, don't be brainwashed by the Richiana colonies and their propagandists around the continent :) AFRICA HASN'T SPOKEN! The majority of BBA viewers in Africa have spoken :) :)

Miss K
15 Oct 2007 05:58

Meme and Shasha i'm with u gals all the way. I was so dissapointed that Richard the man ho survived last night!!!  Yes i knew K will go eventually but i thought Africa would stand up for what is right. 

That boy disgusts me to the core, and I pray he doesn't win the money coz he definately does not deserve it!! i'll check out tvsa every morning just for updates otherwise i'm done watching!

Miss K
15 Oct 2007 06:02

And if Ofunekka does not nominate Richiana tonight then she's not as clever as we think. coz the best move would be to put the cheaters up for eviction because they r her biggest threats and they will not think twice about back stabbing her given the chance!

15 Oct 2007 06:03

What i did not understand was why offune was crying so much and telling tatiana that she will nominate mo maybe she was making. Sure tat wont nominate her.?

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 07:17

Hey Shasha, Miss K, just had a quick word with Kwaku T and he's fun and cute and a real charmer!! And still don't get the Richard thing. I can understand why some people voted for me, but I really don't get the margin. I'm in Namibia and by the far majority of people I know were voting R to go. In a competition running here those thinking K was going and those thinking R was going was pretty neck and neck. For me it's about what R's putting his wife through. It must be sheer hell. And I'm not a prude ... aaaah well. And ooh Sbosh, missed that Ofune-mama bit with Tati. Wow ... waiting for 2NITE!!!!!! Btw, did any of u get the feeling that Tati would almost have been relieved if Richard went?

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 07:20

Oooops NOT voted for me, but voted for him. It's the heat!!!

15 Oct 2007 08:10

Meme J bring on da gist  gal .Did u speak to him over da phone or is he in Namibia ?Keep da sista posted.

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 08:37

Hey Shasha, one of my reporters interviewed him for tomorrow's newspaper and I took the chance to catch a word with him once she was finished! He's one cool Charlie. And hella fun. He did tell me he's keen to visit our country and that he would definitely visit our newspaper! I advised him to use Lancome products, he said he uses Estee Lauder at the moment :) I interviewed Bertha last week. THAT one was reserved for me!!! A bit of gossip, Max, Lerato, Meryl and Bertha all joined him at his hotel for a catch-up on Sunday night. The reason the other kickass Untouchables were not at the end of the red carpet to greet him is that apparently they're only allowed to do it once, and the other three were there last week. Btw, if you want a bit of a smile, go to GOOGLE, then click on NEWS, type in BIG BROTHER AFRICA and look for the article BBA2: The 'Idiot's' Guide! Well, hope it would cheer u up :)

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 08:55

And, oh yes, Shasha, apparently Bertha is doing her damndest to go to K's eviction party in Ghana! Talk about hellbent ...

Brown Shuga
15 Oct 2007 13:05

LOL @ dat Bertha comment...

Oh well, Ofuneka, I dont know whether to love you or hate you....Should I hate you for loving yo gals like that or hate you for nominating my Richie? Heheheh poor Richie bathong, what did you do to deserve being nominated so many times?? you sure pissed a lotta people off. Guess what, you ain't going nowhere boy!!!!

hehehehe I really didn't think Ofuneka would nominate Richard, how weird...I didn't see that one coming at all. Why was she saying "I don't know how Maureen is gonna take it" if she wasn't gonna nominate her?? Now I understand why Bertha was the snake that she was, it's all a game......

Code & Richard up for nomination, CODE OUT!!!!!!!

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 14:37

Brown Shuga ... Feel u on your magnificent woteva it is with Richie ... uhmmmm ... We all have our weaknesses :) :) ! But maybe u have the answer. Wot the heck is it with the dreadlocked one that does it 4 u?!!! And others. And yet more others. I TRULY want to know. He didn't have me at the first hello, was my joint (and I don't mean smokin'!) fave 4 about a week when realised there was some life form beneath the dreads, and then the plot got lost on moi ... Like Bertha, ha ha ha, I believe that sharing is caring! But hella that Bertha really gets the bit beneath the teeth. I fear for the males across the continent! The woman has "needs" ... !!!!

Brown Shuga
15 Oct 2007 15:10

Bathong Meme J, do you always speak in "CODES" like this? Hi hi hi I tried to send you a PM earlier but the messaging thingy was tripping. 

About's one of those things you can't explain hey. I think it's more about me wanting to protect him than anything. He's so the world is too rough for people that "open" & honest. 
He's so young, confused & it's open for the world to see...

I get upset when he picks a petty fight with Tatiana, I get mad when he "humps" on her like a dog, I don't like the way he eats like a ...eish...there are a lotta things that he does I don't like but I love what is inside his heart. He has a pure heart. They may call him a cheating man (yeah, I'm sorry about what Ricki is going through) but whatever wrong Richard has done in the house does not ERASE the fact that he is a good human being and I cannot see beyond that. That's just how it is man... That is why I want him to stay in the house till the end. 

I have this feeling that if I was in the house, I'd be his Tatiana hehehe crazy but we can't control the things we think about or feel. Tatiana is playing the game way too smart though....I want her out, right after Maureen so Rich & Ofuneka are left to fight for the money. 

I hope Biggie gets us to nominate next week....I want Maureen out and she's starting to get too comfortable in that house. 

Meme J
15 Oct 2007 18:35

Heya Brown Shuga, Don't know about the 'CODES'! Maybe I was just having a shuga rush ... that time of the night. Can't get my messages to look as pro as the rest of you with italics, underlinings, spacing. etc, etc. U'll know the first hello is Jerry Maguire. OK, I get u on Richie because I feel similarly about Meryl. The kid has such a good heart, and I end up feeling all protective about her. Strange but true. And would happily biff Bertha or whoever if necessary! Plus point. Don't mind Richie eating with his hands! And there ARE very sweet things. A personal one: I rememba Meryl's last Saturday night in the house and Max reprimanded her over something at supper, which she'd cooked, nogal. And there was this really uncomfortable atmosphere at the table and I could tell she was all over the place emotionally, trying to be brave and not bundle on anyone. She eventually got up and started dancing on her own and Richie joined her. Really liked the empathy. BUT then ... Aitsa! I don't want to be a grinch. Let's just let leave it at fuzzy maths on the marriage thing! U know, one day the love for his wife, and the next minute it's like Tatiana's the only woman in the world. I'm no saint but don't even want to try and imagine Ricki's hurt. I wonder if she'll ever come back! And can't work out if he can't help himself and has fallen over the line, if he's feeling himself, if he's putting it on. One thing I'm relatively sure of though is that he's going to get a helluva shock if his wife's not there when he comes out. So, ja. What to say?!! Confusions, confusions ... ENJOY the Richie man!

15 Oct 2007 23:35

Thanks Meme J for da gist. Now I understand Bertha's posting on her profile talking about her and M sorting things out.I love Meryl so much like i do with my younger sister.I wish I can meet her and tell her to leave Kwaku alone and c if he will follow her.

She is fighting for Kwaku with an Anaconda and for her to win the fight she should use drastic measures.She is a strong girl who hides her emotions well and I wish her that strength not to shed tears for K in front of him.

Shugs,your luv for the Funk master??----scary but u have come up with good reasons y and I hope those are your real reason.

Me not gonna vote dis week

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