Misplaced someone's DVD or CD

Written by zuluprincess from the blog Misplaced DVD's and CD's on 16 Oct 2007
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What do you do when you have misplaced or lost someone's Dvd or cd. I know it is not an issue to some people. But it just became an issue to me!!

My story first...
I have a friend whom I used to work with, we always chat about the latest stuff thats happening and I know him very well. And I also have a close friend that we always exchange dvd's and cd's with no problem at all.

Now since me and my work friend were talking about Tyler Perry, who plays the role of Madea in Madeas family reunion, which is a nice movie!

I thought my work friend shud see it. Because he has never seen Tyler Perry and besides its a comedy dvd. Because I didnt haven't it, I borrowed from my other friend to borrow my work friend.
He took it home one afternoon, only to send me an sms that same night that he had lost the dvd on his way home.

Knowing its not mine I panicked & didnt know how to tell my friend. When I saw my work friend he tolled me that he would gladly replace it. 
Then it happend that Penny Lebyane from metro fm was talking about Tyler Perry one afternoon, then my friend remembered that he has borrowed me the dvd but never got it back. I tolled him the truth and said its fine if he will get it back.

Now that was 2 months ago my work friend hasnt refunded or even made means to pay back the dvd. Meanwhile me being the middle man I feel all this guilt, because I dont know what to do?

When I ask my work friend about the dvd, you can hear that attitude of " its lost what must I do" when my other friend asks I give all this excuses that I even think of avoiding him becuase its stressing our friendship out.

I know one person who is having a fight with her wife about borrowed but never returned cd's. Even if I offer to pay half of the money to buy the dvd he still makes no effort.

Guys relationships are not worth been destroyed over cd's and dvd's....
But what I want to know if how do you handle such a situation? What do you do when someone  doesn't return your favourite  sgubhu cd?

Now I know why people dont go borrowing other people their cd's and dvd's...When they say no with their staff we say 'yazi usnax'  from now on its' Chana tsamoreka yagao'

Or the worse that could happen is, you just bought a new cd, havent even listened to it twice. Then they borrow it and thats the end of it...People please give Ceasar what belongs ko Ceasar toe!! Assemblief

Now I guess I have to buy the dvd ne?

Another thing is you borrow someone you cd's then they go home and write it on their pc. When they bring it back to you it no longer sounds or plays the way it did. Enezikreche

My neighbor once borrowed someone a dvd and when they brought it back, the movie was no longer playing full screen it filled half of the screen.  When asked, they dont know why?

Guys have you ever encountered such a situation mara?


16 Oct 2007 07:03

But what I want to know if how do you handle such a situation?Keep pastering him until he gives up and pays you/ or replaces the DVD.

 What do you do when someone doesn't return your favourite sgubhu cd? Keep pastering them until they give up and pay you/ or replaces the DVD.

16 Oct 2007 07:08

I plan to do exactly that

16 Oct 2007 07:12

Shem you sound sweet zulu princess nna nkabe a tsere ya ka o be a tla e busha le morago a sa lebelele word of advice "DONT LET PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER YOU LIKE THAT TAKE A STAND SISTA" ,from where I'm standing you'll end up paying fo rthe DVD your friend lost and stop call her your friend she is not

16 Oct 2007 07:16

wait until she gives yu another atti tude umkhabe in the stomach whn yu guys 
are together make sure no one sees yu at least kanjalo yu paid yo self and yu teachin her a ....... nawe no more yu borrow ppl things 

im wishin yu luck and strength so that she wont beat yo head opff can yu imagine!! hi hi hi

16 Oct 2007 07:31

zuluprincess i find gore most people that "lose" your cd/dvd they liked it so much they don't want to give it back....sorri sisi, i think whatshisname stole it!

16 Oct 2007 08:04

Eish cd’s and dvd’s, definitely not worth fighting or losing a friend over…..…….

You do get the stuff that has sentimental value that was a gift, those I keep & not lend out, that + the stuff that I battle to get from ur musicas, reliables and cd warehouses, I end buying on the net, those I don’t lend out, ive learnt the hard way

I know how easy it is ukugcina icds and dvds and never return them… for you to get your stuff back its always like you have to pester umntu ngezinto zakho……

16 Oct 2007 08:19

i hope yu didnt take ma advise seriosly ma hands are only good in the makin love bussiness hayi i war sorry sisi !!

16 Oct 2007 08:23

don't sweat Zandi!! Its fine

16 Oct 2007 11:51

I tend to differ pestering... zuluprincess you borrowed a dvd from neibha and told him/her you are givin it to someone, but YOU borrowed it as to what happened aftawards akudokwe ligayelwe umakhelwane wakho...wena take responsibility of having passed your neibhas dvd to a mampara whom you obvioulsy what do you do?? your guess is right....
-BY ANYMEANS NECESSARY-BUY IT  PAY FOR IT. SHAG FOR IT WHATEVA  but get on the good books of your neibha NOT by making up stories, as for the mapara at work..well you'll deal with him/her later but at least yo neibha will borrow you somethin in future if you need it..and you wont loose the neibha as well..

as for borrowing people things if it costs less than R200 I dont mind borrowing it or lending you coz I believe such an item can be easily replaced if you are workin..other than that DONT BORROW SOMEONE YOUR GUMBA-GUMBA or any other expensive music/entertainment item coz some people take these things for granted

16 Oct 2007 12:07

I have this DVD that does not belong to me that I like more than anything...sad thing its not available here, so it has to be imported and I have to pay almost double or more (import duties blah blah). What does the owner have to do to me? Hit me? Haaikhona.

Confession: I did not read this.... I just replied...will read just now. Sowri..

DJ Why why
16 Oct 2007 12:14

..............SHAG FOR IT WHATEVA, Hi hi  hi  hi! Maara Sponono what kind of advice is that?? But i agree with the rest ..Zuluprincess, sihlobo pay the DVD and keep the piece. It do nt look like the friend wil return it. I have lost CDS, DVDs and friends and realised that it aint worth it! I simple re-buy...have nt plucked up the courage to buy all. My obe ex set me back 10 international R&B CDs and gave me attitude.. I collected what was left of my self respect and kicked a tree! I took responsibility for giving him, as if that was not enough he returned for more. I gave him maar he was sooo hot, i could nt say no! yeah i know!

16 Oct 2007 12:17

Gucci...I suggest you find someone who can dubb (sp) it for you usually its not more than a hundred bucks to dub a dvd  cant be more than R150 that you can give it back to the owner...( i know copyin is wrong but betta than keepin somethin that long over due for return coz he/she might neva lend you anythin

16 Oct 2007 12:25

DJ Why Why...phela people do all sorts of things to get back on the good books of their beloved "friends"  hi hi hi   
shagging is one of those tricks guarranteed to blind the friend into forgivin and probably forgetin....

16 Oct 2007 12:34

he he he he hayi sponono shag for it!!! well that can be an option if u think about it zuluprincess, coz then u would have enjoyed and gained your friends trust again!!

ohh listen to me *** dont dub girlfriend kaloku it iyabonakala @ the end of the month just go and buy the dvd,, u just made me remember somebody's CD and i think not sure but my boy was playin with it while i was half sleepin izolo
need to look for it uyabona ke atleast that one was dubbed i can just buy the person 9more from Musica for only R30 hi hi hi hi

17 Oct 2007 01:20

mayo, if she "dubs it"...she'll have to give the owner the original (which she's she's holding hostage right now  hihi hi hi)
 haawu what do you mean iyabonakala..of course she's the one who should have the dubbed one

17 Oct 2007 01:26

i think i told yu to hit the stomach she'll vomit the dvd haaaaaaaaa smtyms yu must learn to be getto like that

17 Oct 2007 01:36

The advice u people give sometimes....haai ningamahlanya (not in a bad way offcourse) *wink*

17 Oct 2007 01:48

Morning all, well i have borrowed someone's DVD and it got stuck in my DVD and had to take it to the repairs and the shop decided to give me a new DVD and they forgot to take the DVD out, or maybe the guy in that shop took it. I don't know what really happened and  I AM SORRY I LOST THE DVD. i don't have it and i won't lie about it.

17 Oct 2007 01:59

hi hi finally this article tells me where ma DVD is ..? ehehehe yah neh!

Xhosa Chick
17 Oct 2007 02:06

I once lost my neighbour's 20 cds at once! I later found out the garden guy stole them

Xhosa Chick
17 Oct 2007 02:14

I borrowed my then boyfriend about 5 cds zam that were part of my collection. We broke up, and months later, I ask him about my cds and he's like, oh, I broke them by mistake! Im like, uuuh, when are you gonna replace them? He's like, ja, ja, soon. Til this day, (6 years later) I have not seen them, or a single dime for them, PLUS he owes me an additional 2 grand! What an idiot

17 Oct 2007 02:19

jo the garden guy, he's nasty like that, bet he didnt even listen to 1/2 those cds he stole...or even worse sold them for like R10 each or ci ci

17 Oct 2007 02:24

My friend stole my cd two years ago, i asked all my friends and they swore htey didnt take it, two years later which is last week, his galfriend (i work with her) tells me she's got a cd that has my name on it, she got it from him!!! i wanted to murder him but i fear jail, so i asked him to borrow me R300,00, i told him i was going to give it to him when i saw him that weekend, he did, and when he asked me about the money i told him, he'll neva get it, that was payment for stealing and lying about it, i actually should have asked for more money!!!

17 Oct 2007 02:34

belz that is sooooooooooo a gud one hey... I think its called sweet revenge

17 Oct 2007 03:05

belz, well done!

17 Oct 2007 04:15

Revenge is so so so sweeter than honey..Good belzito

Xhosa Chick
17 Oct 2007 04:20

Good one, Belz! Damn, Im gonna use that idea. Brill!

17 Oct 2007 04:22

PLUS he owes me an additional 2 grand! What an idiot @ XC u are quite generous hey, 2 grands endodeni mmmm *shaking my head*

17 Oct 2007 04:35

love is love yekani u XC abheje *wink wink*

17 Oct 2007 05:56

XC, imali engaka (i hope thata the right spelling)
Belz ntwana o skhokho.

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