DJ Kci Umhlobo Wenene

Written by Barbie from the blog Kci Umhlobo Wenene on 18 Oct 2007
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Umhlobo Wenene FM personality KCi August was taken off air during his afternoon drive programme yesterday the 16th October 2007 because of the unprofessional way in which he conducted himself. This followed a meeting to resolve differences that have been simmering for months between him & the station. At the meeting certain compromises were made by both parties and an agreement was reached amicably. It took management by surprise when he went on air and started attacking the station and He was therefore taken off air and informed of the reasons by the station manager.

KCi was given a two week break previously by the station in an attempt to restore its relationship with him. Station management would like to apologise to Umhlobo Wenene FM’s loyal listeners for any inconvenience this has caused. The station would still love to have KCi on its team as he is a very popular presenter who really connects with the audiences. Presenter Amaza Ntshanga will continue doing the afternoon drive until another meeting is held with KCi to see if the outstanding issues cannot be resolved once and for all, one way or the other.  For further information, please direct your queries to: Kaizer Kganyago, SABC Spokesperson on 082 306 8888.

Seeing that I always listen to his show, I'd switch the radio on just to see if he's back and I was so excited to hear that he was there on Tuesday. I noticed that he just vanished after a song and I heard some fly voice. He left the show at about 16h29 & another hour was done by this guy.

When listening to tha Radio this is what he said, and I quote:

"Umhlobo Wenene is composed of the DJ & the listeners. If u don't know how to do a show & people don't feel you then stop doing the show & that's none of his business. Don't want the listeners & then ignore them when u don't want them. If you want to take my job, go ahead."

"I talk the truth especially when my name is in there, I don't want lies about my name because people are whispering/gossiping in the corners about me". 

"Even the one who took my name to the Newspapers has issues because people are not gonna say that KCi is corrupt but will say Umhlobo Wenene is corrupt"

"Just like the one who asked me whether I still want the job or not in the meeting, what's that?"

"They have closed my mouth and people are asking themselves if I played a song that was banished. I don't want the rumors about my name , that's the whole truth & if people want 2 find out where I am, then tell them the truth, don't lie to them". 

"I'm even feeling scared to take the caller's calls on the side because I'm feeling threatened, I'll take all your calls live on air, ok?" 

(He took them & a song played and all of a surden I heard another DJ, so that's how it ended.) You know, I think we need more people like Kci who are not gonna compromise & say what they want 2 say. We'd have a better world where there are no grudges. As far as I heard what I heard, he did not insult the radio station, because that's all he said. If the cap fits wear it. 

And all that Kci is is what makes him unique from the rest. At least he doesn't immitate anyone. I'll listen to Kwekwezi FM until he comes back.

Monday to Fridays, between 2005 & 2006: 

Time                  Listeners

04:00-06:00       665
06:00-09:00       958
09:00-12:00        565
12:00-15:00        848 
15:00-18:00     991 Akanantanga, I mean really.
18:00-21:00        649
21:00-24:00        257 
00:00-04:00       243

And oh, for a record, I don't know the guy on a personal basis. So, he didn't pay me to write this Blog. That's Barbie, ndiyayshiy'indawo, chowwwwwwwww!!!!!


18 Oct 2007 06:37

Akanantanga really.

18 Oct 2007 06:43

Barbie since you are first to reply I believe you wrote the Article. It is not nice for such article to be written and then author stated KC while such events are happening around that personality. Therefore please change the author's name or I will disable your article.


18 Oct 2007 06:48

Sorry wethu too decent, I've fixed that .

Miss K
18 Oct 2007 07:04

Awu shame umhlali ngaphambili bamenzani mara!! I wish i was listening to him coz i know he tells it like it is! 

I hope they resolve their issues coz he's good at what he does and if they fire him them it will be their loss coz i'm sure he'll get another job offer before month end!

18 Oct 2007 07:09

guyz is ma watch wrong o i need to have ma eyes checked coz the time on the replies is behind by an hour n few minutes and its confusing me.

18 Oct 2007 07:13

i neva really like umhlobo until uKCI then me and thousands of my friends, coleauges, relatives, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, one-nigh-stands, we were hooked i promise u. if Mhlobo wants 2 go down the drain they should fire uKCI, i dont really like the guy as a person but what he does is great.

18 Oct 2007 07:13

Ek se, I was asking myself uba uphina ndiyothuka ngoku kule blog. Ek se, heyi hayi maan, mabambuyisele bo.

18 Oct 2007 07:16

Hey, uobservant andi01, I didn't even notice uba nam ndinalengxaki ye watchi.

18 Oct 2007 07:24

Monday to Fridays, between 2005 & 2006:

Time Listeners

04:00-06:00 665
06:00-09:00 958
09:00-12:00 565
12:00-15:00 848
15:00-18:00 991 Akanantanga, I mean really.
18:00-21:00 649
21:00-24:00 257
00:00-04:00 243 

Yhoo istatistics zakwa mhlobo shem zi down, akukho neyi 1 efike ku 1000 listeners. I heard ba u kci just walked out estudio, wahamba nje just like that emoyeni, i dnt know how true that is tho, i wish bendimamele, damn

18 Oct 2007 07:28

SIFUNA UKCI HAI!HAI!HAI SIFUNA UKCI HAI!HAI!HAI SIZOWASHISA LAMABHUNU AMNYAMA HAI!HAIHAI Nesikhathi Sitoyitoyile silinde UKCI ngo 3 Hai! Hai! Hai mupheni UMshini wakhe UKci Umshini wakhe UKci........

18 Oct 2007 07:31

nice one there BARBie!!! andiyiboni ke ingxaki yababantu ngo KCI reading from your article that is,,,but ke I dont think they have ichoice ngoba  THINA SIFUNA UKCI QHA KE!! 

@Miss K hi *waive*check your GB @sjura i was wondering izolo coz the time on tvsa is behind nge one hour just like eUK !!!

18 Oct 2007 07:31

@TDC pliz help me out bwt this watch thingi Plz o m gona be late for ma meetings.

18 Oct 2007 07:38

lol @ sjura help the poor girl out TDC asemblif

18 Oct 2007 07:39

ahahaha sjura that should be done by Amaizingly...send her a PM.

Nna I work for the company that does audio streaming for stations in SA and I am actually the one who generates the stats... that listernrship ya Barbie its way too smal for FM listnership. Online listnership is even more than that.

18 Oct 2007 07:41

judging from his listernership...did he get too big for his shoes...hhhmmm maybe not...but still the hissy fit he threw on air...was that necessary I mean if he's not afraid to tell it like it is why not tell THEM like it is (managers in their boardrooms)   espesh that question about wanting the job or not....coz seriously the listeners wont do much except reply here on blogs, and maybe boycot the station for coupla weeks unti the next hot Dj comes then what...wena KC thetha nabaphathi haayi abaphulaphuli ngemeko okuyo
but I guess we handle things diffrerently  

and dont jump on me xhosa folkes i know y'all love some KC  LOL

18 Oct 2007 07:47

This is just some publicity stunt, please guys tell me that u see that already, uKci is the most loved DJ and they fire him, its not true, its just for attention, they tried that with uzola kaso-majiza and it didnt work, pls guys, umhlobo would be so glad 2 know dat even onTVSA kuthethwa ngawo.

18 Oct 2007 07:49

@sponono was gonna,,,, until i read your last line,,,, he he he TDC hayi uyageza ke ngoku,, uthini na ???? well sjuju sam wena .. ixesha yimizuzu elishumi elinesithathu phambi kwentsimbi yesine,,,, masiye evenkileni,, hi hi hi

18 Oct 2007 07:52

ha ha ha ha lol @andi01 kodwa andivumelani nawe!!!!!

18 Oct 2007 07:53

he he he TDC hayi uyageza ke ngoku,, uthini na ???? >> Am not... thats what i do! Putting radio stations on the net.

18 Oct 2007 07:56

Nice one Barbie..............but somehow I can't help but think that u are actually KC's PR. Ngiyadlala sisi, uma umthanda uKC uyamthanda.  But ke since u are so well infomed about him, tell him to lay low on them bright colours, especially white!!!

18 Oct 2007 07:59

This is just some publicity stunt, please guys tell me that u see that already @ Andi, even this blog is still part of that stunt, ngoba bayazi ukuthi TVSA has the best tell it like it is bloggers *hint hint* that's a compliment to all here......

18 Oct 2007 08:14

@ANDI umhlobo would be so glad 2 know dat even onTVSA kuthethwa ngawo.
Wow yazi kanti unyanisile yazi, nyhani, this smells "publicity stunt"  all over it why dint i smell it b4?? they hav 2 resort to that now ukuze abantu bazomamela, torho...

18 Oct 2007 08:58

Too decent it's on the Umhlobo Wenene website, it's the score card of you know what that is. You seem to be correcting everything mis what's up?

18 Oct 2007 09:06

Unathi... I dont disagree but that is less than what they do with folks listerning over the internet.

18 Oct 2007 14:04

he maan ... ndiyithe rhetshe paya ku - Khupa kusasa ngolwesithathu le kaKoeksi --- aw umhlali ngaphambili ..... culd have imagined uba ebenjani ngoku ebesenza esa squps emoyeni hyu akhomntu unerecording na! kodwa ke shame i understand y he had to be taken off... whatever issues he hd with the station, lashing out on air like that was not proffesional, kodwa ndiyayiva intlungu yakhe , kodwa hay mhlali. ngase abuyiswe kekodwa.

phofu liyinyani eli lithi unguMhlobo wenene ezihambela, ngodwa nt irreplaceable (to the right - lol)... i only listen to umhlobo btwn 3-5:30, enye nenye iyabora, frm break-a-slyfast show (damn slyso used to b a hit back eCKI FM... andayazi uba wayilahla pi .... + uAmaza ... lol)

Barbie, hlala ubek'indlebe emhlabeni usixelele uba zikhipani .....

19 Oct 2007 01:59

I feel very strongly abt lomcimgi kama K, i am still very traumsss. I don't c anything wrong abt what he did, u-K-C had the b...s to tell thina the listeners of what was really happening behing that box. And yes we do have the right to know cos for all i knew i thought that the guy was on leave, then all sorts of things were said. All he did yena was just to paint the picture clear to all those people who were left in the dark. And ndiyakuphakamisela for that. And i think this whole thing is driven by u-MONA, i mean really u-Mhlobo Wenene kubhalwa ngaye naku TVSA ngoku ngenxa yalo K-C, we see him on LIVE, SELIMATHUNZI etc u tell me of an Umhlobo DJ owaziwayo kangaka except for him. He did justice for him and the station. Coz nikhumbule u-Mhlobo used to be i-station samaxhego namaxhegokazi. I really hope that they sort their differences and bring u-Mthaki back coz as long as engakabikho mna, collegues, friends and my family asimameli u-Mhlobo until he's back. Try deducting 300 from that listenership kengoku. Cause i cannot bear listening to that Amaza guy damn uyangxola mhan.

19 Oct 2007 02:17

who's KCI?

19 Oct 2007 04:24


19 Oct 2007 04:30

@Toxic ke the one without Jojo hi hi hi!

19 Oct 2007 07:25


19 Oct 2007 07:26

he he he Tox obviously you and i aren't 2 of the 991 that were listening. LOL

20 Oct 2007 04:30

20 Oct 2007 04:30

20 Oct 2007 04:30

20 Oct 2007 05:09

@ Toxic It's that black guy as in black you only c the teeth when he is laughing that you talking to a person and he likes wearing white clothes. I'm sure u know him.Uthanda ukuhleka kakhulu agigitheke angeke ungamazi mchana.

for thina youth there is no Mhlobo Wenene with out uKCI so kunyanzelekile belungise ingxaki zabo

09 Nov 2007 11:01

KCI must work for Generations. Help them with the story line take the Jwarha family from radio to the Tv sreen.

14 Nov 2007 05:43

Finally, ude wagxothwa uKCi emhlobo wenene.

14 Nov 2007 07:15

I hate it when people resist changes in broadcasting but accept structural adjastments in the workplace. I do agree, uKCi was ibaba/ingwenya but what he did live on air showed a lack of professionalism and high level of ukungahleleki. As a professional you are not surpose to discuss your meeting with your management live on air. On the first place KCi and the management met secretely in the absense of other workers and that means the meeting was confidential. Going live on air and say what was discussed in private means you have failed to live to the code of conduct and that makes you a lier. It was absolutely great to have KCi live on Umhlobo Wenene but yena udlale ngamathuba wakhe. 

On the positive note, ukuhamba kukaKCi kunika other DJs a chance. Watch the space, watcha!!! Amaza ntanga u-yarocka, unezinto ezingathi zifuna ukucengwa. 4eva blazzing ibaba 

14 Nov 2007 07:24

yeah and ukuhamba kwaka Kci kumhlobo kuzomvulela eminye iminyango, maybe he should go and save yfm

14 Nov 2007 07:27

zoz ukwi Management yase Mhlobo? u sure sound like ubukule decision making team 
anywho i'm not listening to Mhlobo shem untill ndive ireviews ezi mamelekayo from abahlali then ndizivele kwangoku ta la la...

15 Nov 2007 04:11

Abayeke u K C phansi bona, He is a very talented individual and the station would be virtually dead without hime akabuye! umhlalingaphambili!!!!!!!!!!!

If bengasamfuni eMhlobo akasebenzele uKhozi FM singajabula ayosihlekisa eKZN.

15 Nov 2007 08:03

Good people let's be real,KCI rocks period!We're not entertaining code of conducts here but praising the most talented DJ ever eyakho yakho ku Mhlobo wenene.Ever since my days of listening to this station,still Radio Bantu .Xhosa..then Umhlobo...I've never seen such a talented person on the microphone,when u're driving home or in a taxi,he loosens the tiredeness completely.We're not questioning the right and wrong of what transpired whilst he was air and taken off,but admiring the skill from the humble beginning.

Mayithethwe inyani,u Amaza uyangxola shame,khanimxelele wethu azame enye itune.As for me I have stopped listening to afternoon drive,indlebe zam zakugqabuka ngu Amaza.

15 Nov 2007 13:35

People are not used to transformation. Ukonakala kwento-kukulunga kwenye. KCi wenze into elilungelo lakhe but he ruined his reputation coz angekhe uphinde umve umhlali ngaphambili on any national radio-station. If SABC is giving you a cold shoulder, it means you gonna take a long run to go national again.
A good point by Monchooza, "ukuhamba kwaka Kci kumhlobo kuzomvulela eminye iminyango". My question is where are these doors coz moving from Mhlobo Wenene to yfm is like moving from hero to zero. Zizikazi you've been with Umhlobo Wenene from Radio Bantu (I wasn't there) and since then presenters have been going in and out of the station and you've never complained. Now that Amaza is a new icon you start to have issues. Do you have anything personal with the dude? Undiphoxile, I was not expecting into enjalo from a trusted listerner.

15 Nov 2007 14:12

he hayi wena zoz uphez'kwebhedi sana uthi awungo Amaza nje,whether uKci ke bhuti nimgxothile or what, but ke nezimvo zabantu nizivile,yes at the end idicision yeyenu,so your loss not ours,what ppl say is KC deserves a second chance like any other human being, unless you were looking for an excuse to get rid of him in the 1st place. THATHA MAKCSANA THATHA....IYO KC IYO in V-MESH n SHERIF'S voice!!!!!!!

16 Nov 2007 02:36

Zoz.....Yes I've been a listener sisese Qonce esisikhululo.My point is KCI came with a different spice to the station entertaining the young and the old.....ofcourse xa kuzakufakwa umntu ongomnye kula ndawo yakhe you'll start comparing and then complain.
No hard feelings towards this fellow kuthwa ngu Amaza,he just does not have what it takes to tickle us in the afternoon drive show period.....instead he makes a lot of noise.Umhlobo makenze icebo,i statistics of the listeners is dropping day by day.

16 Nov 2007 06:27

It seems like poeple are comparing and complaining about changes at Umhlobo. If maybe you can be given a chance as a listerner to elect umsasazi for afternoon drive; unga-khetha bani beside KC besause his case is out?

This is just a question engenabuzaza, I would luv to get impendulo especially from those who are against uAmaza being on air..

Brown Shuga
16 Nov 2007 06:34

This is not about Amaza, it's about KCi. I cudnt care less who they put there. Bottom line, i'm not listening that slot. Wil be listening to Glen Lewis on The Avenue, thanx to HUGE EGOs

16 Nov 2007 06:58

@zoz yes we r not complaining about the decision that was taken by MW bt that guy is legend & luk where is MW is right now. He is the ancestor. I dont care whose the nw dj is, the guy was gud & he wil stil b gud in whatever he is going 2 do. And i dont have issues with Amaza

16 Nov 2007 07:54

Akanantanga nyhani uKci, and I'm glad that enesikolo ngoba angasebenza naphi na. Into yoba achaze on ari uba kwenzeke ntoni was great it means that akaloxoki or a lie like some person otsho njalo phezulu. Oyena mntu ulixoki ngulo utya tyum kube nkwenzeke iscandal. I'm glad KCi told us becauise we wouldn't have known.

16 Nov 2007 08:17

@unathi uwagqibile mnta'sekhaya xa usithi uKCI akanantanga!! akanayo nyani mna andinanto ngakuAmaza kodwa ke islot esi seAfternoon Drive hayi asiso esakhe tu,, khona kutheni abantu bahamba kuMhlobo kangaka ingathi kanti batyana nezithende phaya!!!

16 Nov 2007 08:30

Yonke lenonsense iqhubeka kwa Mhlobo is just a reflection of how bad things are going on SA's radio stations.

16 Nov 2007 08:31

Girls and boys, in life there is a beginning and the end, the same way there is a night and the day. The beginning is sometimes difficult, and the end is sometimes bitter. i feel for the listerners that are bitter bcoz of KCI's departure but you have to understand "okungapheliyo kuyahlola". KCI had his time on Umhlobo and now its over, how it happened its not the point here the point is it happened and we need to live with it. I also think its unfair to throw stones at Amaza, he will never be uKCI and I dont think he is trying to, but if truth be told he is a good, "umsasazi. I guess what i am saying is lets honour the days we had with KCI instead of mourning that he is gone, atleast he is not dead. Let us give Amaza a chance, after all he deserves it.

Can I hear an AMEN!

16 Nov 2007 09:51

i nid 2 know one thing. will he eva get employment at SABC?

16 Nov 2007 13:56

First Name: Mthobeli
Last Name: August

Place of birth
Adelaide E. Cape

How would describe Yourself
As odd, but very straight forward, who believesin the truth, culturally rooted

Motto in Life
Being a Spectator

My favourite music
African Music & R&B & Soul, somewhere, somehow, I relate to the kind of stories they tell, they also seem to have a connection (I’m talking about the genre African/American no differences.

What can you tell about your show
It deals with all the issues, but in a manner that never was, laughter is the order of the day, its more like going to church, but instead of singing you laugh, all in the name of roots and culture.

What makes you blood Boil
People who abuse children anyhow and those who are not scared of themselves. Sukundilibala mna kodwa sukuzilibala nawe.

What makes you Different – Radio
My way of saying things like my own stories, I use methods that have being used but magically.

Where do you see Yourself in 5 years time
I see myself as a king, but I don’t know where? I see myself speaking a lot of Xhosa to other Nations.

If not on Radio/ what Would you do?
A healer of some sort

Memorable moments on Radio
When my family was with me in the studio and my last interview with Brenda Fassie. Those I’ll treasure them as long as I live.

What do you do at your spare time
Writing a lot, listening to music cos’ music keeps me creative, always want to have something new to tell.

What excite you most about life
Being the spectator, view things from the other side and being able to laugh at things sometimes

What do you like about your job
It is exciting and one of its kind

What are the three Important things in your life
Myself, my family and my job

About Music
Music is a key to my soul

I have travelled the world, Paris, New York, China, Hong Kong, Germany, Mozambique, Malawi, France, Zimbabwe, and Cape Town but there is no place like South Africa

What would you change about yourself


17 Nov 2007 13:09

Ndiqale ngokuthi AMEN @Andi01. Ubeke amagama anobuzaza kakhulu. @monwy, I think if your days are over at Umhlobo Wenene soze uphinde ubonwe at apho kukho uSABC (Media monopoly uyayazi). There's no radio frquency that cover whole SA engekho under SABC.

We have to honour KC's presence at SABC but ukuhamba kwakhe doesn't mean the end of the world. KC was admired and the SA community still idolize him. To take his legacy to greater strides, I think he should go to ETV and host one of the TV shows. I believe he can coin a vibrant and ever loved show at Mzansi. Now it's up to ETV to take the initiative to come up with a number one talk show.


17 Nov 2007 13:41

Its sad that KCi left umhlobo wenene sizomkhumbula, that does not mean we should be nasty to Amaza, I think the guy is original, good, he does not fake anyone, he is nothing like KCi, they are both good in their different ways, lets give Amaza a chance guys otherwise we'll miss out on a best show....Amaza took the job because it was offered to him, if he didn't take it he would have been fired for defying management or something, so he did what he had to do!!!

My anger at KCi's problem is worsened by DJ S'bu dissing Mthatha: here's the story, DJ S'bu was suppossed to go to a gig in Mthatha after finishing the one in East London, when it was time to go to Mthatha, I heard that he said he won't be going there coz he would need 250 bodyguards to enter Mthatha coz the town is dangerous and so he didn't go, dissapointing his fans there. He acted as if Mthatha is the most DANGEROUS place in SA, what abt Jozi...If he thinks Mthatha is the most dangerous place in SA HE IS DUMBER THAN DUMB, and he can go to hell where he belongs (sorry Brown Sugar), if he was trying to upset the people of Mthatha, well it worked congratulations kwedini!!, I won't buy your CD haha, I heard it sucks anyway, when you go to Mthatha if you decide to Sbu triple the number of bodyguards to 750 LOSER, you suck big time.....

17 Nov 2007 13:49

Sorry for going out of topic bloggers I had to get that out of my chest, I also heard that DJ S'bu is accused of stealing or trying to steal a car, if anyone has any more info abt this plz divulge it, I need more reasons to be angry at HIM, by the way in Channel O (yesterday afternoon) when he was asked abt this he said " why would i steal a car coz i hav mine?", mmmmhhhhh, my answer: the more we hav the greedier we get (some of us like *'** )

19 Nov 2007 02:13

On a lighter note ke ngoku before we open other can of worms,makhe ndiwaphose abe mabini kwisihlobokazi esi sithetha ngaso
"Koeksi"I'm sure you visit this site,i just bought your CD's mntakwethu,sendizixolisa,Ngoo Nofoto Noo Thamara noo Jwarha,ndihleka ndiqikileke.........lo nto hayi lo nyaka umka nabasasazi endibathandayo (Pat Cash from Kaya FM is also gone )
Mhhhhh,should nt we be learning something bethuna,labour relations,work ethics,good code of conduct,your rights in the work for thought!

Koeksie,shift the goal post now and just think out of box,maninzi amathuba eMzantsi.

No Amaza masimyekeni bethuna,angxole uba uyangxola,zigqabhuke indlebe zethu uba ziyagqabhuka,naye uzakube ezenzela igama in his own magic way.

Mandiyishiy 'indawo ke bethuna

19 Nov 2007 05:14

It's true uDj Sbu ufuna securities coz ayikho into ayidlalayo. People from uMtata don't pay for into engekhoyo. His ulbam is weck and it doesn't match iSTD saseMtata.

Last week Thursday @ SKYYBAR (Durban) Dj Sbu  was chased out by Dj Bongs. uBongs akagxothanga literally but he played good music and lonto forced Dj Sbu out of the Dj box..Big up to Dj Bongs (SOBUYE S"BONANE). Sbu must look for someone ongamfundisa how to DJay (Maybe BONGS) then he can go to uMtata without securities. 

20 Nov 2007 05:37

Ndiyathemba ke ukub' akukho mntu, uzakuphinda agxwalele u KC, myekeni aphumle ngoxolo umzamo omhle uwufezile, simnqwenelela impumelelo kwi cwecwe lakhe. Umhlobo wona ndakuwumamela ngolwesithathu ngo 8:10  xa kukho lentombazana kuthwa nguBrown Shuga. Amen

21 Nov 2007 04:16

he zinkosi kutheni lento umhobo wenene ungenanyani kangaka.If uKCI is sharing what was going on with listerners yingxaki kabani leyo. he has a right to freedom of speech especially 2 things associated with himself, and in this instance they are not limited, if they wanted to dismiss uKCI kwakudala mabatsho, coz umhlobo wenene yeyona radio statio yakha yazilimita iirights zabaphulaphuli.Ndikhe ndive noMzukisi Solani pha kuphendlo lwendaba on Sundays, hayi mntakabawo ukhe umntu wathetha ngokungathi uzakugxeka iministers uyakuda nguCutted igama lakhe, excuse do u know the meaning of freedon of expression and freedon of speech?. Khanibuyise unyawo manene namanenekazi iyakutyiwa ngubani lenyama xa ityuwa ingathi niyabhokoxa ukuyigalela oku? UKCI yena siyamthanda noba ubani angathini. Uvaye grand maK nalapho uyakhona ushine more! Oh kodwa yintoni bethuna sakubotshwa ngubani kwintlungu zethu.Hayi wena Amamza ndiyakuthanda for iLocal Top thirty and uyakhonkotha goe,  but 4 afternoon drive, awundenzeli kawu! 4rm Bulie! 

21 Nov 2007 05:19

mna shem ndifuna u Kci back bcoz Amaza can't do what Kci did and use to do MAKABUYE PEOPLE PLZ MAKE A DISISSION BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!! 

21 Nov 2007 15:20

Let me start by saying how HAPPY I am to finally find somewhere where I can speak about the best DJ ever, uKci. What a loss!!! Ndisakhumbula ezaveki zimbini, ndimamele uMhlobo as usual, from Ezithandwa Ndim, next thing kungena uAmaza. Azange ndidikwe ngaloomini!!! Andim funi kanjani uAmaza. Ndithi zaphela iiveki zambini...simane sibuzana nesinye isihlobo sam ukuba kuqhubeka ntoni ngomhlali ngaphambili. Then on that Tuesday afternoon sandifowunela isihlobo sam to say that uKci ubuyile,kodwa ndandisedolophini so zange ndikwazi ukumamela ngaloomini. Ndeva ngemini elandelayo ukuba wakhutshwa emoyeni phambi kwexesha. Ndakhathazeka yazi!! Next thing siva into yokuba ugxothiwe uKci. What a big mistake they have made!! Fine--we are all human and, supposedly no one is irreplaceable but there will never ever be anyone who will fill that gap kaKci--especially not uAmaza! Nowadays, I switch off my radio after inkqubo kaTsidi. I don't even laugh as much anymore--they took true joy out of my life by firing uKci. Akubhadlanga nezizathu zokumgxotha ke pofu, if what I have read is true. They apparently fired him for, amongst other things, not playing the songs that they had put on a playlist. What?!?!?! Please!! They don't know a good thing when they see it!!

21 Nov 2007 15:22

No offence meant to fans of uAmaza. But he really just doesn't do it for me at all...but it's just my personal feelings...

Brown Shuga
21 Nov 2007 17:31

Hahahaha You Xhosas rock!!! You've just made me laugh like you guys for being so passionate!!!

<<<Umhlobo wona ndakuwumamela ngolwesithathu ngo 8:10 xa kukho lentombazana kuthwa nguBrown Shuga. Amen>>
Mhler, It's Monday, NOT Wednesdays!! LOL 

Yhu hayi guys kodwa I've also just realized ukuba isiXhosa is damn difficult to read, even for me!!!! 
Yhu Zuziwe sana, uyandigqiba finish!! Zizikazi, you've just motivated me to go get the CD, if you like it nam i will!!

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 09:33

22 Nov 2007 10:01

i thought umhlobo is da most radio station that cares about izimvo zabaphulaphuli but now i can see that i was wrong, because kule case ka maK everyone uyakhala and lento ayigxothelweyo does not carry much weight that ingagxothisa umntu ( more especialy ofana no KCI becoz hayi kebethu banqabile abafana naye, uba bakhon ke phofu). Did u consider the duration of time he had worked 4 umhlobo, his service, the interest of the listerners as they are more valuable as compared to urs, did u consider the way umphakathi ogcwala ngayo ngomaK, i' m glad coz i'm not saying these things over his dead body, did u ever imagine the loss u guys will suffer for firing umthakathi (awu emaweni Mthaki!) did u consider how useless it is to do what satisfy urslves than satisfying listerners at a first place? Ndiyabuza bo!, and let me tell u one thing, "U've lost 4million listeners 4 firing uKCI and nale million iseleyo isendleleni" believe u gonna left with 50 maxhego and 50 maxhegokazi which makes 100 listeners of umhlobo Yho! Yho! what a flop ? what a waza? i'm no threatening you guys but nikhumul' izinja bafethu ngokugxoth'uMthakathi! Hayi shame fakani omnye umnntu pha kwi afternoon drive omtsha plz b'coz uAmaza is just making the situation worse! hayi shame u are not reasonable under the circumstances 4sure there is a story behind!  

22 Nov 2007 10:24

G's can i ask something 4rm lo uthi UKCI will never be employed by a radio statio under SABC but I know many radio stations eziUnder SABC ezingenalo ouchuku lulapha kumhlobo, but all I see is that, they are trying to brainwash u presenters of umhlobo so umaK bemgxothile nje babone ingathi akazukumelana nemarinade! but its cool uba ugxothelwe lonto Lala, "Ur dad must be a terrorist coz u 'r da BOMB!!!!!!!"Guys I think u should learn  that siphila kwenye igeneration ngoku khanizifundise ukuthetha izinto phandle b4 its too late coz apho kumhlobo nizinzulu zemfihlakalo. 

22 Nov 2007 14:00

Izinto aziqali sele zinkulu. I believe uKC efika eMlobo he was not a bomb le abayiyo xa ehamba. Everything that is said to be successful has a begining, pre-conditions for take off, point of securation and finaly a hit.

What I'm trying to say is that uKC efumana islot seAfternoon drive, there was someone before him. Ukunika uKC islot meant that lamntu was replaceble. In my entire life I've never seen an ireplaceble person. I know It's hard to lose something that was close to your heart but as time goes by you got used to changes and focus on the positive side. 

My point here is that Amaza is not like KC, got his personal style and they are not competing. When intliziyo ibuhlungu for KC don't compare him with Amaza. UW FM is a team and not an individual radio-station, ukuhamba kukaKC doesn't mean you have to listern to  Brown Shuga only, plz listern uMhlobo Wenene.

Brown Shuga
22 Nov 2007 14:21

Hehehe thatha Zoz!! Amaza certainly has a true fan in doesn't matter what the topic is, you always have to make things about him. Maybe you should start a Facebook Fan Site/ Group for him too...y'know, just to get support for your man.

24 Nov 2007 05:29

u KCI sisamthanda for inqubo yakhe kodwa asinokwenza ngakumbi yena and asazi noba yena usafuna na upinda abekumhlobowenene so ixhomekeke kuye into yoba engekho izode iqheleke , akulahlwa mbeleko ngakufelwa and into endingayifuniyo ngabantu bagxeka u Amaza akenzanganto bethuna yena uzama isonka sentsana zakhe engazongaphangeli myekeni ke please S.Gidimisani Cape Town!!!

26 Nov 2007 08:47

Hey bethuna zange ndiwubone umsasazi onje ngo KC,he bethunanao Amaza mabancame maan pha ku Koeksi.Yhazi u KC uthi noba udikwe yi traffic umamele yena,uhleke urhalele angabethi u 17H30 ayishiye indawo.
I'm sure Metro Awards missed the black and white fashionist.....he  had his own personal brand.
Uphi bethuna ngoku? ukhona onolwazi?

26 Nov 2007 09:06

Viva Maza maza viva, I think Amaza is doing great, i like his sexy and Hornorizing voice, hay uyandigqiba man, even though I loved KCI i think he had more female hormones that male.That turned me off, and ebenaso isigezwana ukci people kanti u-amaza yho yi hunk yomhlaba, i a m all for amaza. 

26 Nov 2007 09:36

he bethuna kutheni lento nithi xa niphendula nifake iinitials namagama ezantsi oh yhini bendisayithanda le blog yamaxhosa kuthethwa naso hayini man sanukundihlaza kaloku asifuni magama apha kodwa izimvo!!! 
T August, kuQumbu,, hi hi hi 
Shushu ualright sana??

Brown Shuga
26 Nov 2007 10:27

LMAO @ Mayo's comment hi hi hi hi hi, there are too many comments here and I'm too lazy to even look for that Qumbu signature heheheheh

Now that I've stopped laughing....

Ndiyaphila wethu mtasekhaya...nam ndiyithandile nyani le blog ka Hintsa (ngu Hintsa neh?? LOL) ubonanje.....
Hope C.T is taking good care of you!

27 Nov 2007 02:38

Andi01.............take a hike girl/boy......Amaza does n't do it period! u're blowing your own Vuvuzela my darling.Akasangxoli ngoku uyadika qha.
what else is interesting ku Mhlobo these days,I listen to Kaya and Metro these days so I've lost track...........or maybe ndinoske ndizenze current ngo Apha Naphaya...........Brown Shuga have you got a clue?

27 Nov 2007 03:10

@Zizikazi...................., mamela mntasekhaya, dlamini, zizi, sobasiza, jama-ka-sjadu ungandijameli de ndijaduke, kaloku sisi singabantu asifani, ewe wena uthanda uKCI andiphikisi apho, kodwa mna ke ndithanda uAmaza kwaye andiboni ziphoso kuye, kaloku sginyamkhonto, nkomozidlekhaya ngokuswela abelusi, ntombe mabelamade ancancisusana phesheya komfula, mna andiboni msantsa ku mhlobo wenene nangona ukci emkile, kakade uKCI ebesenziwa ngathi nguye yedwa umsasazi onesiphiwo, yiyo loonto ke ekugqibeleni ede wabaqabela entloko. Lilonke ndithi uAmaza uyaxelenga phaya yaye ngokunokwam ndiyoneliseka yindlela awenza ngayo umsebenzi wakhe nantsika (in Ngcode aka maxwell mlilo's voice).

27 Nov 2007 03:15

I wish ma Xhosa was good enough to understand watz written here...

27 Nov 2007 03:48

Andi01........kusemtyantini emaZizini shlobo.Andali sana ngo Amaza wakho,it's my opinion,he does n't do it for me,I don't know about others but ndingama nandedwa ndithi,He is not a suitable candidate for that slot,He does not have the skill that can attract listeners and entertain them at the same time for that slot.He might have the communication skills for airwaves but not for that slot maybe for Top30 zangomgqibelo kusasa (andazi noba zisekhona na ndazigqibela kudala,xa sisenza i washing emva kwendlu sibeke unomathotholo one battery ye eveready simamele zona) That's where he can go........kuyangxolwa ke pha..ubava kwezavenkile zasemakhaya

No hard feelings bethuna ngaku Amaza but suggesting on rearrangement of DJ on certain slots suiting certaing times!

27 Nov 2007 05:36

But my sister in law, (ndiyazalwa emazizini), ngubani ke molokaza ocinga ukuba angayenza ngcono lankqubo kuno Amaza kumhlobo wenene, akekho tuu sihlobo, yiva ndikuxelela

27 Nov 2007 06:15

Yabona ke uyalahleka,according to HR policies when the post has been vacated with immediate effect ,you get ibambela that has similar skills required,in this sector ke,they then  conduct i listeners survey,check the stats if it has gone up or down,remember the more listeners they have,the better chances of investors like advertises, ,you don't just take any tom dick and herry ke.(Ndikuhlebele ke the stats has gone down,percentage not yet finalised)

Ithi ke lonto,KC's skills, contributed big time to the sustainability of that station through that afternoon drive slot
My personal advise,is to shift Amaza from that slot,put another DJ for a probabtion of a month,see if it's gonna hit the rock or not otherwise this will have serious financial implications to their budget in this financial year.

We have a right to advise,kaloku we subsidise that station.

27 Nov 2007 06:32

"Thatha Zizi thatha" Mamela ke Andi01, its not that u Amaza akafunwa but I suggest they should have emlpoyed a new Dj kula ndawo kaKci becoz uAmaza iyamazi and mna ndimthanda big time kwi Local Top Thirty, but kwi afternoon drive uthi mandikhale believe me u kawu, at least if bebefake umntu omthsa pha besizoxola xa befaaka uAmaza ephinde enze a total different thing u-he-e!

01 Dec 2007 04:53

heyi bantakwethu ndiyabona ukuba niyayixukuxa le subject ka koeksie one!! 
kodwa mna ndikwelakho ntombi yase mazizini le yokuba ngebethathe umntu omtsha noko kunalo Amaza,, nangona ke ndingenanxa ngakwicala lakhe!!
Shushu ma love iCT indiphethe kakuhle gqitha sana!!!
@Andi01 ndikwazi unjalo ke wena ke,,, Zizikazi yintombi nana uyeva!!!
1990 asazi ke ngawe!!

07 Dec 2007 15:38

Guys....I will tell you one thing. u-Amaza might be good in some other slot (maybe i-graveyard xa sesilele or sinxilile) but kwesa slot sika KCi, uyangxola qha. Mna, the first time ndimva, I thought zezemidlalo....(i-cricket or i-soccer) until I listened to him the following day, that I heard ukuba ngumsasazi omtsha. Ndizolazi igama lakhe namhlanje ngoku bekudlala u Live pha ku SABC , bemveza, bechaza igama lakhe ne slot akuso. offence chap but we (the listeners) could do with a bit of less shouting from you. To top it all, you agreed to be fitted in the wrong slot. As for wena KCi, ngomso ndiyothenga i CD yakho (not sure whether ikhona around Durban or else ndizokuyithenga xa ndigodukile) - you rock bro! inkqubo yakho iqabele kakhulu. uMaza lo, akanolenz' ixesha tu. I was surprised to know that a substantial number of listeners (not Xhosas) bamamela uKCi apha e Durbs. They know him and imitate him. I'm not sure whether you are coming back kuMhlobo or uzofumana esinye ispan. Please find a way to let us know so that sizokulandela.

07 Dec 2007 15:46

UMaza sounds like a talking parrot,akaziphi nechance yokuginya amathe,can just imagine uba ulala obunye ubuthongo ebusuku.Hayi uworse lowana.Shame  KCI ,must confess i did not see it coming,ialbum unokutsho,there i was waiting and waiting,lavideo indidikile,but as for KCI ndimthanda ngentliziyo yam yonke,but not apha emculweni

Brown Shuga
08 Dec 2007 06:03

Since the focus is now Amaza, I will add my 2 cents worth AGAIN. 
Ndisatsho ndithi uAmaza doesn't do it for me offence to him. Bakhona abazakumthanda kodwa mna andikho kwelo nani. Mhlawumbi if angehlisa ivolume kancinci ayeke ukulinganisa u Linda Sibiya kungabeterana noko, okwangoku hayikhona , inene ndiyala! Ndithi unotshe!! (Hi hi hi hi)

DJ Why why
09 Dec 2007 08:48

Mh! I feel you DiNanzo, i was also not expecting that kind of music from umhlali ngaphambili, donno what i was expecting, though. I could buy a DVD, not so sure about the CD.  Maara let's see another video.

I was thinking uba * isihlobo singanxiba njani kanene xa siperfomer live??* km km km!

10 Dec 2007 07:05

Who has seen the music video ka Ma K K on Friday ku live? Ndiphelelwe ngamazwi mna ngoku.  

11 Dec 2007 04:07

Yhu Nanana......uyandigqiba xa usithi  akanalo nexesha lokuginya. I heard ukuba u-Amaza une 6 month subscription kwa Halls lozenges - no wonder ezigqibezela nje.

As for the video, I saw it. Andikho sure nge video yonke. I will have to listen to it before I pass judgement.

Amaza....please leave the slot in peace.......coz I think slot-wise, you have been misplaced.

11 Dec 2007 07:33

Uba u Amaza nabaqeshi bakhe abakeva nangoku.........abasoze baphinde beve.

I saw the video on Friday yesihlobo,endingakuthetha,ndiyihleke ndalala yaske yandikhumbuza la video ye khithaza's ok kodwa,it's entertaining yona.

Hayi Masonic,iyandigqiba ke le ye 6 months subscription!

15 Dec 2007 04:15

he bantu khange mna ndiyibone le video yomhlali ngaphambili,, kodwa ke ngokuva kuni ingathi ayiyo lento ibilindelwe,,!! kodwa ke kufuneka ndiyithengile iCD okanye iDVD nakanjani,,, 

ndiyayithanda le blog ngoba yeyesixhosa apha ku tvsa zinqabile ezinje,, 
oh bantu nizonwabele iholide zenu nibuye niphelele ke ningashoti okanye nithwelwe!! 

Amaza angabethi u2008 usekwi Afternoon Drive!!

Brown Shuga
17 Dec 2007 12:34

Hehehehe I thought ndiyibone ndedwa laa video, yhuu yini uKCi ukundiphoxa kangaka!! Heheheheh bahlali, ndigqitywe yilaa soccer outfit, andayiqonda ukuba ingenaphi pha...LOL

<<ndiyihleke ndalala yaske yandikhumbuza la video ye khithaza jive>> LOL nam sihlobo, yeh hayi umaK!

18 Dec 2007 02:52

Molwen...kukho la scene yokuqatywa kwe lip stick kwaza tough lips ahahaha iyhu hayi umakaMunda sana ahahahaha!

18 Dec 2007 04:38

yho hayi nam ndayibona i video, ndaahleka ndabetheka ngeendawo phantsi, yho hayi kodwa, the only reason one would buy it is purely for entertainment reasons kuba hayi iyahlekisa yona torhwana.

18 Dec 2007 04:59

Sana!  andikhathali noba uthini but leya NO NO NO NO NO makaphinde ayoyenza.......

Brown Shuga
18 Dec 2007 06:37

Hayi makenze eyesibini mhlawumbi yona iyawuba bhetele noko....heheheh 
Eyandigqibiyo yile yokuba after that uAndile noBonang were on some "it's awesome" tip and I was like WTF??

18 Dec 2007 07:24

yho hayi nam ndayibona i video, ndaahleka ndabetheka ngeendawo phantsi, yho hayi kodwa, the only reason one would buy it is purely for entertainment reasons kuba hayi iyahlekisa yona torhwana.
Yho mina I did even see funny part in it.It's total crap!!!! KCi hay I GIVE UP!
No BS I think they were(Bonang & Andile) just being polite

11 Jan 2008 18:25

11 Jan 2008 18:26

11 Jan 2008 18:28

12 Jan 2008 04:17

who is kc anyway?

12 Jan 2008 04:17

who is kc anyway?

12 Jan 2008 04:17

who is kc anyway?

15 Jan 2008 09:16

Hay bantu la video yeyodlalwa xa ufun'ulala but nje i think he missed da line.
Yhandibandisela gomqolo qha.I luv him though!

18 Jan 2008 06:08

Andazi noba ndive right na,is KC back on Umhlobo wenene?

18 Jan 2008 06:45

Hayi sana Zizi uyamthanda u Makheysana nerh? hahahah ndicinga i video yakhe

19 Jan 2008 02:32

Zizikazi I'm sorry but I don't think you'll ever hear uKC on Umhlobo. Mhmmm... hard to believe but true. I mic him too.

@Brown shuga, Hayi makenze eyesibini mhlawumbi yona iyawuba bhetele noko. Don't think so Shuga. Kanti guys ninjani? Did you really expect uKC ( being KC that evri1 knows) to come up nevideo ebhadlileyo. Yazi mna I'm not disappointed coz that's what I expected of him. I mean the guy has never been serious about anything- the way he dresses, wonke la vobe akhunjulwa ngaye kwi radio & now the video, hayi come on bantu uKC is just a joke. 
Kodwa kunomathotholo I luvd him for being the joke he is.

19 Jan 2008 02:34

Ndicinga ukuba kukho umahluko phakathi kuka KC no Mthobeli. Mhlawumbi if anga cula engu Mthobeli angaba serious.

19 Jan 2008 13:21

19 Jan 2008 13:21

19 Jan 2008 13:25

hayi indishiyile bantakwethu, hey masimyekeni maan umhlali ngaphaphili coz even if angabuya andiqondi ukuba angabuya engula makaMunda simaziyo

19 Jan 2008 20:19

Yhu  ndivumelana nawe Mamuntintili ,ngeke aphinde afane nalowa esimaziyo kodwa banochuku shame ababantu.yhini ulala.

20 Jan 2008 03:59

Heeee uZizikazi ebekhe wabuza ukuba is Kuksie back na kumhlobo, Zizi sana lwam he is being featured kula nkqubo kaBlaq (Women on the move) for about 10-15 minutes hayi sisi andinawuthi ubuyile mna coz phaya uthetha ngezempilo yhuu ungayihleka nawe xa uyimamele coz ayifani naye tuuuuuu

25 Jan 2008 00:54

Thanks mamuNti.....,ndiphikise se someone esithi umve ku Mhlobo so ndothuka,probably yinto eyashicilelwa esekhona.......hayi ke iyavakala.

Kanti what's ngo Kci no Selimathunzi,Brown Shuga,give us a green light........

27 Feb 2008 08:08

umak akanantanga i must say, umhlobo makabuyise umak back we really miss the guy he has the talent. no one will ever replace umak.
frm lolly

11 Mar 2008 08:27

I stopped listening 2 umhlobo the moment uKCi wagxothwa....Ndimamela iCKi ngoku, uReggie no Phethu......gosh imnandi lonkqubo...shem Mhlobo nilahlakwelwe even though uZoz engafuni uAdmitter....everytime xa  ndivula umhlobo ndive uAmaza I get irritated, uyangxola qha ke umntanabantu....

05 Mar 2009 02:46

05 Mar 2009 02:50

People mna I dont c any mistake caused by umhlobowenene coz, i mean come on  people  we did not  all like the  guy  so  those of us who did not like the guy dont u think we wil now be able to join umhlobowenene......sanufaka iblinkasi apho think broadly please

06 Apr 2009 23:12

Eish he was very very great, I wonder where we will get another dj like that for umhlobo wenene fm. Because uKci was umhlobo wenene buqu, Kaloku nawe maKay you should do something sikwazi that you r doing somenthing 4 your self so that singazokhathazeka. I MISS YOU VAA?

24 Apr 2009 13:35

uAmaza akathathi nto ku KCi.

24 Apr 2009 13:35

uAmaza akathathi nto ku KCi.

14 Jul 2009 15:49

no maza uyazama but ukci uyarock

14 Sep 2009 15:18

Umthakathi makabuye, yes he was wrong ngothetha izinto ebezithethwa in the meeting.We all do mistskes and we learn from them but at least give him another chance bcs ebethandwa ngaba phulaphuli.Nam mdingomnye abangasa mameli yo lenqubo ebekade makabuye

Sana Lwam
13 Dec 2010 15:37

hhe bethuna wayaphi uKCI? Wenza ntoni phi, ukhona owaziyo. Bendim googlisha ndadibana nale blog.

04 Apr 2012 18:06

& KCI is back he irreplaceable.

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