Hi everyone! To let you know that I haven't done an interview with Maureen this week. I was dying to chat her to find out how she feels about Code blah blah but the past week's been so hooligan-busy I wasn't able to make catching up with her yesterday morning, she was fully booked the rest of the day and she's leaving for Uganda today.
She'll be back again for the Finale though so I'll quiz her for us then. In the meantime - is there anything in particular you'd like answered? We obviously need to know about Code and find out if she's nuts - but anything else? If you have any questions please jot them down here.
Then a verry important question - I didn't see what happened during Saturdays paramedic fiasco! All I know is what I've heard aka that they all got so trashed out of their minds they needed doctors and that Ofunneka officially managed to chuck her name away with the Richard slut.
I've asked about whether it's going to be re-broadcast at any time but it doesn't seem it's gonna happen so if you watched please fill in the blanks as to what went down for those of us who missed it. From the bits I've heard some gobsmackingly heeeeectic stuff happened.