Written by chitty from the blog Are men becoming too feminine? on 05 Nov 2007
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No, I’m not talking about gays here. I am talking about real hot blooded men, straight as a ruler. I am sure you are silently saying “and women more masculine?” You sure are right there. Along with the emancipation of women from…whatever it is called came their loss of morality and ascribed femininity as they quickly upped the ranks and joined hordes of masculine men, who are fast getting a little too in touch with their feminine side themselves.
If you haven’t gone to a salon with your man, and he’s demanding silly hair-cuts and some stupid s-curl, (in this era) you haven’t seen nothing yet. That is mild. 
Take a Saturday evening, getting ready for an outing, you and him competing for the mirror. People, this is no anecdote of my own thinking. It is so true. You literally compete for the mirror. And then you open your cosmetic cup board to find your garnier face wash and cleanser quarter full and he tells you he had to use yours because his was finished. When the night before he was pleading with you to include two tubes (yours and his) of “that L’Oreal anti-ageing cream” you bought last month (it worked wonders) in the grocery. And then you book your self for a manicure, only to find that he has already booked the both of you for a manicure, Stop! What is this world coming to?

Men are now wearing dresses, and women pants. Pepsi Pokane of Afro-café fame has done it, Fashion designer David Tlale has done it, Make-up artist Nthato Mashishi has done it, and Brown Matsime of Selimathunzi fame has done it. These men are wearing dresses, some of whom are hot blooded male species others suppressing the desire to come out of the closet of course. They say the skirts are inspired by the Scottish. Oh please! Spare us the nonsense. 90% of men have also found something to do with their hair. Today men braid their hair, they relax it, they do locks and they do dyes and so many other things I have not mentioned.
Soccer stars have taken it to another level and made it easy for your average Joes to comply with the latest effeminate fashion fads. Women on the other hand are fast shaving off their hair, wearing tailored suits, heading big cooperation’s and even running countries, becoming presidents. Ellen Johnson Sirlif, hello? They are breaking the glass ceiling so it seems. 

I was reading an honest rendition of a man I respect and regard to be so male, Siphiwe Mpye on one True-love. He was talking about how self conscious men are about their looks these days. Talking about doing away with men boobs and matching boep. Have you seen that? Yuk! And I could honestly agree with him. I’ve met so many who are conscious of their boep (umkhaba). Every man wants a Henry Cele aka Shaka Zulu six pack. Even though Freshly- ground is trying to convince us that fat thighs, flabby arms and a pot belly still give good loving, it takes a lot to accept. 

Nowadays we all use bio-slim; it’s no longer a female thing. Look at the advertising world; gone are the days when only women were used as sex objects with gender equality activists busy raising their fists against it. Who will raise a fist now? Men have joined the ranks, used as sex objects in the advertising world as well. Many adverts now showcase half naked males with abs to die for and the adverts sell, Andile Ncube CD sleeve, Can I hear an Amen to that?
The fashion industry is the number one culprit. Luis Vittoine has come up with a range of big hand bags for men. Everything is labeled unisex these days. You will find unisex salons, perfumes, belts, jeans. And talking about jeans, flared jeans are no longer worn by females and gays only, everybody is doing flared jeans now and I must say they look sexy on everyone, gay, male female , everyone. The best chefs are male, the best fashion designers are male, the best hair stylists are male, and the best make-up artists are male. What happened to our men? I’m sure that man, Adam from the first testament is moving in his grave. Iyoh!


05 Nov 2007 03:10


05 Nov 2007 03:21

Great write madz .LMAO L'oreal anti -aging cream, it does wonders. My bro is so metro and yes we fight over the mirror. He takes longer than me to get ready and fusses about clothes. But I don't think I'd have an issue with it.. until it gets to the manicure booking. Only I and no one else will give my man mani's and pedi's. Phela u do that to spice things up. So If he starts seeing them as a necessity rather than a treat. Its bye Kaizer Jnr and hello Brown Dash. (this was a tad bit extreme)

05 Nov 2007 03:38

Men are best styilst because they know how their woman should look like , b est Fashion designer because they  know what their woman should wear and how their woman should dress like,best chefs because they know what they want to eat and how they prefer their food,woman nowadays wory about getting top positions and having power,mabe your article should be balanced.Change should not be only good when it suit you,  In the first place, In my culture woman are not suppose to wear trouser or jeans,Maybe you as woman should start by knowing what  you want before you start with all this rubbish,Anyway the world is confused nowadays cant really blame you.for instance some women  worry about men who do not take care of themselves and some like you complain about men who take care of themselve.At the end of the day the world we live in today calls for the behaviour we see today.

05 Nov 2007 03:41

Its bye Kaizer Jnr and hello Brown Dash. (this was a tad bit extreme)
LMAO Chunun u kill me completely mina I say I will neva and I mean neva go out with a Feminine man(woman )  I want a real man someone completely my opposite sumone who acts like a man smells like a man talks and walks like  a man  because he will also $^#$!%^&*^%^ like a man ,I definetely do not need sumone who is self -concious like me what is the blaadzy points , plus mina I have always been attracted  to madlangaz  me luvs sum thug luvin they are the best ones shem try them yu'll luv them , he must be neat but not go all madam gigi on me !Gaaaaaaaad

05 Nov 2007 03:42

"Great write madz". Punchununu, talk about giving someone my credit lol?

05 Nov 2007 03:45

Iyoh! edgards are voicing opinions or wa lwana?

05 Nov 2007 03:49

Personally i like my men rough around the i'm not too keen on the metro-sexual man....

05 Nov 2007 04:07

Tjo chitty..forgive me. i must have looked up and seen her name. OUTSTANDING WRITE UP CHITTY.

@  spice thats so true  Im not big on the smell  part but  I agree with talks and walks like a man because he will also $^#$!%^&*^%. U shud see me Im so tiny, practically a midget, but i love me some Goliath. 

@ edgards, yeah Im also sensing sum passive aggressiveness. Its all symbolic at the end of the day. Im sure you know that the law in culture, that men wear pants and women skirts, wasn't created to be literal. Because in the past everyone wore animal skin skirts. 

Chitty's article is merely addresses the drastic changes that are defeating such laws. Men were meant to wear pants becoz it makes hunting easier. Pants symbolize being fearless. Think about it. Thats why female pants, worn at work, are called power suits. So the issue is if men begin to obsess about their looks it means their are less focused on the hunting. Which they were created and expected to do. I think guys that are metrosexual to the xtreme are emasculating themselves. Coz no one will take them seriously as a man. (its sad but true)

05 Nov 2007 04:12

Metrosexual all the way for me(with a little bit of thug of course)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 Nov 2007 04:34

eish, these metros are another thing I tell u.I also dont want to fight for the mirror *whispering* but I wouldnt mind a piece of Kaizer Jnr.

05 Nov 2007 04:39

Mina this is what I like about my man.

Ugeza nge Sunlight ( the green laundy bar)
After he puts on in Vaseline from his chiskop right down to his toes
Afake i shield roll on yakhe and then put on his Puma for men perfume.
I so like the way he smells wen he comes back from playing soccer.  I som times ask him not to take a bath after soccer practice because I just like that smell.  Its not umjuluko but I cannot describe that smell.  Its a manly smell.Yaaa call me crazy.

So my point is I don't think I can handle a partner that I have to discuss with beauty routines.  Sorry, but I want him raw, rough around the edges, masculine, ndi bala ntoni!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 Nov 2007 11:43

chitty u forgot to mention,  the Best Drivers are male...... 

maara ezinye ozichazileyo zamadoda azi best chefs, best fashion designers, best make up whatever etc.... hayi zinobu-tabane phakathi........neziMetro ntoz.....
haay nc nc nc.......

06 Nov 2007 03:42

What is metrosexual?Can anyone tell me any celeb who is metro?

06 Nov 2007 03:53

Le jazz ba bolela ka bo tshepo mabona le bo lupi wa metro fm hle!  a kere wa ba bona o kare ke basadi

06 Nov 2007 03:56

Eyi, yinde sana le-article but very interesting. I also like a man who is a bit rough and who is a total opposite to me and my beauty routens. Oh it is a must that my man smells like a man, ngihambisana nawe MamaOmpha! Oh and also i LOVEEE man with cute hands, hhayi lezi ezenziwe i-m-cure but a guy should have hands that will melt you...(know what i mean). He should also have clean teeth and hyginic feet please.

So its not wrong ukuthi umuntu wesilisa azithande, but they shouldnt go overboard because kuvele kube i-turn off. These are pointers okuthi your man unesicefe sokuzithanda kakhulu

1. Uma senibanga isibuko ekuseni.
2. When you guys are making love he says "Baby ungangithinti ekhanda, i've just done my dreads!!!sho!
3. Babes i have just booked our manicure and pedicure treatment.
4. Love when are we going shopping again.
5. When you mascara goes missing.

06 Nov 2007 04:00

yeah lejazz Iv also thought about that. celebs that are metro. Ofcoz we cant be sure as to how xtreme they are. Iv come up with Kaizer Jnr. (won GQ's best dressed male), Andile Ncube and Ntando (look at the dreadlocks), Danny K & his best friend Mandoza (im sure i dont need to explain these two)

Internationally Usher, Beckham, PDiddy and the likes

06 Nov 2007 04:01

@ Lejazz, "Metrosexuality is the trait of a sophisticated man who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a substantial amount of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle"

Andile Ncube is a perfect example, gIad i could help & I hope u are clear now!!!

06 Nov 2007 04:06

Haai punchu I dont think u_ntando is metro maybe trevor noah but definetely not ntando

06 Nov 2007 04:14

Yah Spice I'm with u about uNtando uzithanda kancane he is certainly not metro, kanti futhi u guys must be careful sometimes these HOTT men, are hiding their homo status behind the word "metrosexual" kanti bangama SHIM!!!!

06 Nov 2007 04:16

spice, I just googled him and I think you are right.  Maybe im its the allure he exudes when he is in sophisticated Xhosa attire. It looks like he made sure they put in 120% into making him look good. But he doesnt wear foundation like kaizer Jnr, "apparently" LOL

06 Nov 2007 04:20

Puchu punchu did u get sorted babes cause I cant wait for your article I'm 120% sure that is gonna rock

06 Nov 2007 04:21

@ nonny see thats the trick. I want a sophisticated guy that will look good. But he must be an accessory. He mustn't outdo me.

 That would make an interesting blog. What do you do when you metro goes gay.. "Dini-Andi-Dini Situation" . Just jokin before I get attacked. I know its not true.LOL 

06 Nov 2007 04:27

eish I meant Dini-Andi-Gigi Situation.

06 Nov 2007 06:52

LOL @ Dini-Andi-Gigi- situtation....reminds me of Queen-Martha-Cleopatra situation hi hi hi

06 Nov 2007 14:04

LOL @ Dini-Andi-Gigi- situtation....reminds me of Queen-Martha-Cleopatra situation hi hi hi....ROFLOL!!!

06 Nov 2007 14:19

my ex was a metro and mina im very casual i prefer to be as simple as i can, at some stage he suggested i upgrade my wadrobe cos he would outdo me and i think he felt bad about that............but what i hated the most was him checking me all the time what ukuthi ngigcokeni and complement if he sees i improvement  

06 Nov 2007 16:08

LoL sponono . Dini-Andi-Gigi, Queen-Martha-Cleo who is next. Whats this world coming too. But you know that we are goin to get sued right. I hope you have some money in the bank.

10 Nov 2007 10:22

'eish I meant Dini-Andi-Gigi Situation.' LOL

maBloggers mna I think this metro-nonsense is for guys who are suppressing their 'homo' status. Don't get me wrong I know its not all of them but majority is - ask me I know. 
A real-straight man will NOT go the metrosexual way, yebo! Akungitshele nje you & your man competing for a mirror/ facials/manicures, gaad!? They are trying to impress the guys of the same sex full stop.
Akusiwo amadoda angempela lawa.

01 Dec 2007 11:17

Ah, who cares if men are too feminine, better that than sitting on their asses and watching rugby. Anyone else vote for fashion designer than boep rugby man?  I sure do.

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