Written by pushy85 from the blog Pushy's forum on 12 Nov 2007
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I used to watch SABC1 strictly for the continuity presenters they used to have back in the day but now i've been wondering ''what happened to some of them''?
Robert Marawa is doing Discovery sport on Metro,Dicksie Ngqula the last time i checked had a show on 5fm.Mara what happened to the girls? Aboo Zandi Nhlapho,Thembi Mbengashe,Dawn Mphathi,that white girl who spoke isiZulu they used to call her Hlengiwe or something,Nana Moloi,Siphokazi January  i can't remember the other ones.
If you know what happened to them,please tell me coz i used to love them very much,they kept me entertained..Do you still remember when they did the MACARENA and sang along to Barbie girl.
If only they would do the same thing with these new presenters maybe they wouldn't bore me as much as they do especially that super-hyperactive chic,if such a word exist.So TVSA family do you perhaps know what happened to them and what are they doing with their  lives now?


12 Nov 2007 07:48

I am still wondering people.

12 Nov 2007 07:48

I knw Siphokazi January is here in CT, doing alot of sniffing - yes that - and doing voice overs in various radio stations locally and for the SABC as well...abanye i'm not too sure ngabo

12 Nov 2007 08:06

Nana Moloi ??

2cool EC
12 Nov 2007 08:09

Felicity Shiba?? I used to love her. 

Wud love to know maself abt these CP

12 Nov 2007 08:09

I know lucas radebe does the avbob ads he he he!

12 Nov 2007 08:13

hoo i can't remember some of htese names...maybe if u put pics in there

12 Nov 2007 08:20

watch Ba Kae on Sundays ku SABC 1 at 12:30 then ul find out ukuba where they are.

12 Nov 2007 08:25

Great article pushy85, but before I respond I would like to say that i was disappointed by this statement  "that white girl who spoke isiZulu they used to call her Hlengiwe or something" this is racism at its best, the wording and the fact that you remembered everybody's name but hers. The name you looking for is Camilla Walker, and you should have said. Hlengiwe, I admired the way she spoke zulu even though it wasnt her mother tongue, I am sure everyone could have got the picture. I aint fighting just encouraging.

12 Nov 2007 08:28

Well i saw some of the past presenters in Facebook, but i'm also wondering where R they with their careers  remember when they sang "oops! i did it again" those guys used to entertain then, now all we get is abo-Loud Lalla..........mnxm SABC1.

2cool EC
12 Nov 2007 08:30

@ sjura - when are the repeats zika- Ba Kae coz Im alwayz @ church on Sundays at 12H30

12 Nov 2007 08:43

m not sure standwa sam u can check TV guide maybe they do repeat it during the week.

12 Nov 2007 08:43

12 Nov 2007 08:46

waar is mawilies of "pompa o wele ka paesekela" fame, i wonder. anybody wit any idea wer he is?.........................waiting.............................waiting

12 Nov 2007 08:49

@lebtop, speaking of mawiliies he was ma favourite, especially dat song,  igagu, igagu, libuyile ( still cant figure out the lyrics in between, any1 pls help)

12 Nov 2007 08:53

Seems like i misse a bit of a disciplinary hearing from Andi there..............LOl.........neway pushy, tomorrow is another day, I'll reply then if I can find ur blog in the mist of evrything happening here!!!!

12 Nov 2007 09:03

@lebtop Mawillies is still around hes mos in that new Trompies video.

12 Nov 2007 09:11

those days ama presenters bewasa chaza, manje they dont even do the macarena and the other ads they usually did.

12 Nov 2007 09:11

those days ama presenters bewasa chaza, manje they dont even do the macarena and the other ads they usually did.

12 Nov 2007 09:17

The last time i heard UMawillies is selling clothes in the streets of Jo-burg. U-broke into eningakaze niyibone and blaming his record label like they always do. His last perfomance was in Swaziland and kuthiwa he was riding in a bus and carriying a duffel bag....just imagine him scautting in a bus!Shoo!

12 Nov 2007 09:25

awu xoki Msoe .LoL
.Mawillies selling clothes haai sana nobakuthwani kanti ukuwa komuntu yisheleni nah?

12 Nov 2007 09:29

Dawn is now practising law, during her presenting days she was studying and as soon as she finished she pursued her dreams of being a lawyer.

Apparently Zandi Nhlapho is part of the system noe, she has joined the daily grind like the rest of us. I don't know for sure what she does. But She has a normal nine to five job.

Wasn't Nana Moloi a newsreader? I don't rmember seeing her as a presenter on simunye.

13 Nov 2007 03:26

Andi01..I think thats a bit dramatic  I mean sometimes we dont remeber peoples names and just because they are white dont mean we are racist...and I think pushy stated the fact which was to remind us which white girl she's talkin about and u"Hlengiwe" was the only one who spoke zulu--maybe thats why  YOU remembered her easily....but-ke thats your opinion I guess....mina I would have said it excatly like that...e.g that black guy who used to have dreadlocks what was his name....(I'm talkin about Vushi Twala...)  now if I was white would you say I'm racist....ITs very difficult to be pc sometimes  
eish  what happened to "Vush Thwalar" anyways

13 Nov 2007 03:31

Sponono, this is the kinda thing that I missed u for, neway I hope u obtained nothing less than ama distinctions for ur exams after abandoning TVSA like that yezwa???

13 Nov 2007 04:31


13 Nov 2007 07:37

That was the point i was trying to make,it's like you read my mind Sponono.As for for the pics i tried but i could find them.

22 Nov 2007 02:51

Felicity got married and moved somewhere (in Africa),Zandi has a promotions/events management company somewhere in Jozi,Nana Moloi is supporting her daughter Pabi (LOL),Dicksie I think was at SABC at some point doing what I dont know,I saw Camilla - Hlengiwe the other day,I cant remember was it in a mag or newpaper.

Xhosa Chick
22 Nov 2007 02:55

Spokazi January is in Cape Town. Used to present Destination SA, not sure which show she's part of now, but ulapha, and rocks a very big, weird wig these days

22 Nov 2007 03:00

where is PHAT JOE?does anyone know?

22 Nov 2007 03:02

Dicksy is Dumile Mateza's side kick as a boxing comentator. 
Vusi Twala - damn i forgot about him. he had the worst pitched voice ever.

Xhosa Chick
22 Nov 2007 03:06

Camilla Walker, I saw her in a mag nam last month or so MCing in some event. i think it was a traditional do.
Sponono: Yeah, where IS Vusi Twala? 
J-Girl: So you've seen/heard that too, ne? (Ms Jan).

Xhosa Chick
22 Nov 2007 03:07

Faraimagic: I saw Phat Joe in SOMEONE's Facebook pics some time back...The lips are still there.

22 Nov 2007 03:16

@XC I'm LMAOL at that last comment.

22 Nov 2007 03:20

@XC he he he!lol

witty lady
22 Nov 2007 03:30

that mlungu wa go bua se zulu, is a zulu teacher ko some school in Mpumalanga

30 Jul 2008 08:16

That is the way 2 go

05 Sep 2008 04:02

Felicity Shiba now Hunt is back in Jozi apparently. She is married to some American teacher and has 3 kids. She was seen just last week at Sanlam Fashion Week with Claire Mawisa. They are still friends and Claire was wearring one of Felicity's designs. She is some bigshot designer now. Remember she used to dress all those celebs and make matric dance dresses. She was on selimathunzi yrs back making a dress for some lucky viewer. Well, all i can say is she is still all that and a bag of chips. Claire on the other hand is too hot.

10 Sep 2009 14:55

ja i wonder! but the only person i could trace is Siphokazi january,she is in EC now,she  left CT.i miss zandi,augustine,carmilla,clare if i spelt her right.
from: Liz

12 Oct 2010 15:52

sabc1 really doesnt do it anymore,the shows are all the same with boring presenters,for example,u see something on RGB on saturday u will see it again on mzansi insider,then again u see it on selimathunzi then again on seskhona!

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