I was watching Revlon Supermodel and there is this girl Precious.The other models complained she is a bitch and she confirmed she had a bitch fit which brings me to what I wanna say.
Why do models think they have to be bitchy in order to be recognised.Eintlik,I hate the term bitch but the I want to expalin my point.Models are just confirming how rubbery and dollish they are.They think acting out their feelings is to be nasty.I mean come on.They allow themseleves to be pushed back and forth and instead of confronting the persons that are causing their misery,they take it out on other less outspoken girls.They allow themselves to be dgreded,I qoute "She has the body of an 18 year old boy".These judges think they can just trash and humiliate people like that.what is happening to people when they agree to be part of shows that embarrass you to win money or something only to be taken to another phase of further humiliation.You should see them in the eviction room acting all prim and proper and emotional.it makes me sick.
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